Chapter 7

It's late afternoon when both of you arrive at Ginzan Onsen town. The sun's brilliant yellow has gentled into warm orange, and the harsh humidity has given way to pleasant coolness.

The town is bustling with activity, but there is a subdued air about the people here due to the inevitable turning of season. From the occasional gust of frigid wind, you can tell Autumn is at your doorstep. Though cooler weather is largely welcomed after the scorching heat of Summer, you understand some are still reluctant to part with perpetually sunny days and bountiful harvests.

You are not one of them. The clamminess of hot summer nights will not be missed.

The sweat accumulated during your journey is evaporating with each gust of wind. You take a deep breath. The corner of your lips curve up. You've always loved cool weather.

You turn to Shinobu. "Will you be accompanying me? Or would you prefer to look around by yourself?"

Shinobu's face is impassive as she pauses to think.

The journey here had given you plenty of time to tell Shinobu what you'd be doing. You've arranged a meeting two merchants who have close relations to medicinal farms in the far flung regions of the country. They are open to collaboration, and you hope they will be receptive to the idea of expanding their scope of businesses into rural areas. Villages might not be as wealthy as towns and cities, but the shortage of skilful doctors does not mean medicinal herbs and the like are not in demand.

"It's alright if you don't want to," you add when the silence stretches longer than is comfortable. "It'll be at least an hour or more of dry, boring conversations. And I believe you had something you needed to do here?"

You can't tell if you're eager or petrified to have Shinobu accompany you. On one hand, you're worried her opinion of you might turn negative if she sees you haggling like a nagging housewife at the market. On the other, you'd benefit from her expertise since she has ample experience with medicines and their ingredients.

"I wouldn't want to distract you, Ryuu-san." Shinobu finally says. "I heard the town has recently added some new shops. I'll be visiting those while you attend to your matters."

You're equal parts relieved and embarrassed your invitation was shot down. "I understand."

"However," Shinobu continues. "I would like if you could accompany me later for tea. We should refuel ourselves for the trip back since we'll be late to dinner." She looks around. "This isn't your first time here, correct?"

You nod. "I occasionally come here for business."

"Have you eaten at the sweets shop by the Ginzan ryokan?"

You wrack your brains to recall that particular shop. "Ah, the one famous for its red bean dango? Not yet. The lines are always long and I'm usually pressed for time whenever I visit. I've heard nothing but great things about it."

Shinobu smiles. "I'm familiar with the owner. If you're open to it, shall we meet there when you're done?"

You're aware your nod is a little too vigorous, but you can't help yourself. You've wanted to eat their sweets for ages. And since Shinobu is offering, you're even less reluctant to jump at the chance. "I'm looking forward to it."

With a final exchange of words, both of you part ways.


The sun has started to sink by the time your business is finished. You've just left the teahouse, struggling not to let a scowl split your face. "Bastards," you mutter scathingly.

The only consolation is that the merchants you'd just met are feeling just as disgruntled. That's good. You'd be furious if you were the sole person upset with how the matter went down.

You trudge through the marketplace, winding through the sparse crowd. Your mood must show on your face because none of the street vendors attempt to drag you aside to expound on their wares. You feel somewhat grateful for their mindfulness. Then again, not everyone is like you, willing to brave the wrath of a customer in a foul mood when there's yen to be made.

Try as you might, you can't rid yourself of the cloud over your head. You arrive at the sweets shop just beside the Ginzan ryokan, feeling your head ache when you see the long line of customers winding round the back. Their chatter drills unpleasantly into your ears.


Your eyes, which you had shut in frustration, snap open. You look to the source of the melodic voice and see Shinobu standing by the entrance to the sweet shop. Your mood lifts at the sight of her, and you quickly stride over.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting," you tell her.

"That's alright. Dealing with poisons has taught me the art of patience."

Your lips hook up in a slight smile. "If only I had as calm a temperament."

"It's not impossible as long as you keep working at it. It might surprise you, but I didn't always have a good temper." Shinobu gives a short bow to the waitress and leads you to a table at the corner of the shop. The atmosphere inside is lively, and surprisingly, the air is not thick with the saccharine scent of sugar like you expected.

Your table, though less exposed, is right by the kitchen. You urge Shinobu to take the seat against the wooden wall while you occupy the backless stool. You don't want to repay her kindness by letting her sit defenceless in an area with high foot traffic. You would suffer far less any food was upturned on your clothes in a stroke of bad luck.

"That's normal," you say. "Everyone is prone to fits of emotion, especially in their youth."

