Background Information

This story is set in the fictional world of Relesia, which is loosely based off of our real world in the 18th Century, and the colonial era. Major powers include the Empire of Albion, an offshoot of the British Empire, alongside other nations such as the Romanov Tsardom (Russia), Frankia (France), Prusy (Germany), and most importantly, the Kingdom of Silveria, based upon a pseudo Revolutionary America/Prussia, a colony under Albionic administration at the start of the series.

Throughout the book, we will be taking the viewpoints of several characters, some of which are listed below, as we tell the story of Silveria's independence from Albion, and the struggles and conflict endured in the process.


Keep in mind that this is only a brief list of the main characters, there are many stories to tell, though these are the most important ones.

Frederick Augustus Silvon (Prince) – Second Prince of the Kingdom of Silveria. A very intelligent and overly confident 20-year-old, is well read on most subjects, but abhors art. He is particularly interested in martial affairs, having gone to the Military Academy of Marius Voigt, where he was kicked out for continuous brawling. He was greatly attached to his mother Sophia, and due to a string of childhood incidents, he became a much different character, more withdrawn and apart from his friends. Although he maintains a friendly and amiable stance, his true colleagues and friends know that it's all a facade, the Prince is a broken and unstable man. Going on to command a volunteer regiment of Silverians in the Albionic Army, he has since learned the art of war alongside his childhood friend Gridion. With a strong love for his country, he wishes for it's independence, and decides it is time to return to his homeland. Holding great admiration for his grandfather, Joseph, who had attempted a fight back against the Albions, Frederick strives to help his father reclaim their Kingdom, and find glory in a new life.


Hans Gridion Blucher – Son of a renowned General, and esteemed friend of Frederick, Hans was sent to the Academy at the same time as the Prince, bonding together until Frederick left without even saying goodbye. Disheartened, Hans continued his studies until graduation, and decided to earn a comission in the Silverian Legion, hoping to connect to his old friend. Assuming correctly, the pair reunited, but something was off in the Prince he had once known. Nonetheless, Frederick greatly rates his friend's company, and is seen to be the timid and kindred ally to guide the misguided, fierce when need be.


Gunther Poltardt - A career military officer, Gunther is a staunch believer in the Albions, considered a traitor by his countrymen and disliked by his compatriots. However, his attitudes begin to change as he becomes more better affiliated with his homeland, and begins to question his loyalties.


Walther and Arthur Schultz - Two twins attached to Frederick's military staff, these two polar opposites bicker whenever they can, only working together when their goal is unified, often of a mischievous degree. They are, however, reliable men who devote themselves to the Prince, keeping an eye on him and admiring a man who has not broken their trust.


Amelia Reiss – A humble farmer's daughter, Amelia is from the Southern Regions, where her village is under constant raid from Albionic nobles, who steal their food and constantly skirmish with the locals. One unfortunate day, a noble entered the village, and attempted to force himself upon Amelia. Her father rushed to protect her, and was savagely murdered. The noble fled, and Amelia's father bled out in her arms. Since, she has taken a resentment to the upper classes, her thirst for revenge fueling an almost unhealthy obsession. To protect her sisters from anymore tragedies, she must act, and fast.


Jakob Furst – Former commander for the Albionic Army for 20 years, Jakob was replaced due to his inability to ride a horse, and hence moved to Silveria to act as a foreign attaché, sidelined due to his past as a member of the peasantry. Impacted by this, he takes to drink and rarely takes his work seriously, constantly petitioning a military position in other areas, only to be rejected. He is asked personally by Frederick to act as a quartermaster for the Silverian Legion. Hesitant at first, he comes to accept the role. This new command gives him a new purpose in life, though he cuts down on drink only a little, and in time he comes to lead his men with a renewed passion.


Justus Augustus Silva (King) – Justus ascended to the throne following the rebellion of his father at the age of 14. He quickly began to restore hope in the arts and crafts of the nation, a great lover of such and mostly respected by the people. He is a strong King despite his external looks, a great advocate for justice and has cut down sharply on corruption, issuing harsh sentences to would-be miscreants, but disliked by his son due to his refusal to act against the Albions, and unwillingness to use more extreme methods. A wise man who loves art and his people above all, William is a peace-embracing, and futilely naive king.


