Chapter 3

In a blink of an eye, I found myself rushing towards the changing room. All the students were already gathered around the 3rd section of lockers. There were a few gasps and murmurs.

"We've got to see what's going on," Noah grabbed my wrist with authority and started pushing through the crowd of unnerved students. He reached the spot with me on his tail. I could see Riley sobbing on Adam's arms. Her boyfriend was trying his best to calm her, but he himself looked shaken a lot. Then I forced my eyes on the direction where everyone was staring. They were looking at a half opened locker, probably Riley's. inside was something stuffed forcefully.

A wave of nausea hit me. I could smell a faint burning smell. When my vision got clear, I saw it. No, I saw her. Genevie.

There were drops of blood on the floor in front of the locker. I could see her face, which was pretty as a princess, now ghostly pale. I couldn't look at her. She might as well be dead. The only death I faced was, my mother's. I couldn't bear another. For 2 years I've been avoiding funerals and hospitals out of fear of death.

Coach Sandy breaks the silence by screaming at us, "Nobody touches the body. I'm calling 911. If I find anybody doing any shitty business, I'll make sure you end up just like that." He stormed off. We all knew before calling 911 he is going to have a talk with the principal.

Noah takes small steps towards the locker as if to get a clearer view. He gasped and said in a low voice, "She's alive. We've got to help her." My mind starts to race. She's alive. So I've got nothing to be afraid of. I inch closer to Noah. "You position her hands crossed on her chest. Then pull her head on your shoulder. Then I'll pull the rest out of the locker," He motions towards the locker. I don't even resist over his 3 years of lifeguard experience.

But Ivy catches my hand. "What are you doing? You might displace evidence." I had a clear idea about what she was talking. But we couldn't leave Genevie in a locker.

"You call an ambulance. We can't leave her like that when she is alive." Ivy considers my words. Then nods her head then heads out with her mobile on hand. "Noah, I'm ready."

With that I pull Genevie's head pressing it upon my shoulder. I could smell the burning smell even better. Up close it smelled a lot like burning flesh. Noah grabs her waist and drags her out of the locker. We put her down on one of the bench. She was so weak and pale. Noah tries to check the pulse.

"She's got a very low pulse. If we don't hurry we might lose her," Noah said with a hollow but brave voice. If not for Noah, I would've passed out long before. If he can face this, so can I.

"Well, do something? CPR?" I know nothing of saving someone.

"She didn't drown. Plus she has not stopped breathing or her heart isn't stopped. None of it would work in this case."

Ivy returns to the room saying "They're on their way. 10 tops"

"We've got to keep her with us. Jenny rub her hands. I'll do the feet," Noah takes off her boots and start rubbing. I follow his lead and do the same. "Ivy, go get the nurse." She was already on the move clearly indicating she was thinking the same.

"Someone get some water," I ask thinking that would be the first thing everyone did to wake someone up. But none of them budged.

"I'll get it," Skyler said. Her face showing she was scared to death. But she had the proper sense and went to bring water.

"Genevie can you hear me? Please stay with us. We'll get you back." I remember saying those same words when my mom was lying on her death bed.

Ivy hands over the water bottle and I start sprinkling on her face. No budge. "Why isn't she moving?" I started to fear the worst. The nurse came with the first aid kit.

"Looks like she's been sedated." The nurse declared. What? Sedated? As in drugged? I couldn't make out anything out of that. That's when I look at her wrist. There was the burn. And it was from were she was bleeding. It was on the palm side of her wrist, so it skipped my view.

It was a burn alright. But it was making a kind of shape. But due to the blood I wasn't able to make out the outline. Noah was on his lifeguard instinct, helping out the nurse.

"There is a burn on her right arm, on the wrist," I tell the nurse. She turns her hand and gives a skeptical look.

"I don't have the burn supplies. It's not that deep. I think the paramedics should take care of that," with that she went back on trying to keep Genevie alive and her heart working.

The principal, Mr. Hay entered with coach Sandy, Mrs. Lee and the paramedics.

"The ambulance is here. Make way for them to operate," Mr. Hay said with a bold voice full of concern. The paramedics carry Genevie out on a gurney. Nobody takes a second glance at Noah who was moving side by side Genevie. So I follow him as always.


"I can't believe what happened today," I said to Noah sitting on my window.

"It's been hard on you. I know. I shouldn't have asked you to help," He said with a guilty voice.

"You know I would've helped anyway. It's just..... what happened actually?"

"I don't know. If we could've gone to the hospital we might've got something."

The paramedics and Principal Hay both were against letting us go to the hospital no matter how many times we tried to convince them that we could be helpful. They left us on the green. That's when I realized how scared I was. Noah put his arm around the shoulder and said, "It's okay." I always wished I was as poised as him.

"How could they let the school open after all this? Didn't the police investigate?" I said in a weeping voice. I hate myself for that.

"The authority claimed it as just a prank. You know 1st day at senior," he used his best haughty tone.

"But no one burns anyone and then stuff in a locker." My voice was rising steadily.

"They say whoever did this went carried away and when realized what harm was done stuffed her in a locker and fled. They're gonna take action against the guy."

"That's it? What if it happens to any of us?"

"Let's hope it doesn't. You've been through a lot. You should rest."

"You're the one who did all the work."

"I'm used to this Jenny. I even volunteered in a hospital last year, remember? I know what it is like for you, seeing someone slip away. Go to sleep. We're gonna have a better day tomorrow."

With that he pulled the curtains and I lied down on my bed recalling what happened today. The burned mark kept popping in my head. There is a nagging sensation in my head which tries to convince me that I have seen it somewhere.

The mark seemed like an inverted cross. With a horizontal eight. Very weird choice of brand.