"Sorry, we cant actually find out until it's been at least a week" the doctor announces to Marie and I.
Great, it's only been 3 days since I slept with Ethan.
"We can set the time and date for you to be tested" he gives me a gentle smile and I nod before we exchange the details.
"So, we have to wait?!" Marie questions as we head out of the office and towards Liam's room.
"I guess so" I say nervously as I wrap my arms around myself, I hate waiting.
"Don't worry! If you're pregnant then you'll be a great mother, I know it! And if you're not then I'm here for you. We all are no matter the outcome" she promises me and she brings me into a hug.
"I don't know if I can do it" I breathe out through a sniffle.
She pulls away and swipes a tear that went stray.
"I'm crying?" I ask, I haven't done that in a while.
I let out a laugh of disbelief and she just laughs with me before hugging me.
"What do mothers do? Omg! What if the kid hates me? What if I'm not even pregnant?! What if I can never have kids? Oh god, Ethan!" I panic out and she judges me while grabbing my hands.
"You're okay, we're okay" she says gently and I let out a sigh, "lets go see Liam, you could use some good news"
I let out a nod before we rush over to liams room and Marie practically forces the door open.
"Marie!" Liam cheers as he sits up, she gives him a hug. "You brought Alex!"
"Hey Liam" I breathe out and hug him.
He runs his fingers under my eyes and frowns.
"Who made my baby cry? Do I have to kill someone?!" He asks dramatically.
I let out a laugh and he smiles upon seeing my face brighten up.
"There we go!" He half shouts.
"She might be pregnant" Marie blurts out and the laughter stops.
"Pregnant?" He raises an eyebrow at me.
"We can't find out until it been at least a week after...after..."
"Having sex" I finish off her sentence and she glows red.
"Oh wow.." Liam breathes out and takes one of my hand, "so... I could be an uncle?!"
After that we all burst out to laughter as Liam starts to describe how great he would be and how he would spoil the kid rotten.
And of Marie asks what he would be like with her kids he'd turn serious, point out a finger and say "you're staying young forever, no man for you"
I would laugh along with everything happily and realise how much I needed to spend time with the both of them, this is my family now.
Marie and Liam are my new family and they're basically my siblings, even though I haven't known them for that long.