A Single Enemy

The Knight of the Silver Rose explained what he meant by Dimensional Accommodation. According to his words, challengers from other worlds find it harder to use their powers inside the tower, even if they obtain them as a skill. In essence, the difference in dimensional levels between the two worlds causes a similar effect to humans climbing a mountain and getting tired. The difference in altitude makes it harder to breathe on the summit, with mana replacing air in this scenario.

"I was born inside the tower, so I experience no such thing," said Ramiel while sitting on the ground with his eyes closed. Jonathan glanced at him and then back toward Arthur.

"As he said, this is solely experienced by people from lesser worlds. The way to overcome this is to spend as much time inside the tower as possible, which makes rooms less beneficial than many believe," said Jonathan before he rose. "I will remove my armor and be back in a few minutes. We can then discuss our plans."