"Hmmm peas, steak, sausages, ah-huh!!! Ice pack. Hold on Cory I'll be there in a sec!" I grab the ice pack and stand up, closing the freezer drawer in the process. I look over to my right hand side looking for some paper towel.
"What are you doing in my house!" I jump, startled. The thundering voice makes it self known once again. "I said, what are you doing in my house?!" I visibly gulp and spin around on my heel. My pepper black hair cascading down my feminine figure. I stand there and stare. I just stare at the delicious bag of candy that's just standing there, in all its glory. The colours that is see could probably make my irises pop from all the joy and excitement this guy has brought before my eyes.
It was a pack of skittles. (What else did you think it was). I mean come one skittles are life. They're like the bread to my butter, without it my sandwich won't be complete. Without skittles my candy collection would be nothing, (most probably because all that's in my candy collection is skittles and pineapple lumps but who could really blame me? They're the best type of candy out there!) I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice this mystery guy walk up to me, I didn't notice him wave his hand in front of my face and I most definitely didn't notice the little princess run up and hug my leg.
"Hey! Lady!" I shake my head, banishing any thoughts of candy the back of my head for later.
"I'm sorry what?" He looks at me with disbelief.
"I said what the hell are you doing in my house? Cookie can you please let go of her leg? we don't know her and she's not welcome here" All she does is hug my leg tighter.
"But we do know her Harps, her name is Una Cwaire Wiwows, she just moved in next dwoor and her favourwite cowour is dween!" He chuckles and ruffles her hair.
"Okay cookie I take it back. I don't know her and she is not welcome in this house." I press my lips together in annoyance and sigh.
"It's okay princess I'll head home." she pouts and lets go of my legs. I walk to the front door. "See ya later Cory!" I yell out to him.
"Bye Lulu! I'll text ya and if you want I can give you a ride to school?"
"Nah, I'll be okay" I walk out side and once I know no one's watching I jump over the fence and head to the front door, just as I'm about to unlock the door I hear a truck pull up, followed by a honk of a horn.
"I've got a bike here for a Miss Willows do you know where I can find her?" I turn around and walk up to the trucker. "That's me" he gives me a tight lipped smile. "Then you have no problem showing me the license of the bike?" I smirk getting my licence out of my wallet and handing it to him. He tips his hat "Well then lets unload her shall we?" and gets out to start untying the restraints that hold my baby captive.
Once she's safely parked in my driveway I hand over the money that I owe the driver. He looks over to Cody's mate's place. "Good luck lil lady" And with that he drives off. Confused, I turn around only to find the two guys standing there and gaping at my bike. I roll my eyes. "What have you never seen a girl with a Harley before?" I ask annoyed that they're still staring at my baby.
"Lulu you never told me you had a bike?!" I send him an amused look.
"We didn't get around to talking about the vehicles we own" He hobbles over to me.
"Lulu you know I'm your best friend right?" behind us mystery guy - or Harps as Brooke calls him- scoffs "oh please, you've only just met her Cody! She could be a serial killer for petes sake!"
I look at him confused "Serial killer? I'm sorry but I do not eat cereal, I do eat fruit though so I suppose I could be a fruit killer?" He looks at me like I'm crazy.
"See? she does even know the difference between serial and cereal!" Cody flashes me a quick smile and gives his mate a confused look. "They're both the same word mate! and so what if she's a fruit killer, so am I" by the time he had finished talking mystery guy looked like he was gonna blow, so being the goody two shoes I was supposed to be I decided to step in.
"Look mystery guy-" he cuts me off "Mystery guy? Why are you calling me that?" I roll my eyes at his ignorance. "Because you haven't given me a name, anyway as I was saying, I'm not dumb, i know when and where I'm unwanted so ill just park my Babies in the garage and probably see you at school tomorrow" just as i was about to open my car door he asks me a question.
"wait, why would i be seeing you at school tomorrow?"
"Because tomorrow is Monday" I reply and get into my car, pressing the button on the remote to open my garage door in the process.
"Hey is that my ball?" I laugh, looks like I found the owner after all.