Chapter 13
"Remind me again why we don't have cupcakes today," I asked Noah as we were making doodles in loose pages to make it look like we're working.
"Because today is observe," he pointed to the table where Cecil was talking with Naomi in hushed tones. I could clearly see the three tier cake drawing on their table. If they are going to cut a cake with everyone, that's gonna be hard to beat. If she brings the cake from home, we can't even sabotage it.
"Then we start making the cupcakes today after school. Have you told Susannah?"
"Why not?"
Noah poked my nose with his pencil and said, "Because tomorrow is sabotage. Then on the last day, we campaign." He put his hand behind his head and reeled back on the chair. "Think about it. They start campaigning today. Till the last day, they'll be out of ammunition. That's when we attack. We'll have effect on people's mind."
I couldn't help but smile at his political thoughts. No doubt he would make a great politician in somewhat near future. But he isn't in that. But whatever he chooses as a profession, he's gonna nail it.
"Do you have any intel on Alex?" I ask Noah.
"Yeah. He doesn't actually know the rules of campaign. No telling your plans to opponents. His tongue slipped and he told me that he was handing out invitation to the party at his place this weekend."
"Wasn't the whole senior batch supposed to be there?" I am pretty sure I heard that he was going to invite everybody.
"But they don't know that," Noah sighed.
I never thought Alex would have such scheming mind. I was damn sure Luke was behind this. We just need a certain someone to leak the fact that everyone's already invited to the party. No point in voting technically.
The bell rang and we stood up. "Lunch time. Keep your eyes open Bravo 1," Noah told me.
"Ay ay Alpha 1. Wait, why can't I be alpha?"
"Cause, you're my vice president." I pouted at Noah for this and we headed out laughing.
We were out in the hallway. Three big tables were set out in three corners for our campaign. We can provide service or promises in return of votes. previously we could've just bought votes. But after what happened three years ago, bribing was banned.
"Let's just sit at our table with these papers and pretend we still haven't come out with a plan," i told Noah who was pretty convinced.
"Deal." Ignorance was the best card to play right now. That will make us a lesser target for Cecil. When she'll see Alex's party invitation, she's gonna plan a big sabotage.
I saw Cecil handing out flyers on which an energy bar was taped. I was confused, if she gave out energy bars for getting votes that would clearly fall in bribery.
"That's bribe right?" I poked Noah.
He didn't raise his head but said, "No. She is not saying that you get an energy bar if you vote. She's just handing it out to everyone. And guess what, it's healthy and tasty. Nobody's gonna hold it against her." Smart move.
"What about Cove?" Noah asked me, still pretending to sketch a plan.
"Handing out party invitations."
"So that's more of a service, not bribe. I guess they're going to get student favor."
I wasn't worried about Cecil's bake sale. because my bake sale idea was going to attract more students. After all they're teenagers. But Alex's party might be a problem. Who doesn't like a party?
"Don't worry Bravo 1, I can get the teacher's attention. I have some serious speech. Cecil might've beaten that. But Alex? He wouldn't know what hit him."
I know Noah long enough to know that he's the teacher's eye candy and very responsible. He'll surely get all of their votes. Since the teachers' votes are considered twice the value, we might win after all.
"Granma I'm home." I open the front door and put my bag on the shoe cabinet. I hear footsteps coming towards me and when I realize who it was, I jumped over him and tackled to the ground.
"Jeremy!" I was laughing hard but he just gave me a tight lipped smile.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I pulled him up.
"Dad's here." I don't know what expression my face held, but whatever it was Jeremy caught my hand and squeezed it. "I'm here. It's gonna be fine."
We entered the living room and found the guy who was once my father. He was in a well polished manner, expensive suit, shiny shoes and a Rolex watch. My grandparents were sitting on the couch and he was on the single sofa. As soon as he looked at me, my stomach churned. Jeremy put his right hand around me. I was thanking God that Jeremy was here. I could've never faced him alone.
"Jenny," he stood up and stepped towards me with his arms stretched.
I took a step back and Jeremy took a step front. "No need for pleasantries. We're all here. Say what you want and leave," Jeremy's voice was icy cold.
"Okay," he put his hand in the air and sat back on the sofa.
I sat on the other sofa and Jeremy was standing beside me.
"I came here with a news. I'm marrying Nova." I glanced towards Jeremy hoping anytime soon he would scream at him and tell him to get out. But he kept his face stern. I knew this was coming. Still it was hard for me to hold back tears.
Dad met Nova one month after mom died. He didn't even need any time to heal over mom's dead. She started hanging out around here. But at one point she decided she didn't like Me or Jeremy. Since it was our mom's house, he couldn't kick us out. But he left with Nova. Forgetting all about us. She didn't want him to have any contact with us, so he didn't. he didn't even take responsibilities of our expenses. If it weren't for the money mom left us, Jeremy wouldn't have been able to finish high school. Evergreen High gave me a full free scholarship and with Gramp's hardware store, we were off with a good life.
"You're here to invite us to the wedding?" I asked with an irritated voice.
"No,' he gave a pause, "she doesn't want you there." Of course she doesn't.
"She's pregnant. I'm very excited for our child. but the point is," he glanced around to meet everyone's eyes. "I'm gonna have to forfeit you of inheritance."
"What?" I never thought about his money or wanted it. We were having a great life. But him telling it out loud, to my face seemed a bit higher than my acceptance level. All this time I was wishing one day Dad would come back and say that he was sorry, that he loved us. When I entered this room, this was the thought in my head.
"We don't need your damn money." Jeremy was standing now clenching his fists.
"I'm done talking to you." he then turned to me, "Jenny, you know I love you. It's just that Nova feels insecure that I'll give all my money to you and our baby will get nothing.."
He looked at me for a long time. I was staring at my shoes but I could feel his gaze. The living room was silent for what it felt like eternity. Then he tried one more time, "Look, I could give you two or three blank checks so you can use in emergency. Will that be okay?"
"Like I said before, we don't need your damn money," Jeremy was shouting now. "This is how you come to our house? Forfeit our inheritance and give us blank checks like we're some beggars?" Both of them were standing face to face now. "Listen very carefully Mr. Ryan, with Gramp's store and my part time job, we have it easy. So take your money kissing ass and get out of here."
"Watch your tongue Jeremy. I told you before, I came here for Jenny. I don't know you anymore."
"Yeah. because Jenny still wants to believe you're here for her. She is gonna be the only one to sympathize you in this house. Well not anymore."
"Notch it down. She knows I love her."
"No you don't." I get up slowly from the sofa.
"If you loved me, you would've been there to hold my hand when mom died. If you loved me, you would have convinced Nova to stay with us. If you loved me, you would've showed up at the first soccer match I won. If you loved me, you would've visited when I had the chicken pox." Tears were rolling down my cheeks at this point. Jeremy put his arms around me. I took in the support for a few second then removed his hand. I wiped the tears off my face and said, "if you loved me, you wouldn't have come here with those blank checks just to get out of your responsibilities."
"Jenny, I-" I cut him off in the middle by raising one of my hand.
"Save it. After all, we're just another set of pictures to burn." I gave a pause, "Just like mom."
I could say from his look that he didn't expect this. He expected me to be forgiving and considerate just like before. But not this time.
"Please leave." He still gaped at me like I wasn't talking English.
"You heard her. Get out." Jeremy tightened his hand around me and I cried. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.