
A girl from the hospital!!!

One month later,

Wang Wei was at his office.He was busy in checking the files that his secretary had brought just a second ago.The tension growing inside the secretary's head can clearly be seen by anyone and the cause was also very simple!!

Wang Wei!!!

He had the most cold personality,the secretary would see even in anyone.

"What is this?"The very calm but deadly cold voice buzzed in her ears that was enough to send chills down her spine.

The next thing the secretary saw was Wang Wei threw the file and a deadly cold gaze that was absolutely lacking warmth at her and  that was enough to kill a person without using any weapon.

"Sir..."She started stammering…

Before taking the file here,the secretary did check it at least for five times.But unfortunately still Wang Wei had become furious to see the file.

" Did you call it a presentation?This is how you claim yourself as capable?"Wang Wei said with a disdained smile over his face.

"Sir….I…." The Secretary felt her heart was going to burst open from her chest as it was thrusting so fast 

When she was first time selected for this post to work as secretary of Wang Wei,she was so overwhelmed with joy as Wang Wei's company is in the top rank and he was very handsome as well that any woman would fall for her very easily only for his charming look.But after coming here,she felt that was the worst day of her life and how wrong her thought was....

Maybe he has a handsome face and well built body but his attitude is cold like ice.The way he talked calmly but his calm words pierced heart like a dagger.He is way too strict and so it was very difficult to withstand him.

"You can't go home today until the presentation is perfect!!Otherwise you should submit a resignation letter.I don't mind hiring a new secretary." Wang Wei said, taking a pen and paper.

The secretary was standing there lowering her head.

"I am very sorry sir." She tried to apologise lowering her head.

"I don't like to waste time." He said writing something on the paper.

The secretary hurriedly collected the file from the floor that Wang Wei threw away just a few seconds ago.She left her boss's cabin and started heading toward her cabin.

Going there she sighed a long breath!

She needed to do everything from the start again.But she had no choice rather than doing it.Otherwise she would have to resign that she didn't want at all.


"Whom do you want to meet,Miss?" 

The receptionist asked the girl that was standing in front of her.After taking a good look of her,she felt slightly confused.Because the girl there was wearing a hospital gown and still had a bandage on her forehead and there was few bruises mark on her face.Thats means she came here definitely from a hospital.But the receptionist lady didn't understand for whom and why she came here actually!

"I want to meet someone named Wang Wei." The girl said after a few seconds.Her voice was pointing that she might be not feeling well.

The receptionist lady furrowed her eyebrows because she didn't think so their CEO had anything to do with this lady!!

"Have you any appointments with him?" She asked.

The girl became nervous.

"No…I don't have any appointments."

"Then you can't meet him miss.Because without any appointment he doesn't meet with anyone."

The girl seemed to be very devastated.

"Please can you just ask him once?I have a very urgent thing with him. I have to know something very important.Just please ask him once.Please…"The girl pleaded.

The receptionist lady again took a good look of her.The girl is very thin and lean.And also her skin is very pale like snow as if for a long time her skin didn't get the touch of sunlight.The bruises from her face and her tired eyes were also expressing that she was not good in health.She also seemed to be very young in age.May be not adult yet!!

She suddenly felt pity for the poor girl.

" Okay.I am calling him.But do take note if he refuses to meet you,you have to leave.Understand?"She said staring at the girl with concern.

The girl nodded.That means she understood.

"But what's your name?What should I mention about your name?"

Surprisingly the girl seemed to be very confused again.She became slightly surprised that from her attitude it was like she was trying to remember her name.How strange!!Or it was that she didn't want to tell her name...Only the girl knew...

"Just tell him,a girl from the hospital came to meet him." She said after thinking for a while.

The receptionist called him directly.

Wang Wei picked up the phone.


"Good morning,sir.Someone wants to meet you."

"As per I remember I don't have any appointment by this time." Wang Wei said.

"Yes.Sir.You don't have any appointment by this time.But a young girl with a hospital gown came here saying that she has something very urgent with you!" The receptionist lady said.

"A young girl with a hospital gown?"Wang Wei said with a confused tone.

" yes sir.She said that I should tell you a girl came to meet him from the hospital."

Wang Wei remained silent for some time.

"Okay,send her into my cabin." Finally he said.

"Okay...You can meet with him now." The receptionist lady said to the girl.

The girl seemed to be slightly relieved.

"Go to floor number three and room number is 307."

The girl nodded and started heading toward Wang Wei's cabin.