Chapter 38

You and Shinobu do not settle on a concrete date for the so-called training session due to her constantly fluctuating schedule. Instead, she agrees to inform you when she finds herself free from back-to-back infirmary shifts to avoid overworking herself, either on the day itself or one day prior.

When you bring up the issue communication, since it's not as if you could both go looking for each other without drawing too much attention, Shinobu had shot you a smile that makes you feel simultaneously flattered and embarrassed.

"Tomi will be a fine choice of a messenger," she says with a quick gesture out the window, to the treetop where your Kasugai crow is perched. You don't know if the bird understood her, but it had let out a loud, vibrating caw that smacked of haughtiness. "I can have my crow look for you if you wish, though I fear she might be too recognizable. There is also the option to have Aoi communicate our messages, but that brings its own set of challenges."

"The lesser people involved, the better. I'd rather avoid anything that could lead to another…misunderstanding." You turned to check if there was a crack in the door as you said it. Seeing no frightened face of Kanao, your heart dislodged itself from your throat. You don't think she'll be anymore open to your presence if she catches you flirting with Shinobu. Again.

If Kanao hadn't reacted negatively, you honestly would have found the situation of Shinobu's sibling chancing upon a romantic moment to be mortifying. Similar to walking in on one's parents feeding each other with rapturous expressions, or gazing at each other with messy clothes, such visages are one to avoid. You supress a shudder, shaking off those particular memories.

"Then it settled," Shinobu says. "I'll have a comfortable resting spot prepared near the window for your messenger. It would be torturous to have him constantly trail after me, especially when I'm busy for extended lengths of time. Giving your feathered friend a place to roost while he waits would be the kinder option."

And that was that. With everything agreed upon, you had made a parting comment on how lucky your Kasugai crow was, and exited her lab. That tea time was sadly too short to be considered an actual date, unlike the outing to the nearby village, but it did fine in fulfilling your goal of seeing her. Judging by the chatters in the hall about 'Shinobu-sama's good mood' for the rest of day, you think she had been greatly satisfied by the time spent as well.

You still find it jarring sometimes, to realize that you were courting the Insect Pillar. Of all the men and Slayers she has met, it was you who had succeeded where others had failed. You had never been one to wish you were someone else, but whenever those thoughts find you, you are infinitely grateful to be yourself and no one else.

With that thought in your head, you'd floated back to your room to rest up before tackling the others tasks lined up for the rest of the day. Not unsurprisingly, you spent it cooped up in your room thinking about her instead.

To be more precise, you declared it pointless to do anything else with thoughts of her on your mind, and immediately set out planning the so-called date that would be masquerading as a training session.

In the confines of your room, you hadn't been able to stop yourself from grinning multiple times as you stared down at the pages of your notebook. There was just something undeniably risqué about setting up a private training session between superior and surbodinate. If you whipped off your rose-tinted glasses, however, you find yourself laden with anxiety over certain realizations.

You, a Tsuchinoe, will be going up against a Hashira, and unless you were looking to singularly humiliate yourself by comparing your demon slaying techniques with hers, then you needed to bring something unique, something that even Shinobu Kocho the Insect Pillar, would be even slightly impressed with.

"Why do I always put myself into these difficult situations?" You bemoan your fatal stupidity as you stare over a scribbled list of field skills you think might be better than hers. Unsurprisingly, it is shorter than Fuji's temper. I could have suggested a nice stroll outside of the mansion's grounds or brought her to visit one of my partner's business, but no. I wanted to impress her with something she stands heads and shoulders above me..."

You only recently got back into practicing with your sword. Your body is hardly in top condition to par with one of the best slayers in the Corps, capable of dispatching powerful demons that even an army of Tsuchinoto's would fall against. Though some individuals may consider the use of poison cheating, you hardly think it would instantly propel a regular to Slayer to Pillar status. Shinobu keeps from bragging about her achievements when you think she ought to, because you don't believe anyone could have done what she has.

You lightly scratch the tip of your ballpoint against the page, wondering about the hidden extent of Shinobu's battle prowess. Certainly, her petite figure means she may be unable to match someone, even you, in terms of raw strength. But strength is simply one part of the equation. Someone who has exceptional speed, reflexes, agility and mastery of a weapon will definitely outperform a person whose sole strength is being able to split a tree in half.

