
You know German!!!

He took off his shirt…

A very perfect body….

As if God built this body with his own hand.Not very lean and also not thick and there was no trace of any kind of fat.A very perfectly balanced figure with clearly prominent eight abdominal muscles which can easily make anyone drool over his perfect body.

He heard a knock over his door.His face was expressionless from which it was hard to guess what he was thinking exactly then.

"Come in…"He said.

The door opened and Kaili entered inside.Entering the room,she stopped for second staring at Wang Wei.His bare back was facing to her and also she could clearly see his front side as well at the reflection on the mirror.Wang Wei didn't seem to be bothered at all.He stood there without wearing any shirt in a very relaxed mood as if Kaili didn't exist at all.

Kaili felt her cheeks were heating up.She was clearly bewildered.She didn't think that She would find Wang Wei in his room like this.She lowered her gaze.

Wang Wei turned to her.

" Why did you come here at this hour?"He asked with a frown over his smooth forehead.

Kaili felt slightly nervous.She wanted to talk with him about something but she couldn't figure out how she should start.

"Ummm….Actually...I...I…"She started hesitating.

" Look at me Miss Kaili or whatever your real name is…"Wang Wei said.

Kaili didn't look at her.She is not this nervous when other people are around her.But incase of Wang Wei,the situation is always different.May be that was because of their first interaction.Wang Wei was extremely rude to her without any significant cause.

Wang Wei's corner of the lips slightly raised to form a smirk.

"Do you think this kind of cheap trick will be going to work on me?Come on...Look at me.I wont mind.At least I can understand it's very hard to resist my charm!" Wang Wei said that with a disdained smile.

Kaili directly stared at his eyes.His nervousness was gone.It was now being replaced with anger.What's the problem with him!!Its true that he is a very handsome and also a very capable man but that doesn't mean he can insult anyone just on the basis of his narrow mind's judgement.No need to mention,she was feeling very insulted and agitated as well for his this kind of inconsiderate behaviour.she sometimes doubt that,how a rude person like Wang Wei can be Mrs Ning like person's biological son!

She gulped and blurted out.

"Young Master,I want to talk with you about the agreement that you were discussing with your employee just a while ago."

Wang Wei already sat on the couch that was in his room crossing his legs one above another.His one hand was resting on the top of the couch and his thumb of the other hand was touching his lower lips.And his deep seated grey eyes were fixed on Kaili.Hearing her words,he seemed to be slightly confused.

"That agreement?What do you want to talk about?" He said.He was also slightly curious that suddenly what a person like Kaili who even can't remember her own name wanted to talk about business.

Kaili's gaze lowered from his eyes to his hard muscular body.She really didn't remember many things but it was obvious that Wang Wei must have the most amazing body she had ever seen.She let out a sigh and again averted her gaze.

"Yes...The contract.The contract was written on German.And I guess you don't know German language." She said calmly.

Wang Wei seemed to slightly disheartened as Kaili averted her gaze from her.He picked a water bottle that was beside him and poured down his throat.Again Kaili's eyes were forced to fixed their gaze on him.The way his adam's apple was moving,it was almost impossible to avert the gaze from him.Kaili again felt how God is so unfair making this arrogant man so charming.

"So?Do you know German?" He asked me to put down the water bottle.

Kaili didn't answer the question.

"I think your that employee lied to you about the agreement.He didn't tell you the exact thing that was written over there." She said.

Wang Wei ran his long slender fingers through his jet black hair.

"That means you know German!You don't remember your name but you remember another language.Thats great."Wang Wei curled his lips.

Kaili seemed to be confused.She really didn't know if she knew German language or not.But when she saw the laptop screen she suddenly discovered she could read what was written over there.

" I don't know."She said in a really low voice that was barely audible.

"So what are you saying?You can read the agreement...So what's written over there?You remember that or I should show you the agreement paper?"Wang Wei asked very calmly.

"No..I remember…" Her eyes slightly narrowed.

Wang Wei straightened his back.Suddenly he felt the girl in front of him was not that fragile as he thought.