The Two Passed Out

"Woman, are you really protecting this vile creature? Have you thought carefully about this decision?" the sacred spirit asked again after its realization that the golden energy that was mixing in the water was from Ye Shin. It only meant one thing... the lady made sure that the man could still breath and maintain a normal air despite his body submerged in the pond.

At first, the spirit was thinking that Ye Shin just warned him not to harm the boy randomly. A casual remark out of sympathy. Yet, when the spirit saw the protective energy in Emperor He Mo's body, he felt a small jealousy.

"I am his personal bodyguard. I had vowed to protect him. He is an emperor from my original world." Ye Shin answered softly.

'If only I could have someone like this woman...' the sacred spirit secretly mumbled with a hint of envy. He was jealous that emperor He Mo could get an ally like Ye Shin!