Inevitably, your mind conjures images of you lying flat on your back, wheezing like a deflated waterskin after Shinobu sends you tumbling with a string of ferocious attacks. You imagine Shinobu staring you down with her foot on your chest, purple eyes gleaming, the skin piercing edge of her blade resting gently on the pulse of your neck. The edges of her lips curl. Her smile is devastating.

You quickly shove that image out of your head, trying to ignore the fierce blush that has sprouted in your cheeks. You feel as if your heart nearly stopped. If that scenario came to pass, you think you would definitely consider it more reward than punishment…

Drawing in a deep and calming breath, you give yourself a stern warning to focus. Keeping a tight your grip on your pen, you continue to write.


Waiting for Shinobu to contact you over the next couple of days is a little less painful than torture. You redirect some of your nervous energy to increasing the length and intensity of your training sessions, though still keeping in mind not to push yourself lest you end up injuring yourself before your date. Shinobu would be angrier than you would, given that she had been the one to stitch you back together last time.

Mercifully, lack of messages or visits from Shinobu gives you ample spare time to refamiliarize yourself with Breath of the Water. Worrywart that you are, you made sure the training hall was empty before starting your first practice, just in case you had somehow forgotten how to fight.

You didn't, of course. You went through the basic practice set that all Slayers would have learnt during their foundational training, and once you were ready, executed the first two forms. Water Surface Slash had seen your nichirin blade slashing your imaginary foe in deadly broad arcs while Water Wheel sent you barrelling up into the air, your blade a shimmering constant blur as you madly spun.

By the end of the session, successfully having gone through those forms, even if it had been a meager two times, you were both ecstatic and wanting to keel over to puke blood. Gliding through the deadly but elegant motions had left you lightheaded, but the sheer emotion that bombarded you after dancing with your sword feels comparable to kissing Shinobu.

Each swing of your demon slaying weapon had sent blood rushing to your head, overwhelming your ears with a deafening buzz of adrenaline. Your awareness sharpened to an almost inscrutable level, to the point where you knew you could have sliced a raindrop clean in half.

The end of that first session saw you limping through the halls, but you could not bring yourself to regret the aches and shivers that racked your limbs. Knowing that Breath of the Water still came effortlessly lifts a crushing weight off your chest, one you hadn't even realized was present until you had invited Shinobu on that date.

What is a Demon Slayer who cannot fight? You hadn't rested on your laurels without reason, but you found it hard not to take your inactivity as a slight to your character when you saw people busy working, making the world a better place, while you lounged in your futon and obessed over courting a woman.

Now that you've regained your diminished confidence, the wait for Shinobu's message becomes more restful than tense. You pass your hours reading, working and training, watching the brightly lit sky melt into a subdued orange, for multiple cycles until finally, Shinobu's long awaited message arrives.

Your day had proceeded as it usually did, right up to the moment when your crow dives through your open windows and flies laps in your room, cawing up a storm of unintelligible noise.

"MES-SAGE! MESSAGE!" You jerk at the sheer volume of his cry, your pen clattering onto the floor. Sometimes, you wonder if your crow is deaf… but it takes you a second to realize the impossibility of that when you remember he's transmitted messages on your behalf since the day you became his master. "RYUU, I HA-VE THE AFTERNOON FR-EE. BEFORE WE ST-ART, WOULD YOU CONSIDER DROPPING BY?"

Your crow makes a sudden landing on the back of your chair. You immediately get up, putting some distance between yourselves before you get your ear shouted off. "I FIND MYSELF CRAVING A CUP OF FRESHLY BREWED TEA. YOU WOULD BE DOING ME A GREAT FAVOUR IF YOU BRING ALONG SOME SNACKS, AS WELL."

He gives another flap of his wings and stares you down with his beady eyes. You huff, seeing how unremorseful the feathered beast is acting after stealing your seat. You bend down to pick up the fallen pen. It takes you a second, but the message eventually sinks in. "Oh!" You spring up, your mouth split in a joyous grin. "That's wonderful news! Did she tell you anything else?"

