Materialized Concept

Arthur closed his eyes as the aura grew more suffocating. Before he received the knowledge to write any rune he wanted, he never hoped to be a match for the man before him. Even now, the odds were against him in every way. Their stats were vastly different, and the man could see into his weaknesses even if he couldn't see the future of his moves.

There were certain perks to being a foreign being as the outsider in this timeline. The first one was being unrecorded in the future or the past, like a fire that can only burn what it reaches, but no one can see it coming. This was the case with the nameless and the seer guardian being unable to predict the future if it included Arthur.

'I have a powerful advantage,' pondered Arthur as he jumped back and summoned his chains. 'A future that does not have me is useless to foresee because I will change everything.'