
Can you please stop flirting with my maid??

"Ummm….Would you mind giving us a lift?Our car has been shut down suddenly." Kaili said nervously.

"Kaili,wait for sometime...I will find a way to go back home." Wang Wei blurted out from her behind.

Kaili furrowed her eyebrows.

What's wrong with him?Why did he always love to act this weird!!!Now,she managed to get help,again he found a problem on this also...This man really had a serious kind of problem!!

The beautiful man opened his car door and came outside.

"What a surprise,Wang Wei!!!By the way,what are you doing in the middle of the road at this hour?" The man slightly curled his lips.The curve on his lips made his handsome face even more alluring.

"Huo Guozi,I can ask you the same question!!" Wang Wei said coldly.

Kaili felt surprised.That means both of them knew each other from earlier.

Huo Guozi ran his finger through his beautiful long golden hair that reached toward his shoulder.Kaili was stunned to see him.His hair was so shiny and smooth,any woman would be jealous to see him.

"Go back to the car,Kaili…"Wang Wei touched her shoulder.

"By the way!!Wang Wei...who is this lady?Is she your relative?" Huo Guozi asked with a beautiful smile over his handsome face.

Wang Wei totally ignored him.

"Let's go." He stared coldly at her.

"But…." Kaili was about to oppose him.She couldn't understand why they should go back to their car which refused to move on the road.

"Wang Wei,I think it's quite late.If you want to stay here then it's okay.But dont force her to stay with you.I can drop her." Huo Guozi said.

Kaili stared at Wang Wei nervously.From her gaze it was very clear that she wanted to take lift from Huo Guozi.

Wang Wei finally agreed.

"Let's go with him." He said.

Kaili felt relieved.Finally their prince Wang Wei decided to leave this scary place.Otherwise she was feeling sick thinking about spending the whole night here.

Both three of them got into Huo Guozi's car.Both three of them sat on the back seat.Kaili was sitting in the middle and Huo Guozi and Wang Wei both were sitting beside her.

Huo Guozi smiled at Kaili.

Kaili smiled back.

"You are quite beautiful." Huo Guozi complimented her.

Kaili blushed hearing his complement.It was quite a good feeling to have complements from such a beautiful man.Wang Wei and Wang Lei were also very handsome.But Huo Guozi was slightly different.His mesmerising green eyes and his beautiful long golden hair,that was neatly combed at the mid partition and also his broad chest and shoulder, made him look like he just came out from an ancient warrior portrait.

Huo Guozi seemed to notice that she was checking him out like a weirdo.She felt very embarrassed.

What a shame!!!He is beautiful, that doesn't mean that she should check him out like this.

"Thank you." She smiled in embarrassment.

"Can you please stop flirting with my maid,Huo Guozi?" Wang Wei blurted out suddenly.

Kaili widened her eyes.Since when she had become Wang Wei's maid!!If Mrs Ning would say this same thing she wouldn't mind for sure though she was quite sure she didn't think of Kaili as a maid.But Wang Wei was the last person that she wanted to be his maid.Definitely not!!

What a disrespectful person!!!

Kaili gritted her teeth.She was feeling like pushing him from the running car.

"I guess your name is Kaili.So Kaili,there are few opportunities to work for me which is definitely better than a maid post.If you want,you can contact me.I will be very happy to have you if you make up your mind to work with me." Huo Guozi said.

Kaili nodded.

"Thank you for your offer." She said with a soft smile over her face.This man Huo Guozi was really well behaved and no wonder why Wang Wei didn't get along with him as he was totally opposite to him.

Huo Guozi offered her a card.

"Here is my business card.You can contact me if you want." He said.

Kaili was about to take the card but before she could take it Wang Wei took the card and threw it from the window.

Kaili widened her mouth with shock.Whats wrong with him!!!Why did he need to act so bizarre like this always??

"My maid doesnt need your business card!!" Wang Wei said with a huge grin on his face.

Huo Guozi let out a sigh.Kaili threw an apologetical look to him.She was feeling really irritated and also humiliated.

On the other hand, Wang Wei seemed to be not affected at all..