TPS Part 14: Moon's Grace

Five hours. Five LONG hours was how long it had taken them. Onyx had hoped his mother would have already thought it through but sadly she had dragged him all throughout Diagon alley looking for the perfect outfit to wear and the best accessories. He had completely lost count on how many suits and robes he had tried on. Eventually he stood there in front of a mirror and saw himself. This was it.

Onyx was wearing a light Grey tuxedo made out of the finest silk he had ever encountered. Under that he had a black shirt and a striped tie with thin lines of black, white, and dark green. Over it all were his dress robes. Long elegant robes with sacramento green on the inside and black on the outside. It was lined with his crest by the opening. This was a nice look and by looking at his mother's face, he knew she agreed. Happy it was over, he quickly went up and paid before almost running out of there.

Two days later and the day had arrived. His entire family was of course invited as this was a chance for bonds and ties to be made, both business and otherwise. Now they all stood in front of their fireplace ready to go through to Bones manor. The only real pattern along the family was the same shade of grey and their crest being clearly visible as a pattern in the fabrics of their clothes. The family stepped through with Onyx leading them and as soon as he got to the other side, he was met with the smiling face of Susan Bones.

She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him "Welcome, Mr Grey, to the Bones manor." Onyx grinned a little while hugging her back. He whispered "Oh come on Bones, you know I have to do this properly don't you?"

He took a step back, took her hand, bowed down low to show gratitude and respect before kissing her knuckles. "Thank you, Ms Bones, for inviting me to your lovely home. I hope I can at least repay you by being decent company." Bones flushed a bit at having her knuckles kissed as those in her circles rarely did that kind of thing anymore but she grabbed his hand and looked towards his family.

"I'm afraid you'll have to be welcomed by my aunt Amelia as Grey and I are meeting up with a few friends" Onyx's father bowed to her and then the slightly uptight looking Amelia Bones came into view. She welcomed the family as Onyx was being dragged away by a grinning Susan Bones.

As soon as she got around the corner she let go of whatever was keeping her slightly uptight as no one was watching them anymore. "My god Onyx! You sure know how to clean up well. I couldn't quite figure out how to say it in a calm manner so I took you over here." She started giggling slightly and now Onyx took in what she was wearing.

It was a very cute dress, perhaps slightly fluffy, and in warm colours to match the wearer. "I'll have to say the same Susan, no doubt you'll be kept on the dance floor by many guys when it becomes time for that." She blushed once again. Onyx knew that the mix of him actually calling her by her first name and giving her a compliment would keep the girl quiet for a few seconds. With a grin he held onto her hand a little harder and started getting them out of a corner before people got the wrong ideas in their head.

As their friends were just on the other side of a door nearby and Susan's blush hadn't faded before they made it there, Abbott seemed to have gotten the wrong idea anyway. Onyx didn't pay it any mind as he quickly walked up to Neville standing there and the two hugged properly for the first time in a while.

"Ah Neville. Have you been here all alone with the ladies? You have to leave a chance for the rest of us." Neville chuckled as he looked at the three around them. Susan, Abbott and Moon had joined up again and was now looking at the boys amusedly.

"I'm afraid I have to pull up some unfair tactics if I want to beat you…Onny." Onyx stopped the hug only to glare at Neville for using that nickname. But seeing as Neville was flashing a wide smile, Onyx couldn't stay angry for many seconds and soon joined him. Then he walked over to Moon and Abbott in turn to say hello and kiss their knuckles simply because it just felt right. Then he looked at Susan "So what's planned for the day?"

Her eyes lit up as he asked "As soon as everyone has arrived it'll be time for dinner, then we go outside for the small ritual and finally dance the night away I suppose. Any idea on what you want to write on your note for the ritual?" Onyx had thought about it.

Every Yule, wizards perform a ritual where you take a small note and wrap it around a branch from a massive yule tree and then you throw it into a sacrificial fire. For added effect you're supposed to write what you deeply wish for on the note using your own blood and, preferably, in the most powerful language you know. It's not necessary but it adds to the ritual.

Onyx was glad that he had been taught some words in ancient languages in preparation for his time at the wand maker. He met Susan's eyes and winked. "I don't think I should tell you what I'll write. Keep it a secret you know." He grinned as he started conversation with Neville again.

Soon others arrived as well and Onyx could barely keep track of all of the families he met at this place. He was introduced to the Chang girl in Ravenclaw, the oldest Weasley, the Macmillan boy and a couple of others from all houses at Hogwarts, though only he and Moon were there from Slytherin, as well as their families.

The feast had now begun and he was glad the children of roughly the same ages were seated together as he felt a bit more relaxed around Susan and her peers. At first many were weary of him but as Susan and Neville clearly vouched for him, the tension dropped quickly. He sat in between Neville and Moon, right opposite Susan and Abbott, and they kept chatting all throughout the feast.

An hour later it was time for all to exit the house and go to the field at the back of the manor. There was a large blue flame and a circle of runes around it. Without hesitation Onyx took up a small piece of special parchment he had prepared beforehand.

He had chosen an old African tribal language and written only one wish, companionship. He looked around him at the people he had talked to during this evening and with a gentle smile broke off a small branch from one of the giant yule trees. He wrapped the parchment around it and pricked his finger. He sealed it around the branch using blood and then he waited for the people around him for be ready to walk up to the fire.

Soon they all were and the group walked up, making a circle around it. One by one they threw their branch into the fire only to see a slight change in the tint of blue. When Onyx threw his in it flared up and became almost white for a second before calming down. Onyx bowed to the flame and while others were surprised at how much of an impact his branch had, he simply walked back inside with Neville and Moon.

When everyone came back inside, the music started and the dance floor was prepared. Without hesitation, Onyx looked into Moon's eyes and gave her a gentle smile before bowing and reaching out to offer his hand. "Might I have your first dance?"

Moon relaxed and gave him a sweeter smile than he ever thought he had seen, the mirth clearly showing all across her face before she took his hand. "You may. Now show me what all that tutoring got you Grey." After waiting the appropriate time after Amelia and Susan Bones took the dance floor with partners, Onyx stepped in there with Moon.

The two danced with clear grace and it looked like they had danced together plenty of times before as there was no hesitation, no lack of trust, no stumbling but just graceful dancing. During the second song the two discussed what to do after it and Onyx came up with the idea they went with. As soon as the song was over, he took her hand and lead her over to Susan and her dance partner Ernie Macmillan.

He bowed slightly at the two "Mr Macmillan, Ms Bones, would it be alright if we swapped dance partners for just two songs?" He looked up at Macmillan "I'd like to have a small chat with Susan but Moon here" He brought her forward and she gave Macmillan a sweet smile "Clearly wants to keep dancing for a while longer."

At first Macmillan seemed rather against the idea but when he saw Moon's smile plastered on that already cute and sweet face, he melted a little. "Uh, I mean I don't mind. What about you Susan?" Susan walked over to Onyx and took his hand. "I think it's fine. I hope you two have fun as well." With that, Susan quickly lead Onyx to the centre of the dancefloor.