The Darkroom.

I can see my surroundings which are all black. But suddenly I saw a door opening and enormous illumination filled my eyes. I went towards the door and entered to meet the beach again. It was the same beach I saw that night after the party.

I went there and I saw a man standing near a big a stone,

'Love! Come and sit here.'

I wasn't able to see his face again. Who is this man? Where am I now? I was totally confused.

I went towards the rock and sat just beside him. He held my hand and asked,

'You know why we have come here?'

I shook my head and leaned towards his shoulder.

'Even if I forget everything I won't forget this moment. I want to capture you at this moment.' He said and smiled.

His smile was so beautiful. Why was this man so memorizing for me? Why I felt so delighted by staying at his side? What was this man for me?

'This sunset and being with you is the best moment of my whole life. If I've ever been happy in my life then it is just because of you.' He said and kissed my hand.

I was happy to see this but somewhere I knew that it was a dream not reality. But then, why did I felt so real? Why was I so happy?

We sat there, looking at the sea and the beautiful sunset but then suddenly I started hearing some voices,

'Is she not gonna wake up now?' Someone said in a quivering voice.

'No, we are losing her!!' Someone yelled.

I looked at the man sitting beside me, he wasn't bothered at all. He looked at me, smiled, and kissed my forehead.

'I love you, Sarah.' He said.

My head starting ringing, after every single second the voices started to get louder.

'Is there nothing we can do?'

'I'm trying my best.'


'Sarah wake up now!!'

'You can't leave your mom alone.'

'Sarah open your eyes Damn It!!'

Who these voices belonged to. It was like many people were standing just right next to me and telling me to wake up. But why can't I see them?

I stood up from the rock Covered both the ears with my hands and screamed.



The last night

Here Jeremy was in the lift going on the ground floor. After that day at the party, he had some clues about what is going to happen. That day when Sarah and he were in the taxi she kept saying,

'Who is this man? Please help me!' She was having a great headache.

'You're okay?' I asked

'Jeremy I don't know what this memory is but it keeps reoccurring. please help me!' She said looking at me while her hands held my collar tightly. She was frightened.

'What do you see?' I asked again.

'I...I see...M...Mr. Niall.' She said and fell asleep just after that.

After listening to this little did he know that not today but tomorrow, one day Sarah will remember everything about Niall and he also knew that with those memories she'll reject him again.

But still, Jeremy had some hopes. He wanted to try one more try, he wanted to use the chance that his fate had given to him. He personally never liked that Sarah forgot everything about her past but deep inside he was a bit happy that h has somehow another possibility of him being accepted by Sarah. He anyhow never wanted Sarah to recover her memories. He liked the way she was until now, he wanted to make her his.

Jeremy silently went out of the hospital with a bleeding forehead, eye, and nose. He was not hurt by all those things.

He just hates Niall a lot more now.


In the morning...

Cally came home now because her mother insisted that should take some rest and come hospital in the morning. She was a bit happy somewhere that she was going to live with her mom and Sarah. But now she was worried that she won't be able to talk to Sarah any more. She won't be able to tell her the jokes she used. She won't be able to talk to her all night long. Cally was depressed. She wants everything to get back to its place.

It was her time to join the hospital today. Though she didn't want to go, Aunt Margret, insisted that she shouldn't ignore her job. She went to her hospital 'Rutherford Medical Center.' She was not excited at all. Her all nervousness and enjoyment withered.

As she entered, she went to the receptionist and told her that it was her first day.

'Oh! wait let me call the doctor which is going to volunteer you.' She said with a big smile but Cally was not in a mood of smiling she just bowed a bit and thanked her. After a minute a doctor came to her and said,

'You are Caroline Smith, correct?' He asked.

Cally nodded and he said,

'Then...follow me.'

They walked through the hospital while the doctor told her about different areas and how they worked as a team here. But Caroline was all flustered, she didn't want to do this anymore.

'Are you listening Ms Smith?' He asked.

'Umm, yeah I am.' She replied quickly

'Okay, that's nice. you have any questions that you want to ask?' He asked further.

'N...' She was about to answer when her eyes from on a door which was closed. The lights of that were closed as well.

'Yes! I have.' She said looking at the room

'Hmmm...what is it?' The doctor asked.

'Why is that room closed? I...I mean every room is opened in this hospital even the room belonging to the staff so....why is that room closed?' She asked still looking in the direction of the room.

'Hmm....' The doctor sighed.

'Actually, there is a psychopath locked in there.' He replied.

'That's inhuman I...I mean why?' She said.

'Oh! I know how you're feeling. We usually don't like to lock patients in a room but you see...he is a dangerous one. He has escaped the hospital once and even tried to slay down the throat of one of our lady doctor.' He explained fully.

Cally quickly replied,

'I want to meet him.'

'Okay...wait, what?! You're out of your mind. He is dangerous.' He said.

'Still, I want to see him please doctor.' She looked at him.

'But higher authorities won't allow it.' He said again worrying about Caroline.

'Don't tell them then.' She said again.

'You're insane, I won't support you.' He said.

Just then, doctor Ray came.

'Cally, what are you doing here?' He said in a rude and boring voice.

'Sir, she is a mad girl she wan..' Said the other doctor.

'Wait!' He was interrupted by Dr Ray.

'Hmm...what is it?' He asked again looking at Cally.

'I want to see who is inside that room.' Said Cally and pointed to the darkroom.

'Nope, you can't.' Dr Ray said directly and started to walk away.

'Why can't I? I have been chosen by your hospital as a doctor. And I have all the rights.'

Dr Ray ignored her and kept walking.

'Is this hospital full of inhumane people, how could you trap your patient in a dark room?' She yelled.

Doctor Ray turned around while everyone in the corridor looked at Cally with bugged-out eyes and gasped mouths. No one had ever dared to talk back to Dr Ray, he was the rudest in the whole hospital.

Dr Ray came back to Cally crossed his arms and said,

'Too much curious to know? Then....find it out yourself.' He said.

He held Cally's wrist and dragged her towards the room, Cally ran before Dr Ray. He opened the door and lightly pushed her inside.

'Search for the reason on your own.' He said and locked the door from outside.

Everyone now was afraid of thinking about what will happen to the newbie now. Dr Ray walked towards his cabin while there was a kind drop silence in the whole corridor.

Inside here, Cally stood all alone in the darkroom. It was so dark that she couldn't even see her own hands. It was like she had gone bound for a while. Little what she saw before Dr Ray closed the door that there was a bed in the centre of the room. She played her luck and started moving towards the bed.

'Hello anyone there?' She asked.

she quickly got a reply,

'Yes, was waiting for you....'