TPS Part 6: Onyx's Classes

"If you must know, Dunbar senior owns a pet store in Horizont Alley. He is also the second cousin of the owner of the major pet store in Paris, and a close personal friend of the owner of the one in Barcelona. Now. If I want to secure a deal with them, is it a good idea to walk past her lying on the ground?" Onyx smirked at his female classmate.

Greengrass was confused "What does your wand wood business have to do with pet stor-" She was interrupted by the sight of Rufus appearing next to Onyx. She was annoyed at having missed him and now she knew that she had been defeated.

Greengrass sighed. "To think I'd get a lesson in Slytherin manners by some new-blood.. Can't believe it" She held back a smile at Onyx. Greengrass was obviously relieved that she hadn't associated, even briefly, with a complete idiot.

"I'll let your doubters know, in a way that will make them seem stupid of course. Now, go to class. I can't be seen walking out next to you." Onyx raised an eyebrow, bowed and spoke sarcastically "Yes of course, princess" and then he left.

Now he was off to class. The very first class was Herbology with Ravenclaw and as he had spent quite a bit of time both with Neville and in a garden, he didn't have much trouble helping Zabini.

The second class was a bit more interesting. It was Charms with the lions. The snakes all showed up to class a couple of minutes before it started but the lions didn't do the same. Only one group arrived when the Slytherins did, and it was the same group of girls who were bumped that morning.

When they saw Onyx they seemed to want to talk to him, he simply smiled at them and nodded before taking his seat between Nott and Zabini. Nott was clearly uncomfortable with sitting next to him but Onyx didn't seem to mind and just waited for something to happen.

None of the girls ended up walking up to him as they saw Malfoy sneering at them. They sat down on the other side and were soon joined by the rest of the lions just seconds before a small bearded professor jumped up on some books to reach the students' eye level. This should be the half-goblin Professor Flitwick.

It was. He introduced himself and the course before getting started with the first lesson. It was going to be about lumos, one of the few spells taught here that Onyx had already learned.

As soon as Flitwick was done with explaining the theory, he told the students to try for themselves. Onyx decided this was his time to shine, literally. He put his wand in the air and, without saying the incantation, flicked his wand gently and the tip started to glow.

Flitwick's eyes shone with excitement "Excellent Mr Grey! Five points to Slytherin for being the first one." He jumped down from his books and went over to Onyx's bench. The professor started whispering.

"Don't think I missed you skipping the incantation either. Have five more points. I'd be happy if you could help some of your classmates for a while and I might just have something to challenge you later in the class."

Onyx nodded and went on to explain again to Zabini who very soon got the hang of it and his wand lit up at the same time as one across the room did. "Zabini and Granger, excellent! Two points each!" The tiny professor was delighted with his students. He seemed hopeful that this would be a good year.

Half an hour later most of the class had gotten the spell under control. Some had overpowered it to begin with, others underpowered it. By this time, Flitwick came over to Onyx.

"Okay, now that you've helped a couple of students" He looked towards Zabini, Nott and Moon. "I think you should try to direct the spell." Onyx did as asked and did just as he practised for the last half a year. By now he had excellent control and could direct the light just where he wanted to. He directed one strong beam of light right into the eyes of Malfoy.

Flitwick was both excited and stumped. He hadn't thought the boy was this well tutored. Control was sure to help him throughout the years. He couldn't give him more points as he deliberately blinded a classmate, but he was interested in the boy.

"If you're still this much ahead by the end of the week then we'll have a talk about this. I can't let a student remain unchallenged in my classes." Onyx smiled at the kind professor and let his wand down "I haven't studied any other spells we're taught here so don't worry professor. It'll probably be fine."

The little man nodded and went back to his place. At that point Nott finally spoke his first words to Onyx. "Why haven't you studied more ahead than the first spell if you had the chance?"

Onyx was so surprised at hearing the boy talk he didn't answer for a few seconds until Zabini nudged him in the side. "Oh? Because I'm going to be taught those spells here anyway so why waste time at home just to be a show-off? I was taught other spells instead, as I'm sure you will be as well."

Nott seemed to look down at his book in thought. Onyx didn't know if he accepted his explanation or not but it was the truth. He'd have a teacher to help learn those spells in school so why would he waste time with his other tutor to learn them in advance unless he had to know them at that time?

He had of course said those words loud enough for others to hear as well. This was to show that even if he didn't know all other spells this year, they'd know that he was still taught a lot before.

The class ended a while later and the snakes walked out as a group on to lunch. At lunch Greengrass seemed to have spread Onyx's earlier reasoning as very few at the table even glanced at him, much less glared at him. It seemed most had stopped caring about him all together.

Only a select few 'haters' kept their glares aimed at the boy's face but Onyx focused on lunch. He had tried to get to know Moon a bit more as he's sharing a room with Zabini so he can get to know him at any time.

Moon's family apparently were potioneers back in New Zealand. In England they owned very little but was considered fairly noble since a former bearer of the name was elected twice as Minister for Magic here.

Lily Moon however wasn't a proud person. A humble likeable girl, always close to laughter was how Onyx would describe her. He had to ask but she didn't want to reveal what her plans in Slytherin were, which Onyx supposed was a Slytherin move.

The rest of the day went as expected. History of Magic was taught by a ghost who honestly wouldn't react if the entire class left the room. It was one of the worst lessons he'd ever experienced and wasn't surprised that most muggleborn knew nothing of the magical world's past if he had been the teacher at Hogwarts for long.

Last class of the day was transfiguration. With Onyx's limited knowledge of the muggle sciences and his study of control, turning a matchstick into a needle was easy work.

He spend the entire class trying to do it without saying the proper incantation. By the end he managed to do it silently and although McGonagall saw him do it she left to help some Hufflepuff by the front of the class.

The first day of classes had ended and Onyx knew that most days wouldn't be much different. He liked it, even if it currently wasn't all that difficult, but right now he almost preferred his own studies. After transfigurations, he went straight to the library and pulled up a book on shield charms and another on obscure jinxes.

If he got a bit cockier than he already was, he was sure to get some jinxes in the back by the end of the week. Being able to protect himself and strike back with a lesser known jinx, where they didn't know the counter, was always a good solution.

As he sat in the library completely focused on the texts in front of him, he didn't notice the people who had walked up to him. Someone cleared their throat and Onyx looked up to meet their eyes.