Learn to use your chance if there is one!

"Regret huh? Such a funny concept that does not exist in my brain. You have betrayed him, are you sure he will still trust you?" Hao Fei gazed at Ye Shin. Her words and tone are directly throwing mockery.

"My lady, shall I take the honor and discipline this lowly servant?" the insect master held her sight at Ye Shin.

"Have fun!" Hao Fei smirked.

"Gladly, my lady." the woman replied and turned her body into a large spear of insects. 

"The name is Hao Hei. What's yours?" the woman asked but Ye Shin did not respond at her. 

"Hao Hei, this servant is too proud. She is probably looking down on you and thought that you are not worthy of your name!" Hao Fei incited and the large spear suddenly grew bigger. 

"Hahaha... Is that so? Do you know? This spear fed in my negative emotions. The more I get angry, the bigger it becomes! So, servant, I suggest not to look down on me!" Hao Hei said.