Lily Orshen - A heiress to the Orshen house, sworn enemies of the ruling Augustus dynasty, Lily was a close friend of Frederick during their childhood, torn apart only by his sudden admission to the Academy. She soughts to rekindle her relationship with Frederick, knowing that not only will this reunite her with her long lost, but solve the bitter rivalries the two houses have suffered.


Joseph Augustus Silva – Former King of Silveria, Joseph was a warrior king, always dueling with local aristocrats and fighting alongside Albion in the better days, when both nations respected one another. When Tristan VII ascended the throne, he insulted and berated the Warrior King, asking for his complete submission. Outraged, the King fought against his overlord, but was eventually betrayed and replaced by the more complacent Justus, leaving Silveria to heavy taxation and raids. Now, at the age of 92, Joseph has lived a life full of twists and adventure, but has no choice but to lay down his sword, seeing hope in the fires of the Prince.


Count Erwin Goldberg – A cunning and lesser noble who is known to be able to capitalize on any business and triple its finances. He originally came from a relatively poor family in the far north, the Romanov Tsardom, but through clever trading and the right connections, he had risen to the rank of Count. Following a violent revolution, he was forced to emigrate to Silveria. At first, he still confides in the merchant business, running a lucrative fur trade, and maintaining a bank, but after reuniting with Frederick, he is propelled into both challenges and fortunes a man of his standing can only dream of.


Edmund Slikehall - Growing up in the wharfs of Yorke, Edmund spent his entire childhood as a shiphand aboard various Albionic warships, building skills in combat, repairs and navigation. 30 years later, the wharf rat is now the Captain of the Bitterwind, an Albion of birth, but sympathetic to the plight of the Silverians. A close friend of Justus, the two have had dealings with each other on many occasions. Smuggler, sailor, smart. Edmund knows the seas, and he wouldn't have had it any other way.


Trinity Goldberg- Trinity's parents were moderate traders, neither rich nor poor. However, they had accumulated debt, and mysteriously vanised one evening. Alone, Trinity wandered the streets, and met an eccentric, well-dressed man. Erwin Goldberg took her on as an apprentice, and gifted with his brilliance and intelligence, became well-versed in the realms of trade. The banker decided to take her on as his own daughter, a lonely man's heart was warmed by company, and Trinity swiftly picked up her adoptive father's penchant for opportunity, and his countenenace for gold.


Paulus Hoss – The advisor of King Justus, Paulus is a sight that is familiar around the palace, and is well rehearsed in the art of managing the Kingdom, but due to his cunning and decisive nature, he is likened to a fox, a man of many uses, and with hands reaching every corner of the known world.


Harold Longinus - A clever and well spoken lawyer, Harold Longinus is a name well known in the courts of the Albion, and acting as a secretary to Justus, is able to connect the King to political intrigue and weave a net of secrets and lies betwixt a spider's den.


Anya Petrov - A woman shrouded in mystery, Anya appears before Frederick in dreams and visions, lighting a path whenever he feels in doubt, or inescapably lost. With a soft, guiding hand, she watches over her charge, warning him of danger and admonising his worst actions.


Emperor Tristan VII - The tyrannical Emperor become Dictator of the Albionic Empire, Tristan lives a life of corruption and tomfoolery, a deeply affronted individual with a short fuse, the Emperor does not take kindly to those who refuse to bow to him, much less rebels.


Rufus Augustus Silvon - The First Prince of Silveria, the rightful successor to the throne, and sadistic beyond belief. Rufus cared little for etiquette, throwing lavish parties and balls weekly, jumping between girls, and using treasury funds for the most obscene of purposes. The slaying of a villager was too much for the kindly King Justus, and he reluctantly exiled his son abroad. Seeking asylum in Albion, Rufus met Tristan, and the two became fast friends. With the power of the Emperor behind him, Rufus seeks to make the world his playground.


General Ian Uxhaley - A veteran of many campaigns, Uxhaley is known for suppressing revolts with an iron fist, famously massacring entire cities so that the will of the Albion is acknowledged. Known as the "Emperor's Lapdog", Uxhaley follows his orders without second thought, mercy or a shred of kindness.


Admiral Winston Thenderherst - An Admiral of the Albionic Navy, Rufus is a lot more hot-headed than his land counterpart, prioritizing quick movements and glory, with little care for the men under his command. So long as his own needs are served, Thenderherst believes he will go down in history as a military genius, and not as the blathering fool he really is.