Chapter 17

"What the hell is this?" Noah exclaimed. "This is just like a thriller movie. Well, the game just got interesting."

"Are you nuts? We just received warning notes and you're calling this fun?"

"Think." He paused giving me time to think which I clearly didn't. "It means the anonymous is around us. Moreover, he is a student. He does know we're up to something. This just got easier."

I knew Noah was right. But if our families knew, they would be frantic.

"We can't let them know." I told Noah.

"I know. I'm just gonna text agent Savvaro about this. She said she was entering a meeting about the case." Noah sent the text and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Now, let's see how it tastes." He took a bite of the cupcake before I could stop him. "Mmm, delish."

"That could've had poison in it," I told him.

"Okay. First, if he wanted to poison us he wouldn't warn. second, he would have chosen a non suspicious meal, like lunch or water bottle. Not a mysterious cupcake in our locker."

"You're impossible. You're not going to practice today?"

"Nope. Grammy's sick. I gotta see her at the hospital. I'll pick you up after practice."

"Okay. Bye." I took my stuffs and went towards the changing room.


Alex's gaze was burning my neck. I could feel him staring at me from behind. Naomi and I was waiting for pick up after practice. Noah usually isn't late. But with his grandma sick, I can't blame him.

"Why is your pick up late?" I ask her.

"My sister's probably late because she couldn't put her eyeliner properly. I don't know why she gotta do so much make up. It's dark in movie theatre."

Naomi has changed out of her jersey into a Magenta top and jeans. She looked really good even without make up. Even though her hair was in a messy pony tail and there were beads of sweat on her forehead, she would surely get boy's attention.

"Maybe she feels insecure around you." I winked at her.

"Just like I feel insecure around you?" She laughed and I joined her. "You're beautiful jenny. The sooner you accept that, the better."

I was about to say something back but that's when a car pulled in front of us.

"Hurry up. We're gonna be late," said a girl with a similar beautiful face like Naomi but a little older. She had glasses with black frames and brown hair.

"You're the one who's late," Naomi shouted at her sister. Then she turned to me, "I would've dropped you if we weren't going to the movies. Sorry." I shrugged and she left. I would have definitely taken that ride considering the fact that Alex was still here. He was laughing at something with Chris. But I could feel his occasional glances towards me.

My phone vibrates in the back pocket of my jeans. I took it out and saw One new Text From Noah.

I opened the text and it read, "Got in the middle of something. Can't pick you up. Sorry."

I knew his grandma was sick. But I couldn't help getting mad at him anyway. I started walking in the direction of my home. After the cupcake today, I was feeling wary of walking home alone.

"Jenny," I turned around to see Alex running towards me. "Wait."

I was deciding between running off and waiting. Either seemed like a bad choice.

He stopped in front of me and said, "Hi." He started rubbing his neck and he looked really good doing that.

"Hi," I said.

"I see Noah didn't come."

"He got some family emergency." I shrugged.

"Well I could drop you off. I have my car in the lot." Wait, he has a car. Then why was he waiting all this time here? But still I considered taking his offer because it was better than getting murdered in the middle of the road.

"That would be very nice. Thank you."

"No probs." I followed him to the parking lot and he held the door of his blue sedan open for me.

"Chivalry isn't dead I see."

"Everything is alive for a pretty lady." I don't know at which I smiled. The fact that he copied Duncan's accent or that he called me pretty.

The whole ride we talked about small stuffs like how he hates Mrs. Lee as much as I hate her. But what he told me about his mother made me like him even more. Wait, did I say even more?

"My mother cheated on my Dad. My dad was an alcoholic. So, it wasn't completely her fault. But when she left, I was only 12 years old. So I didn't understand a lot of things. I blamed my mom for everything. But when I grew up, I looked for her only to know that she dies 3 years ago." His eyes were glistening with tears.

I put a hand on his free hand and felt it stiffen. So I took it off.

"No. Leave it there." I was awestruck for a moment but put my hand back on his. I knew how it felt to be alone. But at least I had Jeremy. But he was an only child.

When he pulled up in front of my house, I got out of the car and said, "Thanks for the ride."

"Thanks for listening me out. I haven't been able to tell anyone here." he rubbed his neck.

"Anytime. Bye." I shut the car door and walked slowly towards my house.

"Jenny." I turned around and saw Alex get out of his car. he came towards me and stood silent for a moment.

He brought his hands in front of him and I saw two cupcakes in them. One violet and one yellow.

"I bought these from you, for you." He handed me the cupcakes.

I stared at them for a moment. When I tried to read the card from one of them, he stopped me and told, "Not in front of me."

"Okay." That's when my manners came back. "Come inside. meet my grandparents." i thought for a moment that he would say no.

"Okay, I would wanna see where you live." My heart almost came out of through my mouth but I kept it inside. I held open the front door for him and he laughed as he entered.

"Granma, Gramps! Come and meet Alex."

"It smell like a bakery." Alex took a sharp breath.

"We had to use both ours and Noah's oven to bake all those cupcakes."

"You smell like vanilla." I cock my head at the comment and he starts rubbing his neck. "Sorry. That just came out. I didn't mean it in a weird way. I just-" He stopped.

"Okay. It's just my body wash. And thank you." I smiled.

"Is this you?" He pointed to the picture on the wall where I was holding a big lollipop.


"You've got prettier." Though I was floating over the clouds in my mind, I kept my face blank.

"That's a huge compliment coming out of a handsome guy like you." Score Jenny.

He grinned at me. He was about to say something when Gramps and Granma came. They exchanged pleasantries while I eyed the cupcakes kept on the counter. I couldn't wait to read the cards. But since I promised him, I kept my hands to myself.

"Give me a minute, I'll make some lemonade," granma said.

"Thank you. But I have to go. I got some papers to finish." With that he stood up and I ushered him to the door.

"Don't be late tomorrow for the party." He gave me a smile and hopped on his sedan.

I rushed back inside and took the cupcakes off the counter and went straight to my room. I turned the lights on and Noah started calling me from his window. Such a bad timing.

"Where the hell were you? I've tried your phone a hundred times. i even went to the field to see if you were there."

"Sorry, my phone was silent. I got a ride from Alex."

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Glad to know you're not murdered."

"Jeez." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going for a shower." I pulled the curtain of my windows.

I sat on the bed with the two cup cakes in front of me. I was a little disappointed for not getting a pink one. So I opened the yellow one first.

To Jenny, Thank you for listening. You are awesome and great and all the good things. Just believe in yourself.

I smiled to myself and glanced at the violet one. Rage.

To jenny, for having a stupid no dating policy.

I read and re-read the note a few times. I'm such a stupid to wish for a pink one, where I received a far better one.