Waiting for Death

"Your son is nothing but an organs bag?" frowned Arthur as he questioned the ethics behind the creation of such life. Oriole sighed before he gestured for Arthur to sit on the bench.

"Those were my intentions in the beginning," Ori said as he sat down with Arthur, and the two watched the leaves sway in the wind. "However, I realized something after Ark began talking. This was the closest I can get for a son unless I start liking woman."

Arthur was quiet as he listened. Ori had already told him about his feelings toward Tyrin when they were in the dungeon and met that man for the first time. It was also Tyrin who corrupted Ori and Ellen.

"Ark is my everything now, aside from Paradise, and I can never hurt him." Ori looked at his hands. "You saved me from the darkness, but the damage has already been done. My soul is the one thing I cannot restore."