You smell the medicinal herbs from a distance away. The pungent odour grows stronger the closer you get. It takes you a number of controlled breaths to get used to it. You also may or may not have used the Corps' breathing technique to keep from choking, out of politeness.
The source of the smell turns out to be a quaint, medium sized establishment somewhere near the main market. When Urai urges you inside, you see two servers, one male and one female. They call out their greetings the moment you walk in.
The woman is closest to the entrance, and because you enter before Urai, you witness her eyes light up like fireflies in the night when she casts a glance over your shoulder.
"Kuonji-kun," she says. You recognize that look.
"Masai-chan," Urai replies in a similarly sweet voice. You blink and step aside. He wears the softest expression you've ever seen. They take two steps toward each other, and you expect them to embrace.
Unexpectedly, the woman catches herself. She shakes her head, a firm smile stretching her lips. Urai's face sours as she retreats, but he seems to comply with her decision.
The woman known as Masai turns to you, giving an apologetic nod. "Let me show you to a table, sir."
"Can I get a quiet spot?" Yours is a bit of an redundant question. The shop is so empty you could lay down in the middle of it and take a nap without being disturbed. Still, better to ask than assume.
"Of course," Masai says, leading you deep into the shop. When both of you have seated yourselves at a large round table, Urai catches her attention with a wave of his hand.
"I'll have my usual," Urai tells her. "What would you like, Kuroshio-kun?"
You stop Masai before she can bring out a menu. "I will leave it to you."
Urai nods. "Alright, then. You can get the same for him, Masai-chan." His eyes remain glued to her as she walks away, right up to the moment she disappears through a door behind the counter.
He reluctantly drags his gaze back to you. "So..." he clears his throat.
You tap the surface of the table. It is needlessly polished, and your nail leaves a thin graze across the dark grain. When you look up again, you lock gazes with Urai.
"I won't mince words. Other than money, I can't think of another reason you would break the contract between us." At his wince, you continue, "Have I treated you unfairly throughout these years? Have I done something to make you wish to no longer work for me?"
"I know you are angry, Kuroshio-kun," Urai sighs, long and tired. "But please, hear me out."
"Rather than anger, I'm simply..." You don't finish the sentence. Admitting that you were hurt by that exchange you witnessed seems too dramatic. "I never expected you to want to break our contract. We've worked with each other for so long, and to sever this relationship over a no name competitor is..."
"If you were any other merchant, you would be scheming on how to end my career. That we're still able to talk amicably like this affirms me that you're still one of the finest merchants I have met." Urai has an oddly reminiscent look on his face.
"Then why?" you ask.
"Your orders," the woman interrupts. She wears an awkward smile as she places the bowls and cups of hot tea on the table. Her eyes flick to Urai for a split second before she backs off, returning her post near the shop's entrance.
You look inside the bowl and balk. Your question is forgotten in the face of the strange concoction before you. "Urai-kun... what in the world is this?"
It's impossible not to notice strong herbal scents swirling around you. When you had caught a whiff of it earlier, you'd known to expect something unique and different. However, it hadn't prepared you for this.
Inside the bowl is a mish mash of herbs and vegetables dyed in colours from the entire spectrum. Green, black, purple, orange, brown, every conceivable colour you can think of is present, and there is not the slightest hint of meat.
"This is the shop's specialty. A detox nature set containing purple turmeric, wild flowers, black carrot pickles–" Urai details the rest of the ingredients without you prompting. By the time he's done, your head is throbbing from the sheer amount of information he'd levelled at you. "Though it looks strange, I can assure you of it's taste," Urai finishes.
You haven't eaten since last night and half a day of constant travel has made you peckish. You stare at the bowl as you curse out your Kasugai crow. If you hadn't been soft-hearted, you wouldn't currently be entertaining the notion of eating this miniature garden.
Eventually, you fork a tentative bite into your mouth. Your gut pulls at the smell, but you power through. You chew on the vegetables in small, timid bites.
"How is it?" Urai asks.
You stare blankly at the bowl. "It's got an... interesting taste."
