Chapter 24

Seeing the knapsack reminds you of something. When she hands it over, the memory weighs on you like the bag bunched between your hands. You drop it into your lap, feeling Shinobu's questioning gaze as you rifle through your belongings.

You take out the tome Urai's wife had gifted you and balance it on your knee. "I'll have to thank the kakushi later. If I'd lost this, I would have never forgiven myself." You notice a stain on the aged cover. You quickly make use of the ends of your robed sleeve, cleaning it in clumsy, haphazard movements. How did that get there?

Shinobu must have noticed your mild panic. "Is it that rare?" she asks, her expression unconvinced.

"It is not exaggeration to say this is one of a kind. It belonged to the partner of someone I worked with, and their family practices an unusual kind of folk medicine. This treasured heirloom of theirs has been handed down for generations." You click your tongue as the the last of the sticky residue is scrubbed clean. "I wouldn't call them doctors since their practice has something to do with using food to heal."

"I believe the proper term is food medicine." Shinobu leans in to peer at the tome. "Amazing... to think this form of treatment still exists. It mainly focuses on preventing and reducing the risk of natural ailments rather than curing existing internal or external wounds."

Her eyes are alight with eager curiosity, something you have often seen when working at her laboratory. It usually takes Shinobu being up to her elbows in research to show this kind of excitement, so seeing her like this... your resolve solidifies. "Shinobu, I want you to have it." You pick up the tome and extend it towards her. "I probably won't learn as much from it as you would. Instead of wasting it, I'd rather give it to someone who will put it to better use."

Shinobu doesn't outright decline, nor does she redirect your offers with platitudes. She tilts her head, her eyes fixed on the book. Just as you hoped, her interest seems like it will overwhelm her reflexive politeness.

You exert the finishing blow by saying, "Shinobu, I insist you take it."

"Ryuu, are you truly certain?" Shinobu asks. "If this heirloom is as precious as you implied, giving it to me means you'll suffer a loss. Perhaps you could keep for your private collection."

"My collection is made up of rare books I find fascinating, and unfortunately, ths isn't one of them." A grin suddenly splits your face. "Actually, what if you considered this a gift to commerate the start of our courtship? It will be nice to make it official this way, and I'm plenty confident you will find it more useful than a tea cup." Shinobu's answering laugh makes your grin soften. "So... what do you think?"

"Since you've put it that way, I'll accept without reservations." Her fingers brush against yours as she takes Urai's gift. The book is big enough to dwarf her hands, and you stare them for a handful of seconds. Cute.

Shinobu weighs the book her hands for a handful of seconds before flipping through the pages. As she skins over the contents, you return back to rifling through your knapsack. You had kept the last painkiller in a tiny, wooden container and for something half the size of a fist, it's proving surprisingly hard to find. You couldn't have dropped it. You had always made sure the mouth of the knapsack was tightly bound whenever you rode on the horse.

Your hand closes in on a flat piece of wood. Oh no. Your stomach drops as you lift the cloth to peer inside the bag... and as expected, that piece of wood is what's supposed to slotted tightly into the top of the container. You recall the translucent stickiness you'd wiped off the aged book cover and wince. So that was what happened.

"Damn..." You're disappointed at how it turned out, but it can't be helped. If you ever meet that mysterious doctor again, though, you'd definitely ask for a sample for Shinobu.

"Ryuu, what did you have do to receive such a gift?" Shinobu's voice tugs you back to attention. You turn to look. Her eyebrows are furrowed, but whether it is from frustration or concentration, you're unsure. "My medical theory is hardly lacking, but there are many things in here I find myself at a loss to understand. Herbalogy field notes, theories and plenty of... recipes?"

You recall the forest like bowl of herbs you had eaten. "They were kind enough to let me try one of their dishes. They taste better than they look."

