

"Don't you think you should make mom understand about not getting divorce with dad?" Wang Wei asked his brother.

Wang Lei averted his gaze from the window and stared at his face.The face which is almost similar to him.Wang Lei sometimes thinks its too peculiar to have the same face.

"If mom is happy with it I guess we shouldn't force her to do something that she doesn't like." Wang Lei said.His voice was calm as usual.

Mrs Ning...Wang Wei and Wang Lei's mother.She got married when she was twenty five to Wang Bolin who is their father.She conceived when she was twenty seven and after a few months she gave birth to her twin sons.Between the immense wealth,she never felt the lack of anything.Everything was going alright.Her twin son also brought another light of joy to her.Aristocracy,wealth,a family,a handsome husband and a pair of twin beautiful sons,everything she had that was considered to be ideal life she was leading for which everyone cherished.But only thing she really used to miss was her husband's love to her.

Apparently Wang Bolin was a very ideal husband.But Mrs Ning never felt that her husband feels that special kind of connection that a husband should have for his wife.He always provided all the financial expenses that she needed and gave her the freedom that she could lead her life according to her will.But thats all.Otherwise they both never had the care or consolation that she expected.Actually there are some period,when a woman expects,there should be someone beside her who can listen to her chattering tireless,who can just give her complement without any cause,who can hug her sometimes without any physical need.Infact end of the day,wealth and aristocracy was nothing...only that special bond matters...

But unfortuantely Wang Bolin was not that type that Mrs Ning always cherished for.Wang Bolin was very cold.Same goes for Wang Wei.At first she used to think,may be everything was alright.She was thinking too much.May be just for Wang Bolin the way of expressing of his emotion was different.May be he was not good at expressing his love to her.But two years back,Mrs Ning felt her whole life was lie.She was just living with a lie with all these years.Her perfect husband had some other mistress.Infact not just one..There are too many.She felt ridiculous.The day she came to know about her husband's extramarital affair,she decided to leave his husbands house.Till then she was living separately and finally she decided to have divorce with him.May be its too late of her age to have divorce with him but she is adamant in her decision.Now she cared about nothing.Even her son were grown up enough.Their separation wont affect them badly.

"How can you say that Wang Lei?She is just taking the decision just based on her emotion.." Wang Wei said.He flipped his jet black hair.

"Wang Wei,sometimes we have to depend on our emotion."

Wang Wei didnt say anything.Both of the brothers have a very different mentality and different way of thinking.

The car stopped.They have reached their desired destination.Today both of them,came to attend a business gathering.Wang Lei was really not actively involved with business but since he was one of the heir of Wang family so he had to attend.There was no room of choice for him.

They entered the venue.Everything was alright.Almost all of the renowned businessman of the city came to attend the gathering.This kind of gathering was important to those businessman as they could maintain a good interaction.Wang Lei's facial expression was neutral.He seemed to have no problem with this gathering.But for Wang Wei,he was really irritated and his facial expression was also saying that.His face was stiff and there was a frown over his forehead.

"I am going to the washroom.Dont escape from here without informing me." Wang Wei said in a low voice to Wang Lei.

A laugh escaped from Wang Lei's lips.

"I guess its you who is having the urge of escaping.Cool down man..Its just a businesses gathering." He sais laughing.

Wang Wei didnt say anything.He started heading towards the direction of washroom.He really hate this type of gathering where he has to interact with so many people.

At washroom he washed his face and stares at the wondow.

A perfect face…

Sword like eyebrows,a pair of deep seated eyes,a perfect tall sharp nose and bellow that a very symmetrical thin pink lips….

So perfect...….. 

But sometimes excessive perfection is the inception of imperfections..