A Certain Belief

"Robert, who studied timelines?" asked Arthur with surprise upon hearing what Whisker mentioned. Since they had nothing to do during their travels, they began catching up about what happened on the second floor. "You met him on the second floor? We should have sought him out before leaving, then."

"I explained that you were missing, and he said he would wait for you at the Trial of Heroes to ensure he doesn't hinder your journey," said Whisker as he sharpened his gauntlets. The winds seemed to bother him, so his ears folded over his feline head, looking adorable. "The tamer also has something to share."

"You seem serious," muttered Arthur with a raised brow as he turned toward Lian, who carried a similar expression. "What is it, Lian?"

"I met a man who claimed to be your father and threatened that a loved one of yours would suffer if you met the blue dragon," said Lian with a shrug. "I didn't have time to warn you because I was injured. I apologize."