. Chapter

Fae found the wall with the switch. Light eliminated the darkness when she pressed it, leaving only the small shadows behind.

She could feel the regret making it harder to breathe. What had she done? First of all, she'd actually pressed the link, which probably had given him the information he didn't have and needed.

She had agreed on the stupid terms. Why, she didn't know. A few years ago they had been through this in school, always stay safe on the internet. They had been through what not to do and what might happen if they did.

Fae dropped into the sofa and searched up "blue whale". She knew that it probably only would show webpages dedicated to blue whales, but she wondered why the "send" button had been shaped like one. It seemed odd to her. She tapped into the Wikipedia page about the blue whale.

She read the whole thing and found something interesting, something she hadn't known before reading the Wikipage.

Theres a fenomen called beaching, which is where the whales swim to shore and let themselves get washed up by the tide. There they lay until they die, though people are still unsure why. People think the whales are committing suicide by instinct.

They committed suicide by instinct. That also sounded odd to her. What made them do such a thing?

The knot in her stomach hadn't loosened, she quickly started searching up different terms about suicide and whales. Fae felt like this must had to be something common on social media. She couldn't be the only one experiencing this. She didn't find anything.

Her mind was going crazy, she couldn't stand it. She wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything. Fae looked around her room, noticing how much of a mess it was. Books stacked on the ground before the bookshelf, random stuff stacked on top of the books. The bookshelf itself filled with other needless things. Clothes covered the rug-covered floor, though her desk neatly organised. She used it every day and enjoyed spending time making it a good experience as well. That was where her passion came to life. She didn't understand how all of her things - which had, had a specific placement years prior. - Had all overfilled her room.

She began cleaning up, since it didn't take very much mind strength to do. She started with the clothes, a lot of it she'd forgotten about. Happy to have more choices with her outfits, she looked through the books stacked on the ground.

A lot of the books, she did recognise. There was two she hadn't read, but was super excited to do. - before her issues. She'd never left them a thought since back then. She got up and started pulling stuff from the bookshelf, dropping it on the floor as they left the spaces in the shelf. The things landed on the floor, making loud noises to the downstairs area.

Fae fetched the books, and put them neatly into the bookshelf, she cared for the order of the authors as well. She wanted as much time to pass, with her little project of cleaning her room.

She wanted the space to look nice too, maybe to leave her with some feeling of satisfaction.

She looked at the floor around her feet, weird stuff surrounding her. Cute toys and useless pens. Stuff she knew she'd enjoyed when she was younger, she hadn't had the energy to remove it, which gave her a reason still to own it. Sighing, Fae unlocked the door and headed for the basement to get a basket for the junk in her room.

When having difficulty getting up all the stairs quickly, Fae had a feeling she'd gotten quite out of shape. She looked in the full body mirror in her room, expecting to see herself. What she saw in the mirror was pretty much just skin and bone. It made sense, she'd started wearing belts to prevent her pants from falling down.

It was because of all the stress she was going through, she didn't have any appetite either.

Understanding of what had happened to her, she felt a bit of hunger form in her stomach. Fae felt terribly sick out of nowhere, as well as the hunger, a sensation of wanting to vomit formed too.

Rushing to the toilet, she got lightheaded and forgot to step over the doorframe. Fae fell to the floor again, vomit filling her mouth with a sour taste of acid. She landed on the floor, contracting into a ball.

After she had gotten the pain under control, she got up and headed back to her room. Fae sat in the sofa. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She let her mind go wild. It went mostly over her old stuff. She wondered why she hadn't cleaned her room earlier. Nothing was worth keeping anyway.

She realised how bad it was. Seeing herself for the first time in ages, she understood what was happening to her.

Maybe she should listen to Dave, she would sure give it a try. She barely cared anymore, herself.

A tear formed in her eye, it felt so nice to cry. It felt like never before. Whatever would happen to her, she could always snap out of it. Fae thought to herself. Her reality slowly getting warped into something different.

The lightheadedness didn't seem to go away, so she went back to work. Fae cleaned the floor and left the basked outside of her room. She opened the blinds a tiny bit to look outside. The sun had started to set.

She got ready for bed, she had picked a book to start on, as she opened it to read.


It was from Dave.