My Voice of Conscience

"I... what?" Gruen looked at the sword in confusion after he was released. Finally, he snapped out of it and ran toward Aimee, who was on her knees as well but found her unharmed. "You are safe, you are..."

"She is, thanks to you," Arthur said with a smile. "You bent the sword away from her. No. The sword refused to strike what you love. This is your power, Gruen."

"You did this on purpose?" Gruen asked as he hugged Aimee, his face covered in dried-up blood. "So, it was a lie? You won't want to kill us?"

"Kill you? Of course not. I'm just surprised that you believed it."

"The noble back at the mansion was..."

"He wasn't a friend of mine," Arthur said as he crouched in front of them. "I'm genuinely sorry for making you go through this experience, but it had to be done for you to awaken."

"So that he can create weapons for you," Rosa said as she held her trembling arm. "Don't try to sugarcoat it."