The Price of Negligence

A series of murmurs and screams filled the whole dining place. The sight is something very unexpected and unpleasant! This is the first time the citizens of Ru Empire ever witness a crime with their own eyes!

These people are nobles and are sheltered by their families. Their capital has also followed a strict military rules and criminals have long been scared of the imperial punishments. Soldiers can also be seen all around the Ru capital to ensure the safety of the people. But this military rules that the Ru Empire adhere are only insignificant in the eyes of the young emperor's bodyguard.

That's right, when Ye Shin's hand caught the cup of tea that flew towards the emperor's direction, her tiny blades flew and struck at the vital points of the attacker, claiming her life in just a blink of an eye! Nobody saw the fatal strike from the blade. But the blood that splattered from the victim made someone shrieked in terror.

The attacker did not even have a chance to change the angry expression in her face when she died. Her enmity should have been just between this servant who is serving them the meal. Sadly, this attacker had almost caused harmed the young emperor from her action. Ye Shin would not need to think twice nor spare her life the moment she stood up from her seat to catch the teacup!

The servant serving them was too shocked by the unexpected slap she received that she had forgotten to react towards the death of her attacker. She just stands there with the tray in her hands. It was the innocent guest that is occupying the nearest table from them who made the first scream as the blood from the attacker splattered in their direction before her body fell down on the floor.

A pool of blood gradually appeared on the floor where the lifeless body is lying and it made all the noble customers of the restaurant to intensify the screams of fear! At first they were just shocked of the slapping action from the now dead girl. But this shocked emotion were replaced with fears as they saw her dead body laying in the pool of blood! They were too scared and the screams and cries become louder and louder as the minute pass by.

The commotion inside the restaurant had attracted the attention of few soldiers who are also eating not far away from the establishment. They quickly went inside the restaurant to check the cause of the disturbance in such a luxurious dining place. The sight of a dead girl in a pool of blood greeted the soldiers. When they saw the lifeless body in the floor, they felt a sudden intense rage.

"Who dares to commit murder in a broad daylight?!" one of the soldiers angrily yelled. The screaming from the nobles immediately stopped but no one dared to speak.

"Who is so bold to commit murder inside the Ru capital?! Show your self!!" another one angrily yelled again.

"The killers must just be among of you here!" someone from the newcomers loudly shouted as he glances at each person in the room.

None of the noble customers saw exactly how the person had died or who killed her. They have seen this person slapped a servant and then suddenly fell down on the floor. It was too quick! She was killed too fast that their normal eye could not even see the cause of her death.

"These two people look suspicious! Their appearances are definitely not from around here. They are probably assassins! Drag them!" another Ru soldier said and boldly accused the young emperor.

The soldier maliciously pointed his index fingers at their direction. The man being accused and the lady with him did not even spare a single glance at their direction. Soon, two soldiers went rushing towards the young emperor's table but the moment their hands were about to touch the emperor it had also dropped on the floor. The two soldiers were horrified! Their arms were severed by just a single breath!

Their eyes dilated with full of disbelief as it glared at the two figures who are calmly sitting. A painful screams suddenly erupted from their mouths. They have lost their arms despite of the armors that they are wearing! The volume of their screams were even louder than those of the guests!

"Presumptuous!" a sudden growl from the inside of the kitchen distracted the onlookers. It was the owner of the restaurant.

This old man is adept of Martial Arts and no one has dared to make trouble inside his business, not until today. He is well respected in the capital because of his strength despite of his age. The two soldiers who had just lost their arms looked at the restaurant owner in relief. The restaurant owner starts walking at them and they could not help but exhaled when they saw his presence. The soldiers felt at ease.

"Boss Ma, you must uphold justice! Somebody was killed and our hands were severed by these two vicious customers of yours." the soldiers hurriedly wailed helplessly. These are the soldiers who just lost their arms.

They have expected that the restaurant owner will defend them. They are even eager to see these two people beaten into pulp for causing trouble! But to their dismay, when the owner came to the direction of the two people he actually offered a customary bow to them. The soldiers instantly lost their composure when they saw the owner's action!

