It took Onyx a few seconds to process what he just heard. "What do you mean you know what's causing it? YOU didn't do it did you?" That last question had so much anger in it that Nott stepped back a little "No! I wouldn't! But..But I know that 'someone' tipped off Malfoy that your fox lead you out of harms way. And then that 'someone' was tasked to curse the fox through some kind of food."
Onyx thought through what the boy said. He had no real reason to trust him as Nott hadn't really been his friend the last half a year. Sure they studied together but rarely talked and never alone.
For him to now, clearly, accuse Blaise of this.. But, was there another way? Blaise had given Rufus a treat for Onyx's birthday and a few weeks after it had begun. Blaise was the only one who knew that Rufus could sense the danger around and..
Onyx's eyes were raging with anger. Zabini was going to get it. He not only endangered Onyx's precious Rufus, but through the familiar link, he endangered Onyx himself.
Here he had thought they were friends and they had been properly acting as such for over a month now but then this. "Thank you Nott. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask. I'm really thankful for the information and will act upon it soon. I hope you'll help me once more when the time comes.."
With that, Onyx left the room they had been in and went down to the common room. He couldn't act instantly, he had to wait. The last day before the Yule break was the time to strike and then he'd just have to convince Nott to take Zabini's place as his roommate for the spring term.
Right now his first goal was to treat Rufus. He quickly grabbed the bag of treats, what was left of it at least, and decided to send them for evaluation to his Great grandfather Jasper. He was a curse breaker for like ages, surely he'd know a curse placed on treats if he saw one.
When he got back to the dorm after sending the treats away, Zabini was already there. He had to act like he didn't know about the treats but when he got back he saw him looking at where the bag had been "Ehh, where's the bag of treats I got for you? I figured I'd treat him a little seeing as he's still so down."
'That sneaky little..' Onyx simply responded with a smile that seemed real enough "Oh I gave him the rest earlier, I figured he needed something to keep his mood up."
When he said this, Zabini's eyes widened in fear and..perhaps there was some sorrow in there as well. "The whole bag? Do..Do you think that's good for him?" Onyx shrugged and went to his bed to read before going to sleep. Zabini did the same, but Onyx noticed how hesitant he was. Turning around several times to look at Rufus before eventually undressing and going to sleep.
Two days later Onyx had been given a potion and an counter curse which should work on Rufus, and he was making a quick recovery. To cover it up, he had asked the fox to once again hide from Zabini. He told the boy that Rufus had been sent home for treatment as he had rapidly gotten worse. Zabini seemed to be taking the news poorly but right now Onyx couldn't care less. It was time for revenge.
This was the night to strike. He had been given a special kind of itching powder from Jasper with clear instructions on how to activate it for best effect. He had given some to Nott so that he could spread it on Malfoy's robe.
Nott hadn't been happy about it to begin with but this was their last night in the castle before Yule, and Onyx had promised him that no matter what, he'd never have to share a room with Malfoy again.
With that promise, the first part of the plan was going to succeed. The next bit was to charm the doorframe to activate the powder and so he did with both their dorm room and with his own. As soon as Zabini was asleep he spread the powder in his cloak as well. During breakfast tomorrow, they'd get the first part of his revenge. The part that he could perform himself. He left the rest for Jasper.
The next morning arrived and after getting his morning run, he accompanied Zabini to breakfast, making small talk along the way. The fact that Zabini was itching his back every now and then told Onyx that he was likely to succeed.
When they entered the great hall Onyx made sure to get Zabini's back towards the other tables so they could spot what was to happen. A few places down he saw that Nott had managed to do the same to Malfoy. During this whole time, only Moon appeared to notice something was off.
She had in fact noticed it a few days ago, but with Onyx's promise that it would be fine as long as she waited to confront him until after breakfast, she left it. Now she was looking at Onyx with a raised eyebrow and he gave her a smile back. A wider smile than he had been able to give for a couple of weeks now as he was finally rid of some of the terrible feeling on his soul and magic.
As soon as the food was presented in front of them, Onyx shared a look with Nott and nodded. This was the time. At that point the backsides of two separate robes started glowing slightly and becoming see though. It wasn't enough for the Slytherins to pick up on it but the Ravenclaws on the table next to them had started pointing and whispering at the first year Slytherins.
At one point the Gryffindors had heard of the rumour and Onyx saw some stand up on their benches to get a better look. Some started walking around to glance at the Slytherins. After the first few had done it, others followed suit. Soon the professors caught on to something and as soon as they saw what everyone was talking about, Snape walked with haste over to the Slytherin table.
Once he got there the message he thought he could make out before was all too clear. On the back of one Blaise Zabini, written in pus filled pimples, was 'TRAITOR' in capitalized letters. It took up the entire back of the boy and the pimples kept growing, slowly. What made Snape react however was the back of one Draco Malfoy which read 'Fine Example of Inbreeding'.
Snape pulled Crabbe's robe off of him and put it over Malfoy who had just started noticing that people were looking at him and pointing. As soon as the robe touched his back, it went up in flames and only soot remained. Now the text started radiating, Malfoy even seemed to feel pain.
Snape whispered to Malfoy what had happened. While he did this, Zabini had noticed that his back felt incredibly strange and soon noticed that his robe was see though at the back. He looked to Onyx questioningly as if asking if he could take a look, but Onyx only returned with a glare. He knew. The fact that Zabini realized this caused him to sink down a little before standing up and walking briskly out of the hall.
When Zabini left, Malfoy yelled at Onyx. "You think this is a joke? Do you think this is some kind of revenge for your little beast?" Onyx gave Malfoy a playful smile "Oh I don't know what you're talking about, what do you mean revenge?" This caused Malfoy to lose it "The merlin be damned Fox! You'll hear from my father about this!"
Onyx let out a wide grin and exhaled a bit from his nose. "Oh I think he'll hear from my family before your father can hear anything from you." Onyx stood up, helped Moon up as she seemed to want to walk with him, and walked away. He looked back and gestured for Nott to come with him. The boy's eyes lit up a little as he stood up straight and walked proudly next to Onyx.
Malfoy seemed baffled that he had been countered and remained silent for a little bit except for small exclamations of pain. Snape was doing work on his back but it seemed the jinx put on him was worse than they had thought and so Onyx left closed the doors to the hall with a smirk.