Chapter 10

We were examining stages of cell division under microscope in science class. We were partnered 2 months ago at the beginning of the year. So I'm stuck with Noah for the whole semester. When we are together in a project, it results in argument and controversy. But after our meeting in the principal's office, we've been on a silent agreement to back up each other in any matter.

"So class, have you all labelled the slides and written down distinctive characteristics? When you're finished be sure to write your name and ID properly on the copy. This grade will be added to your final result," Mr. Appleton's moustache quivered as he talked.

Noah scooped up all his stuffs from the table and stashed them in his jeans pocket. While I arranged my stuffs in a proper order and gathered in my arm, he submitted our papers to Mr. Appleton.

"Ryan!" I heard Luke calling from behind. I turned around to face his blue eyes and stupid smirk. I was thinking if we were having another game at PE. But we didn't have PE today. he stopped in front of me and grinned.

"You coming to the win party?"

They won their hockey match with Liamson High and were having a snack party at Café Dine in the mall. Noah told me before and I shrugged it off.

"You won a big match and your having a party at Café Dine?" They are usually supposed to through a big bash party at any one of the rich kid's house or a nice warm campfire in the middle of the evergreen woods.

"Yes. But there'll be a bigger party later. Noah haven't you told her yet?"

"We're gonna have the big blast at Alex's place next week. His parents are gonna be out of town. But for now we're settling for Café Dine." Luke nodded in agreement with Noah.

"Okay, I'll be there. But what's the catch?" I knew something was up. he might be buds with Noah, but me and Luke were all about pranking each other.

"No catch." Luke raised his hand in surrender.

"Ow come on, you're Lucas McFrey and I'm Jennifer Ryan. We fight all the time."

"No we don't. We bicker. It's like arguing but cuter with no genuine enmity whatsoever." Luke flashed his teeth at me as I rolled my eyes at the correctness of his words.

"Well, see ya." He walked out of the class and we followed the lead.


Café Dine is a chic place to hang out. It has shiny silver tables and a galaxy themed wallpaper. To the left side of the entrance there is a big cyborg holding chocolate truffles in one hand and lollipops in the other. After that there is a showcase full of sweet food. At the right side there is a long line of ice cream trays. This place used to have smoothies. But everyone likes MallO's smoothies so it went out of business.

When we entered the place, it was already packed with kids. Apparently the hockey team didn't leave out anyone. So basically the whole school was here. I was wearing a navy crop top and a high waisted denim. But I could clearly see it was a skirt day.

Alex came out of nowhere and kissed me in the cheek. "You made it," he said as he handed me an ice cream. I wouldn't deny that my heart did a somersault, but I'm definitely not gonna admit either. He was looking graceful in his ground coffee shirt and black jeans. He did a fist bump with Noah and went for the cheerleading squad in the far right corner.

"Can't tell if he likes you or he is trying to make you like him," Noah sighed as if it was the biggest question in his life.

"I don't like him," I protested.

"You might."

"Shut up Noah."

It's not true that kids party only with loud music and drinks. In this place, we were all having a pretty great time only eating and gossiping and small games. Noah was taken by the team to celebrate together. So, I was left alone with my ice cream. I didn't mind it. I love ice cream.

"Is this seat taken?" Alex points towards the seat next to me. I glance over at Noah who was not gonna return any minute.

"No.' Alex makes himself comfortable.

"I see you like ice cream."

"Why aren't you with the team?"

"We are not bound to. All the team is not there. Luke's chatting with some guys over there. Chris is having truffles." He turned his eyes to me, "And I saw you sitting here alone."

"So sweet of you." He turned his head to the punch he was having. He had a thoughtful look. It feels like he is always thinking about something. Something distant. I can bet that look is what attracts all the girls. Wicked yet sweet. I could see some girls eyeing me like I stole away what was supposed to be theirs. At last Naomi came up.

"Hey Alex. Wanna hang out for a bit?"

Alex gulped down his punch and kept the glass on the table. "Sure."

Then he turned to me, "See you later."

Naomi glanced over her shoulder and mouthed Sorry.

I am gonna admit, I felt a pang of jealousy. People would have left me with my misery, but Luke had to interrupt. He sat down on the now unoccupied chair beside me.

"Don't get attached to him Jenny."

I felt rage inside me. Who was he to tell me who to like. "Like I am going to take advice from you."

"The team were goofing around the other day. We were trying to set up Alex with someone. Then somehow you came up and we said that you don't date. Alex took it as a challenge. he doesn't really like you, Jenny."

"So you're trying to say that I'm not likable?"

"I didn't say that you know. Just whatever you do, be careful."

"Like you care."

"We're friends, Jenny. We've always been." he took off leaving a very furious me.

His words echoed through my mind. Boys already put me in the non-dateable. I'm gonna show them.

Distant muffled screams and chaos was heard over all the laughing and shouting. Outside the dine people were frantic. Noah came through the crowd and grabbed my shoulder.

"You have to see this. there's been another victim."

"What? Where?"

"North side. Antique shop. We gotta hurry. before the police comes."

We got out of the dine and I let Noah guide me through the crowd. I heard people saying about a guy knocked out. Another said there had been a fight. Nothing can be verified unless seen with own eyes.

We reached the shop at the very end of the north side of the mall. The shop is lighted with yellow bulbs to make the antique look classy and elegant. I remember the time my mom bought me a sand watch from this shop.

She knelt down before me and gave me the watch. I flipped it few times before the sand filled either side. She tucked my hair behind my ears and said, "This will help you keep track of time. You'll always know it's never too late to amend things." Then she kissed my forehead and we headed for home.

We entered the shop and Noah said, "They said around in the back."

I accessed my surroundings first. There was one way in, one way out for buyers. The shop opening. I see a door at the back for staffs only. So one way in, two way out. The lighting in this shop were dim, so sudden glances cannot make out anything that might be happening at the back. Very convenient.

In the back of the shop, lay not hidden from plain view, a guy wearing the shop's staff uniform. he had fallen on his stomach, his face turned towards his left. Noah pointed towards his right hand. His left cheek was blue. No doubt he had put up a fight before going down. The criminal gave him a blow in the face and he lost his strength.

Few drops of fresh blood were splattered near the hand. Though we couldn't see the palm side of the wrist, I had a pretty clear image in my mind what I was about to see.