
We had to sleep at Ethan's mansion, it's safer than the main mafia house that we went to last time, and it was a lot closer by which meant that I wanted to move house.

"I'll get you a shirt to sleep in!" Benjamin says before dragging Marie up the stairs to his room, where Marie doesn't even get a chance to glance at me.

"He better not try anything" I glare until they get out of my view, causing a worry to settle down with me.

"He won't, she's too innocent" Ethan says as his hot breathe fans my neck that sends a shiver down to my core, what the heck.

"Okay!" I clap my hands and turn around to face him, "where am I sleeping?"

"My room" he says as though it's obvious, these mafia men seriously think I can read minds or something?

"No, you're a stranger" I protest and he crosses his arms, so I cross mine in return to prove my point further in a say I did not know.

"You're sleeping my room, end of discussion"

"No, I'm not" I say while walking so I'm chest to chest with him, my arms having dropped to my sides so I could be ready to throw a punch if needed.

But, since I'm only 5'4' It's not exactly that.

He lets out a huff before he picks me up and throws me onto his shoulder, causing me to panic lightly.

"Hey!" I hit his back harshly, "put me down"

He places a hand on my ass and I slap him harder, wanting to get through to him that I am my own person who is getting my own room.

"Remove your hand and put me down" I demand sternly, trying to pout on my best serious tone.

"I like the view" he says with a hint of amusement, this bitch.

When we arrive to a black themed room he slams me onto my back on the bed so that he is above me, causing me to question the whole ordeal.

His hands are still placed on my back and waist and we stare into each other's eyes as I feel his breathes on my face.

Mint but it's husky.

I also become cautious, to the point that my hands are placed on his abs and his chest, ready to push him away if needed.

His eyes glance down to my lips and I find myself also glancing at his. He licks his lips and I feel a familiar shock through my body again, he leans closer and I slowly close my eyes.

A meow stops me as I look up and see Oliver, my little saviour.

I push Ethan off of me and pick up Oliver.

"Hi baby, you hungry?" I ask him and he purrs against my touch, relaxing in my arms as he seems sleepy.

I grab my bag from the floor and assume that someone placed it in here, a mystery that I'd prefer not to talk about since there were more important matters.

I take out the bowl and fill it with his favourite food, tuna. And then open a flask and poor the milk into the other side of the cats bowl.

He immediately starts eating as I check around for sharp objects on the floor, none seem to be there.

I find a plug and place the anxiety thing into it, sighing after doing so.

"What are you doing?" Ethan questions as he folds his arms again.

"Oliver has anxiety and a bad past. This is all to make him comfy" I explain as I pick him up after he's finished, and he yawns slightly before settling again.

I grab the anxiety drops and stroke him gently.

He opens his mouth to the bottle and I place two drops and he drinks it happily.

"There we go" I say and then place him onto the bed where he sniffs around, "also. He hates men and bad people. He can sense it"

Ethan shrugs before throwing me a shirt.

"Wear that" he commands and I roll my eyes before walking into his bathroom, where I see myself looking like a mess, blood might not have been on my clothes...but there was some on my hands, arms and face.

I remove my outfit and clear off my make up with water, as well as the blood that stains the water red, I take a deep breathe to pull myself together and mentally prepare to exit the bathroom.

When I walk out I see Ethan lay down under the covers with Oliver cuddled up on his chest as Ethan strokes him.

I smile at the sight before crawling under the covers myself, almost moaning at how comfortable the mattress was.

After a few moments, Oliver crawls over my legs and cuddled up into a ball in my arms, purring once he had found his comfort.

I close my eyes in content and then feel an arm around my waist, making my eyes shoot open again in shock.

"You give it too much attention" Ethan states with a hint of jealousy before closing his eyes to sleep.

I decide to argue another day and fall asleep to a huge blanket of warmth, closing my eyes gently and relaxing in Ethan's arms.