The Wei Clan and Chun Clan

Chun Ki brought her daughter to the clan physician.

As they entered the clinic, the two assistants gasped after they saw Chun Bing. A pair of eyes was dead empty staring straight at them. These assistants are wearing white uniforms.

"Arr... you... you..." Chun Bing pointed to the two assistants but could not speak clearly.

"What happened, Madam Chun?" the clan physician asked seeing the precious lady of the Chun Clan looked dull and was acting strange.

"How should I know? Am I the physician now? Don't ask me. You are the physician! Examine what happened to my daughter!" Chun Ki shouted.

"Yes, yes..." the physician hurriedly guided Chun Bing to sit. He then took her pulse to see what's wrong.