Disappointment flits across Urai's face. He shrugs, then starts shovelling his own food into his mouth. You stare for a little before starting on yours. How can he take that bites in such quick succession? One is enough to make your brain confused from all the signals your mouth is sending.
You chip away at the food, managing to eat a third of it before Urai speaks up again.
"Kuroshio-kun, I know it's obvious this shop isn't popular." He fiddles with his fork. "They moved here from another prefecture last year, and while their food isn't bad, the taste has proven too unique for Kakunodate's locals. At the rate they're going, this place is going to go out of business. So, I made a suggestion to the owners to relocate again, this time to Tokyo."
After thinking about it, you admit the proposal makes sense. As the capital of the country, Tokyo has become increasingly exposed to overseas trends. You've only been there once in your lifetime, but your visit has carved itself you're your memory. It isn't strange to assume a unique shop like this would flourish there.
There's just one thing you do not understand, and you decide to voice it. "Urai-kun, what has it got to do with you?"
Urai's carefree smiles makes him look ten years younger. "Everything, because I'll be marrying their daughter come next year. Their only son is a doctor, so she'll be the one to inherit their business."
"So the fate of this shop is tied to yours." Suddenly, Urai's dogged pursuit of a better contract makes sense. "You probably have everything planned out by now, so what's stopping you must be a lack of funds."
Urai smiles wryly. "Sharp as ever. Yes, we'll need an obscene amount in order to make the shift to Tokyo. And that's not even considering living expenses, finding a new home, and so on. Everything will cost more money than I'm capable of earning, or that the banks are willing to loan me."
"And money than I could offer you, I suppose."
Urai rubs his face. "Forgive me. I did not mean to hurt you. If the conditions I'd given your competitor had not gotten approved, I would have tried to find another way."
"Did you not consider working under both of us?"
Urai smiles grimly. "In the contract I was offered, one of the terms was that I only be contracted to them. I tried to argue against it, but they refused to budge. Kuroshio-kun, it's not that I do not wish to continue working for you. It's just... my hands are well and truly tied."
Silence permeates the air once the crux of the issue reveals itself. You gnaw on your spoon, digesting his words and the strange meal you've steadily scarfed down. Your brows knit as you consider every possible solution.
Eventually, though, you have to admit despite being more wealthy than majority of the population, you are still one terrible business decision away from having it ripped from your hands. Without a family capable of financing any reckless decisions, or a nest egg large enough to completely subsidize Urai without heavy risk, you are out of manoeuvres to pull.
You sip at your cold tea, a chill spreading throughout your chest. "Will you..." You release a heavy sigh. "Will you need the original contract or some kind of official document from the guild to prove your departure?"
"Just a written statement would be enough," Urai says, his taut shoulders immediately going slack.
You give a slow nod, thinking about your merchant's seal in your field pack. "That won't be a problem." For the first time, you regret being prepared. "All I'll need is some brush and ink."
"I'll go get them." Urai leaves his seat and walks behind the counter of the shop. Within seconds, he has disappeared through the same door the woman had gone through.
You massage your temples, wondering how things had turned out this way. You'll now have to deal with losing a source of income. It's not a huge problem since you can establish another when you find the time, but losing Urai is a painful blow. You used to think money couldn't buy loyal talents but apparently...
"To think someone had an eye on him. It's my mistake for not keeping a lookout, but who the hell...?"
Is your competitor from Kakunodate? It's a feasible theory if you consider how big this town is. They could have taken note of Urai during his stay and decided to take him for themselves. Still, for them to completely subsidize Urai's impending venture without additional terms of service simply smacks of the other party being as wealthy as a royal.
You rub your hands together, your entire body enveloped in a sudden chill. Your demon slaying mission will help you get your mind of things, at least. There's no better stress relief than carving a bloodthirsty demon's head off their necks.
If they're hiding somewhere in Kakunodate, taking it out would mean Urai and his in-laws might be spared from any unhappy accidents.
You chuckle. "Well, at least I got a free meal out of this."
"Kuroshio-san." You look up from the table and come face to face with Masai, Urai's soon to be wife. "I want you to have this." With a painful and cautious tenderness, Masai places an old tome in the empty space on the table before you.
