Spa day & a suprise

"Welcome to my home" I say as I open the doors to my house, not really caring who's around.

Marie's mouth falls open as she walks into the house, only used to her apartment and work.

"How have you never brought me here before?!" She squeals before running around the hallway, twirling around in the area, her skirt floating slightly as she does so.

I grab her hand and tug her towards my room, "let's change and go for a swim"

"You have your own pool?!" She yells before dragging me up the stairs faster, I knew that she'd need this after what had happened the other day with the second in command, it truly scared her.

After we changed into the swimsuits Marie went full force into the water, before arriving to the surface and swimming circles, happily cheering as she talked about how fun her cannon ball was.

To be totally honest I hadn't been in yet, I dove my feet in and decide to float them for a minute or two, I didn't really care about swimming as it seemed useless to me, but marie likes it.

"I love it!" She cheers when she jumps up in the water again, and popping up with a huge grin, not caring how her hair was an absolute mop.

I jump in too and jump up quickly as I notice how cold it is, swearing lightly as Marie laughs at my reaction to the water.

When I finally carry a smile for the first time in years my step father walks in, knocking it off immediately, as I turn to look at him.

"Jonathan" I nod my head in a greeting, not used to having other people wanting to talk to me.

"Someone is at the door for you, my boss" he gives me a small smile before walking out, turning all serious, why the hell was his boss in this house.

"We'll be changing first!" I shout back and then turn to Marie who nods in understanding, she jumps out wraps a towel around her shoulders to stop her hair from dripping.

She pouts and watches the water as we walk back inside the house, me slightly tugging her as water droplets fall off of both of us, probably leaving a trail behind us.

As we reach the bottom of the stairs I spot that 2nd guy, two body guards and a dominant looking man. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Marie steps to behind me as I place my hands on my hips, clearly in anger, and to cover Marie up more.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" I ask using my Spanish accent for touch, I had a flare of the dramatic sometimes too.

"Miss Gomernez" the stranger greets me in a dangerously low voice, "my 2nd tells me what you've been saying and I'm now here to settle things"

I raise an eyebrow at them all and grab Marie's hand, "you interrupted my girls night"

He doesn't even shift, he remains in his sexy dominant looks while crossing his arms over, clearly in anger. God, why did they have to always prove to be the alpha male?

I drag Marie upstairs and we walk into my closet, ignoring the situation that we had moments ago, wanting to let it go and move on.

We glance around the clothes and remain in silence.

"I like these" she says as she holds two outfits out, matching our bipolar personalities.

"I'll choose shoes!" I cheer before looking our options, knowing to chose a something black and white.

We strut down the stairs to watch some disney films but see the men are sitting comfortably on the couch as mrs Anderson....Mom hands then drinks.

"What the fuck?!" I say out loud and eyes are on me, I focus on my somewhat family as I feel eyes burning on me and my new outfit.

Stop staring mr hotshot.

Marie grabs my hand and unfists my hand, I don't like him, he reminds me of my father.

"What's going on mrs Anderson?" Marie asks as steam appears out of my head, of course she's going to be polite, I just needed to focus on observing the scene and keeping Marie safe.

"Well Marie, this is my husbands and sons boss Mr Knight. He's here to talk to my daughter."

Nope, nope, no, no and do I mention...NO!!!!