TPS Part 3: Onyx's Choice

Onyx got up and petted Rufus "Play nice now. No chasing cats or anything. And you better hide from at the very least the professors. It'll be more fun that way." Onyx got up only to find Hermione astounded "B-but..Since when has he been here?" Onyx simply waved her off. "The entire time. Are you sure your vision is alright Hermione? Might want to get that looked up." He winked at Neville who held in a laugh as they left the compartment with the still dumbfounded girl.

Soon they heard a very deep voice calling them over and so they went over to the one making the noise. It was a large man. Onyx would almost describe him as a giant but he had seen giants and this wasn't quite like it. The man was probably the Hagrid he had heard about. They were all lead towards the boats and Onyx, Neville, and Hermione all got into the same one. With Rufus taking up the fourth spot.

The view was magnificent. He had seen pictures of the castle but seeing it now, full in view, even doubled as he saw it mirrored in the water, was incredible. The boats went across the lake at a steady pace, by themselves of course. By the time they got across, all were in a magical mood. It was probably why the first years went on the boats to begin with, to get into the right mood ahead of what was to come.

They got off at the docks and went up massive stairs to get to the main gates. Once inside they were met with a tall, black haired older woman. She of course didn't look that old considering that wizards tend to live for quite a long time but to an eleven year old boy, this was an old woman. She looked stern and resolute, which Onyx was sure served her well as a teacher, but there was something hiding behind a façade. Onyx wondered if he'd ever see another side, but she was his professor after all. This woman wouldn't share her personal life.

"Hello everyone. I am Professor Minerva McGonagall and I would like to use this instance to say, Welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you can take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be Sorted into your houses." While saying this, a small smile crept into her lips. 'This woman must really like seeing the first years' eyes of wonder each year' Onyx thought.

They formed lines behind her and as soon as it was quiet on the other side of the door, the doors to the great hall finally opened. With the doors opened, the students marched on through. Onyx was walking next to Neville and whispered into his ear "Hermione seems to have started lecturing already, maybe she'll be a teacher one day" the two boys chuckled as they looked towards Hermione explaining the floating candles and the roof which was spelled to look like the outside sky. This wasn't exactly special to the two pure-blood boys as they both had rooms like that at home and the New-Blood Project (NBP) even had one at the academy to teach astronomy.

Once they reached the front, everyone spread out to see what was in front of them. It was a small hat and to most of the first years' surprise it started singing. It was singing something about what makes each house special and that he was a special thinking cap. Onyx wondered how much of a mind of its own it had or if it was just a spell to compare traits with the four founders.

Eventually it was time to begin the sorting. It started with a "Susan Bones" being called up. She was a small tubby red headed girl with a nervous aura around her. She didn't seem all that confident when she sat on the chair and the hat was placed on her head. She didn't have to be nervous though as the hat yelled out 'HUFFLEPUFF' almost instantly and she jumped up with joy.

After the first sorting, the rest followed fairly quickly. There seemed to be an even number of students going to each house. As Onyx didn't know all of them personally, even if he had introduced himself, he didn't care all that much about most of the sortings. That was until the hat got put on Hermione's head.

It took ages. For every minute the hat looked more and more uncertain but eventually it yelled out 'GRYFFINDOR' and she got off the chair and over to her table with skips in her steps.

With every sorting there was a large applause, Onyx partly wondered how they could be bothered clapping for so many students right after each other but figured it was some kind of group thing. If many did it, it might feel weird to not join in and so everyone kept it up.

A few more names of note came to be sorted. The Weasley got sorted into Gryffindor after a short while where the hat seemed to almost get angry. The Malfoy kid got sorted into Slytherin without the hat touching his head. Then it was Neville's turn.

Contrary to what many expected of him, he wasn't scared at all. Neville seemed to walk towards the front with confident steps and a grin of his lips. Right before the hat went over his head he nodded towards Onyx. A couple of minutes of silence later and the hat yelled 'HUFFLEPUFF'. Neville smiled widely and walked over to his new table.

Next name to be called up was the boy-who-lived himself. He was certainly not confident and seemed to look at the crowd afraid of them judging him. As the hat got on his head it started throwing his head around.

After a little while, it shouted 'GRYFFINDOR' and Potter sagged down out of relief. The applause for him was thunderous and he laughed as he sat down next to Weasley. 'Pity' Onyx thought but figured he might still read the book at some point considering Hermione's sitting right across him.

Onyx now stood there as the last one left and just waited to be called. It seemed odd to keep him until last, what order was this in really? Just some arbitrary order? Random? He couldn't figure it out and while he was thinking, Minerva called out to him "Onyx Grey". He nodded and wore a confident but not smug grin as he walked over and sat down in the chair.

"Ahh, Onyx Grey. I had wondered if the project would one day succeed." Onyx smiled, the hat must be using some mind magic and as it is in direct contact with his head it should have an easy time figuring things out. Clever.

"Indeed child. That is what is happening. But now onto you. There's bravery there for sure, though not valued. There is also quite the brain in here, but once again that is probably not going to be what you focus on."

Onyx thought about what the sorting focused on. Might it be what we value the most? Hermione was a clear Ravenclaw but from the train ride he knew how much she adored Dumbledore. Perhaps her adoration of a Gryffindor and her wishing to emulate him made her become a Gryffindor.

Neville was easier to figure out. The guy was for sure brave but what he valued above all else was loyalty and friendship. Onyx knew how important it was for Neville to have someone with him. That made him a good fit for Hufflepuff. In there he could also become his own man instead of trying to live up to his father.

"Once again you're right. I have to figure out what you value highest. There's ambition here, a will to show the world and change it. But there's also a strong will to make deep connections and have a loyal group of friends around you to trust with everything."

"Your ambition will suit you well in Slytherin but you might not have an easy time making those friends you so dearly wish for."

"Hufflepuff would happily accept you and in there you could easily build your network from the ground up. What do YOU think, Onyx Grey?" He smiled. The hat had him figured out.

While Hufflepuff felt like the easy way, Onyx knew that Slytherin was the path to take. In there were the most powerful families and the strongest connections to older times. As the new generation of pure-bloods he might be able to make some changes to the house so despised by many.

Perhaps if he were to gain some power in the house he could turn some away from a path they might have chosen otherwise. Onyx had to show them what he could do one way or another so why not do it right in front of their faces, in their own dorm.

"Alright then, better be.." 'SLYTHERIN!'