Before you can react, Masai gets on her knees. She folds herself into a deep bow and says. "Kuroshio-san, please don't hold it against Kuonji-kun. He did what he did for the sake of my family. If he wasn't under such pressure, he wouldn't even have considered betraying you. He truly respects you from the bottom of his heart."
"Masai-chan!" Urai's voice shocks you out of your stupor. You blink at the sight of a frightened Urai pulling the woman to her feet. "Quickly, get up!"
"Kuonji-kun, I think he deserves this much of an effort."
Urai's body trembles with anxiety. The expression he wears is one that can break a lesser man's heart. "You can't put–" His hand hovers over her belly. "You're not supposed to strain yourself. You shouldn't even be working in your current state!" Urai's eye catches on the tome. "That over there. Isn't it your family's heirloom?"
"That's my apology to him," Masai says.
"You don't need to sacrifice something so precious. My actions should be endured by me alone. There's no need to repay Kuroshio-san like this!"
"I agree," you speak up as tension begins to swirl in the air. "Masai-san, I can't accept this if it's as precious as Urai-kun says."
"This book contains everything past generations of my family studied and learned from the gifts of nature. Everyone in my family has memorized the knowledge it contains, so giving it away will not affect us."
"If he sells it and uses it to start another business, that'll be an entirely different story!" Urai exclaims. "I know the shop's recipes were derived from some of the things written in that book. What's going to happen if he puts them to use?"
"More people will be able to reap the rewards of our Shizen family's efforts." Masai glances at the frenzied Urai. "Kuonji-kun, you sacrificed so much for me. I should be able to do the same."
The couple stare each other down. You watch them silently. It's no wonder Urai is smitten with her. It is rare that you've ever seen a woman match Urai's silver tongue, and her actions prove she's a capable partner as well. You try not to think about Shinobu, and how Masai reminds you of her.
Eventually, Urai breaks first. He turns you to you with a pleading expression.
"...Kuroshio-kun," he starts.
You hold your hand up. "Urai-kun, though we'll no longer be working together, you should know me well enough. Selling the secrets in this book to get back at you isn't something I'd do." You give him a look to convey your dissatisfaction. "I wish you placed more trust in me."
"It's not a matter of trust." Urai rubs at his face. "Treachery can turn people unrecognizable, Kuroshio-kun."
If you weren't a Demon Slayer, you might have lost yourself to anger. Urai wouldn't have blamed you even if you reacted poorly. But one of the things you learned as a Slayer is that innocents and sinners alike are simply humans. Both would be cut down if they found themselves on a demon's path.
It's fine to be a selfish, but for a person you consider a friend, you want to be better.
You give Urai a half-smile. "I would like to think I'm not most people."
When the papers have been written and stamped, you decide it is time to excuse yourself. Whether it's due to the closing of this matter or the meal you ingested, but you feel a renewed sense of energy.
Urai filling you in on the latest news about the town has also slightly relieved the weight on your shoulders. Knowing you obtained info from a trusted source means you can place less faith in Wareta, a complete stranger.
Urai sees you out of the shop after making sure you've kept Masai's family heirloom in your haversack. He had hovered around you as you packed it away, slightly unwilling to part with his beloved's treasure. A single look from Masai finally made him resigned to the change in the heirloom's ownership.
If you weren't pressed to continue your mission, you would have indulged your curiosity the moment the tome landed in your hands.
What secrets reside inside it? It is a question you will answer at a later date.
It hasn't been long since you arrived, but the sun has sunk from its perch more than you'd expected. Urai notices the direction of your gaze and says, "There are several inns in the merchant's district. If I remember correctly, there should also be a private bank nearby."
You pat your haori's pocket. "I look forward to collecting the last of the profits owed to me. At the very least, I won't leave this town empty handed." Urai shifts uncomfortably, and you chuckle. "It was a joke, Urai-kun. I'm actually here on other business."
"Right," Urai says.
"You have my thanks for pointing out which rumours were baseless. You've saved me quite a bit of time."
