
I let out a scream and sit up to find two teens stood above me while shaking my arms, my body shivering at the coldness that seemed to have been poured all over me.

Scowling, I jump out of bed and slam my closet door, my body dripping wet through.

Fuck family!

I let out another scream before taking deep breathes, I needed to remain calm and not be angry, they were probably just trying to have a laugh.

"Okay so, shopping today? We can do that" I mutter before grabbing an outfit, wanting to get out as soon as possible.

I apply make up and straighten my hair before strutting down the stairs, slightly strutting to show off my new skinny jeans, that I had bought the other night before killing a guy.

"Morning darling!" My mother greets and I nod before heading to the door, not wanting to talk to her exactly, as I wasn't over my mothers death.

I get cut off by the twins so I let out a huff, who knew siblings could be so annoying.

"Can you take us to school!?" They both ask politely, and I knew I was going to regret my decision.

"Sure" I hum before shoving past them and into a car, wanting to drive as quick as possible to I could be free soon enough.

The twins argue over who's in the front so I place my bag in the seat and force them to sit in the back, I don't like kids, never really got along with any, or knew any for that matter.

I let out a sigh of content as I drop them off at their high school, slightly turning up the radio, to block out the teens outside my car.

"Thanks!" They cheer before running to some other moody teens, who I assume are their friends, but I didn't exactly care.

I drive off without a second longer and turn on the music to another channel, finding music that was more my taste.

I begin to tap on my steering wheel before turning to the direction of the mall, slightly enjoying the warm weather, that was less hot than Spain but felt better for my skin.

To be honest, I never got to leave the house. I need to take all the freedom I can take.

Including my first coffee shop stop!

I strut inside of a small coffee shop and am met with a girl running around with several coffee pots in her hands, while having a phone to her ear.

"I promise I can pay for the hospital bills by tomorrow, yes. No! Please don't hurt him..." she pleads and I take a table in the corner, hating the crowds, and the chatter.

She pouts before saying farewell and turning to take my order, trying to keep herself together.

"Hi! What can I get you?" She smiles, having to fake it all but seeming slightly genuine and kind, I kinda felt bad actually.

"I don't know, I've never been to a coffee shop before" I state, frowning as I look down at the menu, all the random words popping out at me as well as a few diagrams.

"I'll surprise you" she winks before writing something down and turning away, walking towards the counters.

Nice girl. Maybe a friend? I said maybe, I am quite anti social.

She sets done my cup and a cake, and I peer down at them before turning back.

I grab her arm and sit her down, "so, who's in hospital?"

"Oh erm.... it's my brother" she stutters, "I'm paying for his medical bills.

"What about your parents?"

"Oh, well. They died a few years back" she states, and my sympathy deepens for the girl who seemed to be working her arse off for herself and her brother.

I frown and grab her hand, "sorry, I lost my parents too"

"Really?" She questions and I nod in return, "anyway, how's the vanilla latte?"

I hum before looking down at my new favourite drink, loving the aftertaste as well.

"Best thing I've ever tasted" I answer honestly and she smiles gently, warmly.

Our little bubble of happiness is destroyed as an angry women marches over, and I arch my brows slightly as though to challenge her.

"I don't pay you for nothing! Stop talking!" She yells and the girl jumps up, she turns to me. "Is she bothering you?"

"No, but you are" I state angrily and the girl lets out a choke as I glare at the women, "let me guess, you help with shipments?"

The old hag furrows her eyebrows before her eyes widen slightly, "you're....."

"Anyway, this girl here...." I signal for the girl to tell me her name, and she catches on eventually.

"Marie, Marie Prinstin" she greets.

"Marie is going to continue to work and you're not going to push her, you're going to pay her more in fact" I state and the women nods before walking off, and I feel a happiness spread through me.

Marie lets out a sigh and sits down again, in the booth opposite mine, smiling slightly as in relief.

"Thank you"

I nod before shoving the cake to her, she looks up to me unsure but after I nod and she soon scoffs it down.

She looks a little skinny, probably from lack of money, her hair is in ponytail.Not forgetting the stain on her apron and from looks of it, she barely sleeps.

"I'm Alexander" I stick out my hand politely.

She shakes it before looking over my outfit. It did look a bit extra for grabbing some coffee, too classy I guess.

"Nah, lets give you a nickname" she says, "lexi or lex?"

I give her a shrug before finishing off my drink, sighing at the last mouthful.

She hands me a napkin and I look down at the number, nodding slightly.

"I don't usually have friends. But, if you ever wanna hang out?"

"Me either, I would love to be your friend" I admit and she cheers, and I place the napkin in my bag.

"Oh here" I say and pull out a pile of money, "that's for your brother"

"I can't take this" she pushes it away, shaking her head as she does so.

"Is it not enough? I have more.."

"No! I mean, I don't want to seem like a gold digger and I don't want to burden you"

I let out a smile and shove to money in her hands, "the nice ones always have it hardest"

Before she can argue I walk out and towards the mall again, it was either I give her the money or I would've donated it anonymously.

She seems kind.