"I suppose it is called food medicine for a reason. It is strange how they make use of so many ingredients for a single dish." Shinobu shakes her head. "You didn't answer my question. What did you do for them that they were willing to part with something so significant?"

If Urai were here, he would turn away with shame. You fold your arms. Your friend's actionds didn't cut as deep as before, but it was proving difficult to completely rid yourself of lingering resentment. "You could say it was what they owed for the heartache they caused me," you tell her.

Shinobu smiles. "More secrets?"

You shake your head. "It is not a secret so much as it is a boring story." Compared to the excessively dramatic tale of tracking down a murderer who turned out to be conspiring with a demon, your brief confrontation with Urai would barely get listeners riled up. "It has nothing to do with the mission, which is why I did not bother to include it in the letter."

"Merchant business?"

You nod. "I don't mind telling it if you want to hear. It's not a nice story, but I can at least promise it'll be interesting." It also involves your least favourite person, now that you think about it. It's a series of strange coincidences how widely Fuji's influence has extended into your own life.

"I wouldn't mind listening. You've put in the effort to learn about me, Ryuu, so I ought to do the same." Shinobu winks slyly. "Helping out a fellow Slayer will be a good excuse for not taking on more work. I enjoy what I do, but a break every once a moon would be welcome."

"Shinobu, you're the last person in this mansion who I think would slack off," you tease. She gently pokes you in the side, her lips curling into a pout. "What? That's a fact, isn't it?" You laugh when her eyes narrow into a glare. "I understand what you mean by wanting a break, though. Enjoying as it is to sleep all day, I'm itching to get back under the sun."

Shinobu gestures at you to remove your robes, and you comply with minor reluctance. You don't get embarrassed, already used to her check-ups since they've been occurring ever since the start of your recovery.

Shinobu gives your ribcage a firm prod, watching your expression. Then, she uses the tips of her fingers to roam over the areas where she'd said were the site of the fractures. You flush a little, mostly due to the close proximity of her face to your bare chest. You're quite sure her eyesight is working perfectly.

"Your ribs are healing nicely," Shinobu says, leaning back. "And your body is in a much better state than before. It should be fine for you start rehabilitation. Strolling around the mansion would be a good start, but you're not allowed to leave this place until you are fully healed."

"Does that mean I can't visit the gardens?"

"You can, but just remember to put on something warm. It would be terrible if you caught a cold. I'm not sure how long your recovery would end up taking if you added a new sickness on top of everything."

"You have my word that I'll bundle myself nice and warm." You have no qualms about braving the autumn chill if it meant you could start exercising again. "How long before I can leave the mansion?"

Shinobu purses her lips, thinking. "Hm... I estimate it would be a week or two more before it's safe for you to do so."

"When the times comes, would you, maybe..." You pinch your thigh. The flare of pain propels you forward, "Would you like to go on date? It can be a change of pace for both of us. We don't need to go far if you're worried about my injuries."

Shinobu pulls the front of your robes shut, her actions quicker than you can follow. You arrange them back in place, hands stuttering from her lingering warmth. Back in a state of modesty, you rest your elbows on your knees to await Shinobu's reply.

Her posture remains and open, a thoughtful expression on her face. Seeing her like this calms the cynical voice in your head and banishes the tiny note of fear that assures she'd reject your request.

"Of course I would," Shinobu says, the corners of her mouth curving up. "And you're right. I wouldn't let you travel far, which means Ginzan town is out of the question."

You mentally scratch that location off your list. It was a pity, you'd actually thought taking her back to the sweets shop both of you first visited would make for a romantic gesture. But that reminds you... wasn't Ginzan Onsen town the first place Fuji had formally introduced himself?

You make a face at the thought of accidentally bumping into him. "I agree. Let's choose somewhere else. Are there other towns close by? I was under the impression Ginzan Onsen was the closest, and I don't know of any others."