Your crow cocks his head in an approximation of denial. You bring your hands together in a loud clap and bound towards your wardrobe, scaring the bird into taking flight. He resettles on the windowsill, his noisy caws probably cursing you for surprising him. You don't have time to scrounge up a pointed remark, riffling through your clothes to bring up the training wear you had already designated for your date.

There is a loud but brief rustle of leaves from outside the window as you turn back around to carefully lay the outfit on your chair. A fierce caw follows, and you look up to see your crow hunched warily on the sill, feathers fluffed out in what you recognize to be indignation. You don't think someone would be lurking near your room, but you decide to call out anyway. "Did you see someone there? It's not Fuji, is it?"

You think it's unlikely he got over his shame and waltzed back to the mansion, but he's possibly the only person you can think of that would make your crow react in such a hostile manner apart from demons. Perhaps you might be thinking too much. There were stray animals in the mansion's vicinity, one of them might have wandered onto the premises. And though you're curious as to what it might be, you have something vastly more important to attend to.

"I'll leave you to keep a lookout, alright? I need to get ready. I don't want to keep Shinobu waiting." You start undoing the buttons on your uniform to change into the training wear you'd prepared. You normally wouldn't bother with wearing the specially made training clothing, but it looks far more flattering than the standard black and white cut of the Demon Slayer Corps. Shinobu will probably appreciate the effort.

After dressing up and styling your unkempt hair, you make a swift trip to the kitchen to procure snacks. You got several looks from the kitchen staff when you burst in asking for dango, but they blessedly provided what you asked for without complaint.

You would have preferred to ask Aoi, but the girl was absent for once. You're guessing she'd taken over Shinobu's vacated shift. Whether she was at the infirmary or dealing with patients at the ward, you aren't sure, but you make a mental note to procure some baubles on your next trip out as thanks. It may well be Aoi's job to help, and you doubt Shinobu shafted responsibility onto the girl, but it won't hurt to show your appreciation. Aoi has taken care of you well ever since you've took up board in the mansion.

You travel through the hallways with a barely suppressed bounce to your step. You think you've managed to temper your overflowing eagerness whenever you passed your fellow Slayers or the mansion's Kakushi, but you have a feeling you'll be hearing rumours about how strange you're acting by the end of the day.

Luckily, your excitement has made you numb to their judgements. You've been looking forward to meeting Shinobu all week!

By the time you realize it, you're standing at the door between you and Shinobu's lab. Balancing the freshly made plate of dango on one hand, you raise the other to rap the door in a three heavy beats. You find yourself leaning forward expectantly, waiting for Shinobu's familiar melodious voice to call you in. Your anticipation builds, one foot beginning to bounce in place.

You wait. Twenty seconds stretch into a minute, then five. And still, you're waiting. You regard the wooden door with confusion, wondering if Shinobu might have fallen asleep waiting for you. With a casual shrug, you knock again. Twice, to be sure.

The door abruptly opens. You're jolted a step back. The space between the doorframe has widened enough for you to make out a face. A familiar youthful face that you never expected to be present.

"Ah." You clear your throat, trying not to sound awkward even though you feel as though you've just been caught trying to steal something precious. "Good afternoon, Kanao-san. I did not expect to see… well, your reasons are probably none of my concern. There is nothing wrong with you visiting Shinobu-sama."

Kanao does not say a word throughout your bumbling attempt to defuse the awkwardness. Finally, she says, "Yes, I do." She doesn't open the door any wider, keeping her frame stoutly fixed between the small chasm of space. Your attempt to keep yourself from straightening your neck and peering over her head is a success, mostly in part due to the blank, wide-eyed stare she has you pinned under. Her slow blink almost makes you squirm in place.

Kanao offers no other words, and you find yourself biting back a sigh. It looks like you have no choice but to directly cut into the heart of the matter. You can't very well be standing out in the open hallway, looking like you're creeping on the Insect Pillar's private territory.

"It's great to see that you're well," you start to say, "I've just come to pay a visit to Shinobu-sama." The blankness in her gaze is immediately replaced by a bristling storm. Her fingers, clutching the edge of the door, are slowly turning white. You don't think Kanao realizes the magnititude of the emotion you can currently see swirling within her eyes.

