The Arrival of Other Visitors

"I am the granddaughter of the unrivalled master from Zhichen Sect, how dare that peasant bully me! She even ordered me to kneel and apologize!" the girl with red horse earlier was fuming with anger inside the inn where she is staying.

"That lady is obviously a cultivator. But what baffled me is the type of cultivation she practiced. I felt her blade on my throat. Is there a cultivation related to using blades that can touch an opponent without the person throwing it?" the man stated while frowning.

"I heard that the Sword Cultivators Clan uses their inner force as weapon. Maybe she is from that clan. She was just lucky to catch us by surprise. Hmmp! If our path will cross again, I won't hold back! I will definitely destroy her cultivation!" the girl said in a haughty manner.

"There will be an opportunity to take revenge for the humiliation that we got today. Who knows, we will meet them in that auction event tomorrow. You should rest early, I will investigate this place." The man told the girl before he left the room. The girl frowned deeply on her bed and glared on the floor.

These two people are indeed from a different continent. They belong to an organization called Zhichen Sect. The sect practices cultivation called Absorption. They absorb power from the other people and cultivate it as their own. The method of their cultivation was long banished but few of their ancestors survived and managed to continue their legacy.

Meanwhile, situated on the other outskirts of the bustling capital, another figure appears out of nowhere. This man wears an old and slightly torn cloak with various numbers engraving on its back. He is also holding an exquisite wooden scepter on his left hand.

His scepter does not have any ornamental jewelry but the tip of it has six wave-like unruly curves which can be identified as an insignia of something that looks like a splash of a liquid or a blaze of a fire. At the bottom of this scepter is a head of a serpent beast. And the holder or body of his scepter is somewhat cracked into two, like a serpent tongue.

A smile slowly crept on the man's face as he looked around the people striding along the outskirts. His body then move exceptionally at a very slow pacing, seemingly with no specified direction at all. Nobody has paid attention to this man as there is nothing on his appearance that is enough to draw the attention of the others. But if anyone in this outskirt would observe him, this man is not actually walking. His body is simply moving while his feet are suspended just an inch distance above the ground! He is flying below!

"The emergence of the token for the ruler Empress of He Empire." the man slowly mumbled and his right hand gradually forms a fists.

While the man is moving, a priest on the corner stared at him in awe. This priest is well known in the capital and practices seeking knowledge of the future and he is carrying a small golden bell with his two hands. The bell rings once when the man with a sceptre pass right in front of the priest, then the man slightly glanced at him as the melody caught his attention.

The priest shivered and suddenly drops his body on the ground as a form of another unknown region's customary bow. He panicked as their eyes met, his bell had only ring a few times! And each time it rings, he always lost consciousness but oddly, this time he did not! He could feel a deep disturbance in his heart. The ordinary man before him holds a prophecy but was able to hide it from him!

"What is wrong with you, Priest Wan?" A passerby asked when he saw the priest. When Priest Wan looked up, there is no sign of the man anymore. His brows suddenly creased.

"Did you see the man?" he curiously inquired.

"What man?" the passerby look at him with confused expression.

"Ahaha.. Nothing." the priest awkwardly laugh and slowly stood up. His eyes travel around the street trying to find the silhouette of the man but he had lost sight of him.

Just then, another carriage is going on the way at a very fast speed. The priest has no time to dodge and was gotten hit by it. The bell he was holding was dropped from his hands. But it was as if the time instantly slowdown and before the object could hit the ground, he was able to picked it in the air. The onlookers gasp in horror while witnessing the incident. Luckily, they saw the priest immediately stands up right after the carriage made a full stop.

"How dare you block the street!" the sound of a coachman roared in anger as he was glaring to the priest.

The onlookers who have witnessed this maltreatment looked at the carriage with full of disgust.

"The Hong Capital does not allow any carriage to run in full speed!" someone from the other side of the road shouted trying to defend to priest. But as soon as the ordinary onlooker finished speaking, his body convulsed and his eyes became devoid of life. Someone is sealing his soul!

"Continue!" An arrogant voice sounded inside the carriage. The coachman glanced at the priest one last time before driving the carriage went away at full speed again. The priest just stared at the carriage until it was gone from his sight. The bell in his hands is soundlessly swinging on the air. The priest scoffed while onlookers slowly dispersed.

Inside this carriage are the two emperors from Region A. The Emperor of Huang Empire and Ma Empire had finally arrived on the Hong Empire to join the auction event. Emperor Huang Le and Emperor Ma Bing are peacefully sitting inside the running carriage when the priest got hit by it. As soon as Emperor Ma Bing heard a person complaining the speed of their carriage, he had mercilessly sealed the soul of the poor man before instructing the driver of their carriage to carry on their way.

"There is no need for you to attack, Emperor Ma Bing." His companion said while laughing.

"It is a great lesson for him not to provoke us! I have sensed the unknown legacy in this area, I must not waste my time." The Ma Emperor responded proudly.

The next day, the street going to the auction hall of the Hong capital is cramped with people. Emperor He Mo and Ye Shin managed to come earlier and got a good spot. They also saw Emperor Ru Shi together with his three maidens on the other side. The man waived at them and Emperor He Mo nods in acknowledgement. As Ye Shin observed the place, the Emperor of Hei Empire approached them.

"It is good to see you here, Emperor He Mo." The Hei emperor offered a friendly smile then looks at Ye Shin. The lady also smiled at him.

"What information do you plan to get, Emperor Hei Fan?" Emperor He Mo asked.

"Oh, I came here by chance. You see, I have a business discussion with the Hong Emperor yesterday and is about to go back to my empire today. But I changed my mind when I saw the crammed streets full of people. How about you, Emperor He Mo?" The Hei Emperor explained and asked Emperor He Mo.

"You are just a day earlier than me. I will have a business discussion with Emperor Hong Te tomorrow." Emperor He Mo answered.

"Then let's sit together in one table." the Hei Emperor suggested.

"Of course..." Emperor He Mo trailed and let the old emperor of Hei walks first to choose their table. He then hooked his arms on Ye Shin's waist and they walked together like a real couple.

Ye Shin calmly glanced at Emperor He Mo who secretly winks at her. She secretly smiled at the young emperor. When the Hei emperor finally picked a table, he was surprised to see how the young emperor holds the lady.

"Emperor He Mo, perhaps I have a guess of the third information that Emperor Hong Te is about to auction." the Hei Emperor said.

"Perhaps." the young emperor laugh slightly and pulled Ye Shin chair near him. He then, lean his body and placed his head on her shoulder.

"I just want to bury my face in between your neck." Emperor He Mo whispered to Ye Shin's ear. He felt her body vibrates slightly.

"Ahhh it's good to be young." the Hei emperor commented while looking at the sweet pair.

Soon after, a servant came to their table and brings food.

"Your highness, these snacks are prepared for you to enjoy. It is only 5 gold coins for every tray." the servant said and placed three sets of food.

"Hahaha Emperor Hong Te really is something!" the Hei Emperor said and shakes her head. Emperor He Mo only smiled and Ye Shin picked her food then directly eats it.

"It's delicious!" she said while subconsciously giving a peace to Emperor He Mo. The emperor eats the food directly from Ye Shin's fingers and chews it quietly.

"Hmmnn..." he softly hummed.