Shinobu covers her mouth in surprise. "Oh, I suppose you wouldn't have known." You look at her questioningly. You've never felt the need to explore the mansion's immediate surroundings due to your tasks, so you're woefully unaware of what she's referring to. "There is a village nearby, a fairly large one if matched with the other provincial villages. It definitely falls short if you compare it to towns like Ginzan Onsen, but it has a decent selection of food and shops that you might be interested in."

"I assume there's a market at the village at well?" you ask lamely.

At her nod, you bite down a sigh. You had actually wondered where the mansion's daily supplies were coming from, like food, raw materials and such. You feel a little silly now that Shinobu's said it. You'd just assumed Aoi or Shinobu tasked the kakushi to travel to Ginzan Onsen whenever they needed to restock.

"There aren't much in the way of activities outside of eating and shopping," Shinobu says.

"I don't mind going there if you are. Rather than the place itself, it's the company I'm going with that makes me look forward to it."

Shinobu flicks your forehead, and you let out a surprised snort. "Focus on getting better instead of flirting so relentlessly. I will not be pleased if you end up cancelling our first date should your injuries end up relapsing."

It's not that you were unmotivated to recover before, but you've now got a good reason to take your health seriously. "Shinobu, you wound with me with your lack of faith. I've followed everything you told me to do, and I've been taking my medicine!" Shinobu smothers a laugh, and you continue. "Rather, I'm worried you'd still be up to your neck in work. I heard the patients just keep coming..."

"News travels fast," Shinobu shakes her head. "I suppose you've also heard about the demon responsible for it?"

"The demon is one of the Lower Moons, right?"

Shinobu sighs. She looks out of the open window, her gaze suddenly distant. "The countless reports I've received identify him a shadow wolf demon that goes by the name, 'Hairo.'" She lowers her voice, "It was only after countless Mizunoto died that we were able to identify him as a Lower Moon."

Her explanation sombers the playful mood. Your hands tighten into fists as you consider her words. What sets apart Muzan's personal forces from the regular ones is not just raw power, but also cunning. Targeting low ranked Slayers while misleading the Corps on the true extent of their strength is something only the Demon Moons would be capable of.

"The good news is that the demon will be dealt with soon." Shinobu's tone lightens, reverting to her normal self. "The successor to the flame breathing style has already left to annihilate him, and we Pillars are quite certain he will return victorious." Her amethyst eyes twinkle in the light.

You let out a breath. "That's good." Shinobu is not one to make bold claims without backing them with factual evidence. You're a little curious about the Slayer who's managed to gain the confidence of all the Pillars, though. From your first short and terrifying meeting with Oyakata-sama, you had an inkling about the impossible standards of the pillars. And somehow, they're all rooting for him? You're already impressed without having met this Slayer!

You're drawn out of your thoughts when you hear the rustle of fabric. Shinobu has already gotten to her feet, brushing off dust from her patterned robes. The delicate wings of the butterfly hairpin sway lightly at her movement.

You blink. "Ah, you're leaving already?"

"Sad as this parting might be, I still have work to be done." Shinobu leans in and gives you a light peck on the lips. "I should hope you can entertain yourself in the meantime."

You clear your throat to make sure your next words aren't pitched like a squeal. "Of course. And Shinobu, remember to get plenty of rest. It'll be bad if you collapsed. I can't recover properly if I'm worrying about you, you know?"

"My my, how sweet of you to care about your doctor, Ryuu."

You wave away her teasing, your face warm. "Thanks for stopping by. I'll be seeing you, then." With a playful wave of her arm, Shinobu exits the room and slides the door shut. Now alone, you upturn the contents of the haversack onto the mats. Objects spill out, a small mountain edging the corners of the futon.

You pick out your notebook from the pile and start flipping through the pages. Sketches of random locations, animals and personal projects. You reach a blank page and search around for a pen.

It's good that you have something to write on to plan your first date. There's no such thing as a perfect plan, but you'd be damned if you don't try to make it the best day Shinobu could possibly have.