Alter Emotions

A beat differed from others as if it did not belong to him, and it skipped its turn when Arthur laid his eyes on her. His chest swelled with unfamiliar emotions that felt foreign to him, and it made him frown with unease.

"Are you that unhappy to see me?" she said with an awkward smile, one that had a slight panic behind it, and Arthur felt like breaking his bones to reassure her otherwise.

"I just feel... weird," he said as he held his chest, hoping to erase that feeling. Arthur took a moment to understand that this was not his own emotions but something like a natural reflex to his alter self.

"Are you alright?" she asked with worry, her earlier displeasure gone at the mere mention of his well-being. Emma took a step closer and examined his chest with a frown before placing her hand on his heart. "Your heart is beating loud."