
Wang Wei was not happy!!!

Recently she had become so absent minded that she didn't even remember that when did she wore that necklace.May be it's possible that she wore it in delusional state...Actually the situation was so wrose that Kaili didn't even know that which one she was seeing real and which one is fake...Just like that maybe she forgot…

"I don't remember actually.May be Mrs Ning gifted it to me." Kaili lied.If she told about her condition to Huo Guozi, he was definitely going to assume she was mad...No doubt about that.

"Would you mind if I touch it, I mean the necklace?" He asked.

Kaili nodded.She was surprised to see his attention toward this necklace as if it was something very amusing!

Kaili tried to remove the necklace from her neck but she couldn't.

"You don't need to remove it all." Huo Guozi said.

He slightly bent toward Kaili and touched hee necklace.

Kaili held her breath as she could see Huo Guozi from so close.His beautiful feature…