"My visit is purely business, if you were wondering." You surreptiously move the plate of dango behind your back, keeping it balanced on the meat of your palm. "I merely had some feedback I wanted to bring to her attention, regarding a list of suppliers I compiled. She mentioned wanting to find better quality medical equipment than what the mansion currently uses, so I considered the matter important enough to drop by."

Kanao seems to consider your words for the whole of three seconds. "Shinobu-sama is here, but…" she lowers her head, and the air around her abrubtly morphs into something sad and pitiful. "I'm getting her help with something important. Very important," she emphasises the final word, the proverbial nail to your coffin. "If you really need to speak with her, I can go, but…"

"Ah, no, no. It's fine, Kanao-san. My matter isn't time sensitive, so I can easily return when you're finished." Part of you is suspicious. Kanao's visit is well-timed enough to be strange, but you know Shinobu wouldn't have informed anyone about meeting you for a date. You simply have the terrible luck. "I hope whatever you may be dealing with will be resolved soon. Please excuse my interruption."

Kanao nods. The door slides shut. Quietly. If she'd slammed it, you think your suspicions would've been justified. As it was, you just feel bad for lying to an innocent girl, and for your wrecked plans.

You stare at the door for several more seconds before stiffly turning and walking away. It is hard, knowing that Shinobu's striking visage is just separated by a stout wall. But short of going round to try and catch a glimpse of her from the laboratory's window, there is nothing you can do.

"Failing to meet our goddess Shinobu-sama stings as much as getting clawed by demons, doesn't it?" The voice that calls out isn't one you recognize, and you lift your head to see two men dressed in uniform approaching from the other end of the hall.

Setting aside your melancholy for a moment, you silently reflect how terrible your day is going. These men have definitely caught the tail-end of you acceding defeat to Kanao and retreating with a bruised ego. With a small sigh, you square your shoulders to face them head on. Their names escape you, but you don't have to know who they are to fire back a reply.

"Greeting another person before saying something ridiculous should be common courtesy, no?" Your words don't seem to affect the man who spoke, but it appears to evoke a rather aggressive scowl from the other man walking next to him.

"Getting clawed by demons implies Kuroshio would be standing his ground. And we both know that'll never happen," the scowling man bites back. With his cropped hair, bulky. physique and a badly healed scar running down his cheek, he cuts an intimidating figure. "Besides, we saw what happened with our own eyes. Heh, your silver tongue can't cover your ass this time."

You squint at his face the distance between both of you closes. He looks familiar, and though you can't place him exactly, his non too subtle jab at your demon slaying code probably means he's worked with you in the past. You don't recall ever speaking to such a rugged individual, however.

"Covering my ass implies I have something I have to hide," you say. The smile you grace him with just makes him scowl even deeper. When facing people with the blatant motive to insult and degrade, the best thing one can do is act like their words are simply a shower of rain water instead of sticks and stones. "Should I be worried you're paying so much attention to me? I understand the mansion does not have much in the way of entertainment, but…"

The first man huffs out a laugh. "The entertainment we're blessed with is watching Shinobu-sama work her magic from our ward beds. You won't find me complaining!" A vein on your forehead pulses from his languid, self-assured tone. "Anyway, I won't bag on you. That'd make me a hypocrite. I can say with confidence that most of the men here have tried getting Shinobu-sama's attention in some way or the other." He winks. "Even me."

The scowling man tries to body check you as he passes, but with how horridly telegraphed his movement is, you dodge easily. You smirk at him over your shoulder.

"Keh," he spits. "You and Kuroshio sure are buddy buddy. You planning to run and hide when missions get rough, too?"

"Give me more credit," the first man replies. "I'm here because I never ran."

Your voice reverberates down the hallway as you call after them, "Both of you are truly exemplemary examples of Demon Slayers!"

Their reply comes swift, "We're a hell lot better than you at least."

You roll your eyes and continue your gloomy shuffle across the floorboards. When your hand starts to cramp, you raise the plate of prettily made dango you've been holding to eye level to get a better look at it. Maybe you can have it as an afternoon snack instead.

To your disappointment, you find that the sugary coating of the dango has already partially melted, forming a puddle of sticky, sweet smelling goo.

Shit. What seriously rotten luck.