Baby Goblins

Whether Master Ronin's words were true or not didn't matter, Arthur's goal was still the same. It was to get stronger than anyone so that he would fend for himself and stop hiding from the world. He would live his life without fearing it might end because someone powerful wished for it. 

"Aldo!" Joe turned with surprise as Arthur entered the pub. It was understandable as Arthur didn't show his face around these parts for a while. 

"Good to see you again, Joe." Arthur nodded with a smile. Joe was the proxy he used to avoid selling his artifacts directly and the two shared a good relationship. 

"Same goes for you, haven't seen you around for a while." Joe placed the frame he was holding from his hands. "What have you been up to? Hopefully not dragged to the recent war?" 

"No, I haven't participated. The mercenaries…" Arthur looked around the bar as he saw their dwindling number. Joe sighed and shook his head regretfully.