Fulfilling Ye Shin's Desire

"AHH, It's so warm!" the wisp mumbled in a faint voice.

He could feel a burning sensation flowed through his entire form. Then, a flash of light engulfed his sight. The next thing he saw was a body of an elder floating inside a confined space.

The space was dull and the body was not moving. There was proper lighting but it only reflected black and white.

There was nothing but silence inside the space. No wind, perhaps no gravity.

As the wisp moved slowly and examined the body, he was petrified! 

"T-this is my body! Why am I seeing my physical body? What is this place?" he muttered in confusion. The last time he saw this physical for was several decades ago!

This was his physical look when he tried forming himself into the Tao of Killing. However, he failed and exploded this body into tiny pieces. 

The wisp looked around but the place was no longer the room where he was.