"It wasn't a big deal. It's part of my duty to keep track of such things." Urai lowers his voice and says, "Remember Kuroshio-kun. You shouldn't place too much trust in Wareta-san. He's not as stable as he seems. For a man who was known to love his wife with every fibre of his being, he bounced back unusually quickly after she died."
You think back to the younger guard, Kase, who had said something similar. You can no longer pass this off as a coincidence.
You nod at Urai and firmly clasp his shoulder. "I appreciate the warning. For this, and revealing who decided to steal you from me." Urai flushes darkly with embarrassment. You're not magnanimous enough to pass the chance to get in a few parting jabs, but Urai's tense expression makes you regret it somewhat. "That was a–"
"Joke. I'm well aware." Urai rolls his eyes. "Forget it, I deserve this much. Goodbye, Kuroshio-kun. If luck will have us meet again, then it will be your turn to treat me to a meal."
"Ah, before that." You stop Urai when he's halfway through the entrance of the shop. "Take this as a word of advice from an old friend. Fulfilling the wishes of your partner is commendable, but take care not to go too far. If you step on the wrong toes, what awaits you on the end of that path will not be pretty."
Urai's gaze remains unmoved despite catching your double meaning. "I appreciate it, but that won't happen to us."
You find yourself at a loss for words. The man before you is unrecognizable from the shrewd, cynical merchant from your past.
You close your mouth, then open it again. "Love makes fools out of us. Just something to keep in mind." You give a bow and swiftly depart.
Following the weathered signposts, you travel back through the main market. The crowd has thinned considerably, making it easy to tread the paved street. There's no longer a need to swerve around harried workers or excitable kids. The stroll would have been relaxing if your head weren't full of thoughts.
The air buzzes with noise, but it doesn't penetrate your mind, still reeling from what Urai told you. You now know the identity and background of the man who'd talked to Urai earlier, the one working under the person who poached Urai from under your nose.
Two months ago, that very man approached him under the guise of establishing a trade deal. Urai claims to have sent you a letter about it, which is probably sitting untouched in the pile somewhere in your room.
Talks had gone on for several days, but since nothing could be reached without your input, Urai simply kept a stalemate whilst continuing communications. Going by the timeline, Urai said he had received his first offer to break his contract with you on the day you departed from Butterfly Mansion.
He had rejected it, but as you were en route to Kakunodate, Urai had gotten continually pelted with offers, each with better benefits than the last, until finally...
Your eyebrows knit together. A scowl crosses your face as you recall what Urai told you after you had signed the papers:
"The master of the Wisteria house is looking for trustworthy and capable men like yourself to aid in his business ventures. To secure your loyalty, he is willing let you name your price. For that, he has to know. What do you desire that your current master cannot give?"
You grit your teeth. What honour? What status? Fuji is a more a bandit than the honourable man he claims to be. For the simple talking down you gave him, he wants to covet the other precious things you spent tears, blood and sweat cultivating?
This is the man you assumed would take care of Shinobu?
Thinking it sends an indescribable rage surging through your body, and the swell of emotion burrows into your bones like a cancerous parasite. For the first time since leaving the estate, your mind is clear.
Your decision had been too hasty. It is not just Shinobu, no other person should have to accompany that rogue for one day, let alone for the rest of their life.
You make a silent vow to pen a reply to Aoi when the day is over, suddenly thankful Fuji has been slow to make his move. It doesn't matter if you don't end up with Shinobu, but you can't let her suffer with that incorrigible cur.
You glare up at the gilded roofs of the buildings in the merchant's district as they come into view. Grasping your newfound desire to finish this mission as quickly as possible, you charge into the district.
You're going to dig out the location of the hidden demon and return to the estate as swiftly as time allows, even if you have to crawl back to do it.
Shinobu deserves a heartfelt apology. You just hope she hasn't completely written you off as the bastard who threw her to that bastard dog. Even if you had good intentions, they were severely misguided and didn't consider her own input at all. You nearly threw her into pit of lifetime suffering because of your insecurities.
You laid this path to hell yourself. You don't think she'll forgive you, and you don't expect her to. But you have to try.