Childhood Part 3: Onyx's Accidental Magic

Agate brushed herself off and stood up straight before running over to hug her friends. She had grown up with them though the project after all. "Welcome Hampton and Sarah" She looked at the Americans "and you too Björn and Klara" And smiled at the two Swedes she hugged last. "I trust those are your young ones then? Young Gray and Anguillin?" She gestured towards the kids who had all walked over to Onyx and his little fox, fascinated by the small cute cub. Only Emerald hadn't made an appearance yet.

"A pleasure as always." Klara exclaimed and nodded at Agate. "Allow us to introduce our younglings." She quickly called her kids back and as they came over, so did the rest. Everyone standing next to their parents, even Emma showing up from inside the house. With the compassion he felt from the cub swirling around his ankles Onyx soon managed to stop the tears in his eyes and listen to the introductions.

Klara gestured to the two silver haired children next to her. One girl and one boy. "This is our eldest, Tove and our younger boy Ulf. Tove is the same age as you Onyx" She smiled at the birthday boy and ended with "And Ulf is just two years younger." The two children bowed stiffly at Onyx but then dropped the act and smiled widely. Seeing as they were done, the Americans picked it up.

Hampton moved forward to introduce his three children. "My eldest, Charlton over there. And then we have my young twins California and Georgia." The three children bowed half-heartedly. Hampton smiled "Charlton is also turning 5 soon but my two girls are only three years old."

Onyx stepped forward and introduced himself "I'm Onyx Grey" He bowed to an amused small crowd. He gestured to his sister "This is my sister Emerald, or Emma if she's feeling nice." The girl gave a brilliant smile and was brimming with joy at the possibility of spending time with some new people. To everyone's surprise Onyx then bent down and picked up a small fox cub "This here is Rufus."

After introductions, the children ran off to explore the house. There wasn't a whole bunch to do. There was a reason why Onyx spent most of his time outside. He did have a couple of things to play with though.

He had a few child brooms, four of them. He also had a couple of animated toy animals. He showed them around the massive house. Everything from his room, to their muggle-room where they had a Television. Onyx told everyone to bring the toys and follow him out so he could show them the trees.

Onyx went on to show them the bowtruckles and was surprised when no one else said they could feel what he felt around the trees but didn't think much of it. The children spent the day outside both flying and running around with both the animated toys but also Rufus. None of the children questioned the fact that the fox seemed very tame for such a wild animal.

As the sun started to set, the children had gathered in front of the television. They were watching E.T. and their eyes were stuck to the screen. After the movie, half of the children had already fallen asleep and that's when it was time to end the party. The families parted ways with a promise to keep seeing each other.


While the children were playing, the parents had talked about what preparations they all made for the respective houses. Grey went into wand wood and was going to start breeding some animal. Gray had started a potions business and the Anguillin were breeding the Swedish short-snout and were thinking of making some brooms capable of carrying a large load meant for transportation of animals.

Throughout the day they didn't just talk business though. They shared experiences about the children and about the lack of free time. All three families came to the conclusion that it might be time to talk to an elf-breeder.

When the day was over both Emma and Onyx fell right to sleep. They had only really had one of the muggleborn children from town over, which they hoped would turn up magical like her sister, before and this was almost too much for them. Onyx hadn't even had time to open any presents at all and would have to send his thanks for them by Owl tomorrow.


Almost a year later Rufus had grown up. Onyx had been spending most days outside with his little friend and the fox had grown up to be a mighty fox. Onyx didn't reflect on it but Rufus was fairly special.

Agate had noticed certain differences to the foxes she knew about from before. His colour was darker, almost crimson. He was larger than a normal fox and he always seemed to understand what was going on and how to best keep Onyx happy. Rufus also had a way of keeping other animals clear from the herbs the family grew.

She had decided a while ago that maybe they could breed a new kind of pet here. If Rufus was as magical as she suspected him to be, then maybe he could be the start of a new race. Maybe he could be to foxes what kneazles are to cats and what crups are to dogs. It might be worth a try! And if nothing else they'd at least get a pet for Emma as she had been begging for a Rufus of her own for a few months now. She decided this was worth a trip to some of the more magical forests around Britain to try and find a companion for Rufus.

Three days later, Agate returned with a fox in a cage. She had found a fox which appeared to have recently left her own parents. It wasn't particularly tame but it hadn't grown up with people around it either so you can't expect it to be.

She called out to her son as she knew he would bring Rufus with him. "Onny! I have a surprise for you and Rufus!" Onyx came running from the forest and was surprised when he saw what Agate was carrying. But that was nothing compared to Rufus and the female fox's reaction.

Rufus slowly walked up to her and they seemed to converse. The fox calmed down more and more every second and soon Onyx reached out and opened the cage to let her out.

The female fox instantly ran away and Rufus ran after her. Onyx could feel inside that this was less about her running away and more that she was testing Rufus. Rufus however was not a weak small Fox. He was an incredible specimen who quickly chased her down and soon they looked like they were playing.

Onyx felt the joy in his heart and leaped into his mother with his arms wrapping around her. "Thank you mum! Rufus had been missing something. Maybe this was it! I can feel that you've made him happy!"

Agate put the fact that he could feel it aside. That would be a topic for once he was older. Her thoughts however was interrupted as Onyx made a grave face and began running into the forest. "Onyx! Where are you going?!" She ran after her boy, worried as he seemed scared. As soon as they entered the forest she saw what he was scared of.

A large boar had injured the female fox and stood up against Rufus who stood in between them. Before Agate could get her wand up Onyx ran in there and yelled at the boar.

His eyes flared and his voice echoed throughout the forest. It felt like a compulsion charm and a sonoros was mixed into his voice at he told the boar in no certain terms. "Leave! And NEVER come back!" The boar stopped its action and turned on its heels.

The boar ran away quickly and Onyx knelt down. He recognized this. It felt just like when he found Rufus's mother. The only difference was that now his own mother was there already. "Please mum. Can you save her?" He looked up with tears in his eyes.

This brought Agate out of her stupor and she used the wand she brought out to face the boar. Her boy had finally had a burst of accidental magic. That was all that was on her mind as she started healing the fox with the basic healing spells she knew. It seemed to be enough as her breathing calmed down.

Onyx picked her up and brought her inside. He laid her down in Rufus's bed next to his own and went to get some scraps of fatty meat to give her. Agate just looked on as Onyx sat down next to the female fox and started her. She was of course shocked and slightly grumpy about having a human hand her food but Rufus kept licking her behind the ears to calm her down.

This went on for quite some time until the fox was ready to get out on her own. During this time Onyx had told Agate her name. She was called Roxy. Her and Rufus appeared to get along just as well as they had hoped and in the back of her mind Agate hoped they'd have very interesting children one day.


The summer had gone and it was time for Onyx to enroll in the New-Blood Project (NBP) school for the second and third generation's kids. There weren't that many children but among the crowd of parents were many who specialized in each field so there was no lack of good teachers in subjects magical and non-magical.

The children were to be taught about both worlds so they could live however they wanted. They would know the sciences muggles were taught and the magic theory the pure-bloods were taught. No one had wands of course but some things didn't require one.

That of course wasn't all. At the first day of school Onyx would receive his heir ring. It had finally been crafted and although he didn't know all that meant he was thrilled.