"I ask everyone unrelated to this incident to leave my restaurant. There is no need to pay for the food. As an apology for this incident, I will host a free lunch for everyone tomorrow." Boss Ma instructed and all nobles immediately scrambled towards the exit door. After the customers completely dispersed, there were only two figures and the soldiers left inside.

"Honored guests, I am sorry to disturb your meal. We have prepared a new meal upstairs, please accept this humble offer." Boss Ma told the emperor and Ye Shin using his polite tone. The two did not say anything but still went upstairs.

"Boss Ma, what are you doing? Why are you showing them some respect? These people could be assassins! We should bring them to court." another soldier urged the restaurant owner. This soldier was completely puzzled from the restaurant owner's actions.

"How do you plan on capturing them? Could it be that the likes of you can make your severed arms grow back?" The old man glared at them before glancing at the dead body on the floor. He looked closely at the angry face of the ignorant girl.

The dead girl is in fact the restaurant owner's granddaughter. The girl's parents have dotted her so much that she grew up spoiled and bratty. This is why this girl did not mind the consequences if she makes trouble inside her grandfather's restaurant.

The incidents like this have happened so many times when the girl dislikes someone. She would usually slap the servants or pull their hair for no reason and no servants have ever complained in fear that they will lost their job. But who would have thought that the consequences of her action this time will cost her life!

"Boss Ma, this dead body is your granddaughter! Are you really willing to let this incident go?" one of the soldiers emphasized that it was his granddaughter who was killed. The old man remained silent as he looked closely at the victim.

"Remember the faces of those two. If it is possible, carve them in the depth of your memory. Those people are not ordinary outsiders. The man has an air of authority around him. If my guess is correct, that man if not a prince then he is probably an emperor! The woman has an undisturbed bearing and all her attention is completely focused on the man. That lady is probably the man's bodyguard. Ask your selves if you can afford to offend these kind of people!" the restaurant owner scolded them as he told the soldiers his observations from the two guests. He had actually saw in his own eyes the incident. He had not meet a lady as quick as the one upstairs!

The restaurant owner was able to unexpectedly witness how the arms of the two soldiers were cut off! He had even guessed that the lady is a cultivator but he did not share this knowledge to the soldiers. This old man has indeed lived long enough and is capable of knowing a person by just a few glance. His guts have never failed him!

"What? Boss Ma, are you joking? How can the appearance of that man be compared to those of the emperors?! But... this is not also impossible! The ascension of our new ruler, Emperor Ru Shi will be next week, this is indeed possible." one of the soldiers started to argue but also made a quick realization. Regrets can be seen in the soldier's faces when they left the restaurant.

"Call my useless daughter and her husband here! Do not tell them what had happened yet." the old man ordered. The negligence of his own daughter resulted to the death of her granddaughter. They will definitely receive a heavy scolding and beating from him!

'Such a pity!' the restaurant owner thought and sighed deeply. He stared at his granddaughters' lifeless body for a long time. He can only blame her granddaughters' parents for not properly disciplining this little girl. If they have disciplined this child, none of this thing would happen!

The owner of the restaurant immediately ordered his maids to clean the place. All servants immediately come at his command. He shakes his head and took a glance at his lifeless granddaughter one last time. After a while, he then went away from the corpse and walks slowly towards the direction where the two guests are eating.

-A P P R E C I A T I O N -^o^- C O R N E R-

This section is for all of your support in every previous chapter only. I want to let you know that I treasured and cherish each time you engage in my story.

__Story Review__

Thank you to Avidfan for decorating a bountiful five stars in the review section. I read it like five times! ^_^ I am so happy looking at the sky tonight while the stars are twinkling above me!

__Power Stones__

*Moonbrave, *Avidfan, *veronica, *disted \(^^)/

And also, to the silent readers out there. Enjoy reading! Thank you everyone!

By the way, some of us is probably on different timezone. My timezone is UTC+08:00