Sunlight After Winter

Ma almost had tears in his eyes when he saw that Arthur was here. When he rushed forward, the manager slipped on the wet bathroom floor, and all the paperwork was thrown into the air.

"No!" Ma shouted as his body was thrown into the air. Then, as he was about to hit the ground, everything froze midair. "What...?"

"How about you take it easy, Manager Ma?" Arthur walked over, and the papers gathered as the manager floated into a standing position. "Are these of great importance?"

"Ah, yes, yes," Ma bobbed his head as he coughed embarrassingly.

"Important enough for you to interrupt my bath?"

Arthur raised a brow, and it seemed his question gave the manager some clarity. Then, as if he was suddenly aware of how rude his actions were, he hurried to grab the paperwork and leave while apologizing constantly.