"You say it as though you are not still youthful. Though I understand where you're coming from." Shinobu rests her chin on her palm and sighs. "I dearly miss the time when I lived unbridled and free of worry."

"For every new thing gained, something must be traded return." A small girl comes to your mind's eye. Your heart clenches. Shinobu seems to have lost herself in memories as well. Her face is clouded with anger and longing, emotions likely reflected on yours.

You swiftly change the subject. "Take what we're about to do as an example. We're trading our yen for sustenance." You scratch your chin as you look at the shop's menu. Dish names are painted on pieces of wood hanging on the walls of the store. "Do you have any recommendations, Shinobu-san? I'm a little upset, so I'm the mood for something dreadfully sweet."

Shinobu gives you her recommendations, and you both place your orders. You fiddle with the chopsticks as your stomach gives a low rumble. The argument earlier drained you of energy. You're craving a treat which will hopefully, offset your pent up stress and fill your empty belly.

You notice Shinobu looking at you with a slight pinch to her brows. When you look at her with a questioning gaze, she asks, "I suppose your errand did not go well."

"It went as well as the Demon Corps effort to catch any of the twelve moons."

Her eyes narrow. "Ryuu-san... that's not very polite."

You let chuckle mirthlessly. "I don't mean it as a slight. I just mean happened earlier was truly upsetting."

Now that she's brought it up, the dam inside you breaks. Your words flood out, uninhibited, brimming with anger. "I'd proposed for us to work together. They would supply me with what I needed, and I would use my network to distribute the goods. They were extremely receptive to my idea the last I met them, which is why I arranged to meet them again today. To my utmost surprise," you say with every ounce of disgust you can muster. "Both merchants have already agreed to participate in the venture with someone else."

"Did they say who?"

You grind your teeth as you recall their words. "No, but apparently, the other party is 'far more distinguished and reliable than a backwater merchant with minor successes'. Results should speak for themselves.I detest people who inflate reputation with competence!"

So aggrieved, you don't realize your food has arrived until Shinobu offers you a stick of dango. When you don't take it, still not understanding what's going on, she deposits it on your plate.

"Now, now, there's nothing to be had by stewing in anger. Another's opinion cannot be controlled." Shinobu takes a dainty bite out of her own dango.

You pick up your stick and devour it in three bites. The red bean dango is bursting with sweetness. It has just the right texture that it seems to melt the moment it touches your tongue. You smack your lips in delight. "Wow, this is really good."

"This is the shop's speciality, after all."

You start on the plate of mochi. The bitter tang of green tea is perfectly matched by the red bean in the middle. "This is also really good. I could eat this forever." You blaze through the snacks on the table, only pausing when you realize your table manners are absolutely horrendous. "Ah... my apologies."

Shinobu smiles. "Not at all. Do you feel better?"

You take this time to examine how you're feeling. Surprisingly, the weight on your chest no longer feels as suffocating. The rant and good food has helped tremendously. "Yes, I do."

She nods. "Those merchants might have chosen to work with someone else, but will you let that stop you?"

"Not even a flood of demons will."

"Then rest easy, Ryuu-san. Success is not final, failure is not fatal. Nothing worthwhile is easily achieved."

You look at her. More closely than you've ever dared. The tips of her purple fringe sway in the slight breeze that's swept through the shop. Her chest heaves as she breathes in cloying steam from the bowl of azuki dessert in front of her.

Shinobu scoops a spoonful of wet dessert into her mouth. Her eyes squint in enjoyment, and her pink, supple lips curve into a delighted smile. "This is my favourite. Would you care for some?"

You clear your throat and force yourself to look away. "I don't mind just a little." You stick your hand out, preparing to borrow her spoon.

Shinobu refuses your outstretched hand. She holds up the utensil, her innocent smile belying the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Your throat grows thick as you stare at the offered spoon.

"Here," she says, extending the spoon until it's inches from your face. "Be careful, it's hot."


You can feel the heat in your cheeks as you pry the spoon from her fingers. She doesn't fight it this time. The dessert goes down your throat with much difficulty, and you return the spoon back to her.

Shinobu shakes her head. "Should I have said 'ahh'?"

You answer dryly, "Shinobu-san, your admirers might just murder me in my sleep."


When you leave the shop, the sky is nearly dark. People have started lighting the stone lanterns that line the streets. Night vendors ring bells from their pushcarts and the smell of charcoal, spices and other savoury toppings combine into a unique scent that carries through the entire town.

Shinobu bids the shop staff goodbye and comes up beside you, a wrapped box nestled in her hands.

