Childhood Part 5: Onyx's Letter

The years went by. The trio stayed friends at school and deepened their bond through the years. At school they were taught what was necessary, but barely performed magic.

Mainly through potions or herbology but still, they knew the theory behind it. Something that had been focused on was the culture and religions of the magical world. They wouldn't be taught this at their magic school later they had to learn now and live as they were expected.

The three were now almost eleven years old and would soon get their letters to attend their respective schools. Onyx would go to Hogwarts, Charlton to Illvermorny and Tove to Durmstrang.

Before that could happen, they had spent the last year learning about what it means to be the head of a house. Their new classes consisted of hours upon end of just the three of them joined by several guest lecturers.

One of the most regular ones to show up to lecture them on politics and the current status of the populace was Lady Augusta Longbottom. Her family was among the ones who believed that some muggleborn mixed in instead of inbreeding could only strengthen their magic.

This was one of the reasons Jasper had often invited her, the other was that he once knew her through Henry Potter. It was a wise old woman, perhaps sometimes too stuck in her own ideas but she always meant well. The three kids hadn't been particularly happy whenever she dryly explained their duties but they had begun to appreciate the woman. Tove had many rough experiences with her as she kept explaining that a woman should keep her calm but it never got very far.

By now they barely looked at all like they once did. Onyx had fairly sharp features for a young boy, he had a wide and warm smile with perfectly white teeth. His appearance was mainly taken from his mother. Gentle eyes but with the same clear blue as when he was born.

His hair was the one thing he got from his father. He had short curly black hair with small strands of brown mixed in between, it was styled short on the sides and a curly fringe hanging over his forehead. His body was well trained but of course without any discernible muscles. He was after all just turning 11. He took a look at his two friends and thought of the changes he saw in them.

Personality wise he was happy nothing really changed through the years. They still held the same roles in the group. Tove was impulsive, Charlton was thoughtful but reluctant and Onyx was a mediator and a good middle ground. He could encourage Charlton and calm Tove, one of the few who could. Looks-wise a lot had changed.

Tove had turned into what Onyx could only describe as a sweet looking girl. Her ginger locks were perfectly controlled and hung below her shoulders. She had a slightly round face with large grey eyes. She was fairly tall but it was hard to tell how her body would end up at this point.

Charlton on the other hand had the "little prick"-look down perfectly. He had a fairly square head and a lanky body. His brown hair hung down to his shoulders. His lips seemed perfectly made for a sneer and his eyebrows were sharp. He had a fierce resting bitch face, making him seem rather unapproachable.

Onyx would truly miss them once he went to school. Sure they'd keep in touch and see each other over the holidays, but they were used to seeing each other every day, practically living together. At times they were inseparable, the only time they went through struggles was when they learned of the pressure and faith placed upon them.

Both Tove and Onyx had trouble understanding and accepting responsibility while Charlton didn't hesitate. This caused some fights but even though Onyx and Tove hadn't made up their mind about whether they should embrace it and try to change the entire world or not, the three had decided that argument wasn't worth their friendship.

At home, there had been a few changes as well. Emma had grown up a little. She also took after her mother a lot. Her father was shining through in her eyes and her curly hair though. She still hadn't gotten that under control and regularly kept it in a bun or in pony-tails, perhaps with time.

Today she was dressed her best when Onyx arrived home. What Onyx didn't know was that his Hogwarts letter had arrived while he was at school and the family was going to Diagon alley. Emma, ever the inquisitive and nosey little sister, had already opened it when she handed it over to Onyx.

He couldn't keep the smile off his face when he saw the Hogwarts symbol, the massive amounts of titles under Albus Dumbledore's name and then he read it.


Dear Mr Grey,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress.


Accompanied by the first letter was the mentioned list. It told of what to buy for the uniform, the course books and also some miscellaneous equipment. At the end it was stated that we are allowed an owl or a cat or a toad and a reminder not to bring a broomstick your first year. That had him worried.

Not the broomstick of course but what about Rufus? Onyx has become so used to having him around that he would struggle without his little, not actually so little anymore, fox. Surely they could make an exception? He would have to ask mother if she had any ideas.

He was glad he did. As soon as the topic of Rufus came up she started talking about a topic she had meant to breach a long time ago. She sat him down.

"The bond you and Rufus share is not a normal one. He is your magical familiar and is able to live off of your magic. The two of you are connected in ways others, including me, can't understand." As he heard this Onyx was overjoyed "Does this mean I can ask them if they'd make an exception on account of him being my familiar? Surely they'd do that?"

He, with his mother's help, wrote a reply accepting his spot in the school and thanking for the invite. Onyx asked about having a familiar with him, he didn't specify what kind.

Soon it was time for the family to go off to Diagon Alley. It was like a family trip as they left the farmhouse for the big city to spend the day shopping for everything Onyx could possibly want. Onyx, Emma, Agate, Darren, and Jasper all came along. Jasper would be paying and made it clear it was with the project's money to support the people in the program. Onyx still wasn't all that sure if he thought the project was a good thing and if he liked the pressure it applied on him but went along.

The first thing they saw when they entered the alley, was a tall woman with a giant bird on top of her head. Standing behind her was a tubby young boy seemingly afraid of the world itself. The boy was unfamiliar to Onyx and he was amused when he saw the boy looking at the stores around him as if the walls were going to fall over him. The woman, however, he knew very well. It was Lady Longbottom, which would make the boy Mr Neville Longbottom.