"Would you like me to carry that?" you ask. "You have a far better chance of defending both of us if we run into trouble." Shinobu regards you with a slight tilt of her head. She hands it over. You cradle it in your arms like it were a delicate infant. "I hope the girls will like these."

"They certainly will." Shinobu laughs. "Thank you for your thoughtfulness."

"Not at all. Good food deserves to be shared. It's the least I can do since I'm mooching off the Butterfly Estate."

"My, you don't mince words, do you?"

"Facts are facts, Shinobu-san." You grin at her. "Also, I might have picked up the bill, but you're the one who selected the sweets. You know their tastes best. I wouldn't have known what to get them."

Both of you start walking. The marketplace is less crowded but the number of people milling is sizeable enough to create a small racket. Hearty laughter is shared over food and drink. Families are out and about, their children mingling with each other by the game stalls. You pass a pair of siblings arguing with a stall owner and smile.

"You look nostalgic," Shinobu says.

"As do you." You laugh when she lets out a huff at being countered. "I used to stroll in markets like these all the time. I loved visiting different stalls and reviewing the quality of their food."

"That's a strange habit. I suppose you took after someone in your family?"

"Indeed. My father was an grain merchant and he used to joke he could sniff out a rotten kernel before it even made it to his bowl. He hated being short-changed, so food stall owners were deathly afraid of him. He would tell them how bad their food tasted regardless of their feelings."

A group of small girls rush past you, giggling up a storm. There are boys are hot on their heels, yelling playfully as they give chase You step closer to Shinobu to avoid their flailing arms and elbows. Your shoulder brushes against hers before you return to your position.

You feel a tug on your shirt. "Pardon me, Ryuu-san."

Shinobu has gravitated towards a stall. You're gently pulled along with her and stop in front of an open table full of accessories. Polished metal shines under the light from the lanterns. The owner of the stall greets both of you with a polite bow.

Shinobu picks up a hairclip. It's a long piece of metal, painted pink, and studded with shiny gemstones. You think it's a little gaudy, but you understand the appeal.

Shinobu's eyes aren't drawn to the stones but to the pink metal. She balances it in one palm, her lips pursed at she judges it by an unknown checklist.

You don't want to seem like you're rush her, so you move to the other end of the table. Surprisingly, the stall sells a number of handmade charms as well. There's an array of cloth sachets with words like 'Luck' and 'Happiness' in bold lettering on their front.

"Are you interested in getting one?" You jump at Shinobu's voice. She is standing close enough you can see the delicate wingtip of the butterfly clip she wears.

"I'm not sure." Your hands hover over the one that says 'Wealth'. "Mister, how much for one of these?"

"Two hundred yen, sir."

You look at Shinobu. Her hands are devoid of the hairpin. She catches your gaze and shakes her head. Unfortunately, it looks like it didn't meet her criteria.

The owner of the stall is gazing at you. The eagerness in his eyes is plain. You catch a glimpse of his change bowl and feel a pang of sympathy. It's woefully empty. You've never sold accessories but you know it's hard for a roadside business to flourish. People prefer getting such things from established jewellery shops.

"I'll take one." You fish out two hundred yen coins from your pocket, only for Shinobu to pass him the money before you do. "Shinobu-san, I can't possibly–"

Shinobu raises a hand. "Please accept it. It is a small token of my gratitude for everything you've done so far."

Well, you can't refuse it now, can you? "I won't stand on ceremony then. Thank you very much."

Before you can take wealth charm, someone clears their throat. A haughty voice erupts from behind you, and immediately, your hackles rise at the familiar tone and pitched note of superiority.

"My word, what a coincidence. I did not think I would be lucky to find one of the Demon Corp's pillars here. The fates have truly aligned for us to meet here, Shinobu-san."

You don't want to turn around. Maybe if you ignore him long enough, he'd go away.

"Good evening," Shinobu greets.

"It is a good evening indeed. Come, would you be so kind as to indulge me with a short conversation over tea?"

"Unfortunately, we won't be staying for much longer."

The man's voice sounds tight as he responds. "I see. And might I know the name of the gentleman accompanying you?"

The sneer in his voice tells you he's noticed your presence long before he declared his. It's obvious, given how closely you're standing to Shinobu. With his invitation shot down, he's now focused his impotent anger onto you.

You turn around. The young master of the Wisteria family makes an affronted noise. "You again!"

"Yeah." You ignore his blustering and square your shoulders. "Good evening, fellow Slayer. We meet again."