Chapter 8 – The Immortal Meets Death Again

I perked up a little as I heard the passcode being punched in. It must be Jiminie. He is here. I glanced at the clock. Well, he's early today. I wonder if he got off earlier from class. I hear the door being unlocked and he entered the loft, shuffling a little to take off his shoes before shutting the door. The smart lock whirring as it locks the door.

"Alice?" I hear Jiminie's curious voice from below. "Hey Alice, where are you? Are you home?"

"Up here, little one."

I hear him putting his bag down as he climbs up the stairs – his sock feet masking his steps and he lets out a sound of wonder as he finally sets his eyes on my bedroom. He noticed me lying down on the bed, with a macbook propped up on my legs as I answered to emails, but he wandered deeper inside – wanting to take a look around.

"Wow you got a bathtub!" he cried from the bathroom. "Your house is amazing!"

"You're early today," I commented.

"Yeah, the professor let us off earlier," he explained as he wandered towards the walk-in closet at the back. "I don't have dance practice also so I thought of dropping by your apartment and seeing your second floor since I didn't get to last time."

I sat up, putting the laptop aside as I crossed my legs, waiting for him to appear. I could hear him exclaiming in wonder as he inspected my wardrobe. Then, a few seconds later, he emerged from the back and threw himself onto the bed – sighing in bliss as he stretched a little while he rolled around the mattress. I watched him quietly, a small smile playing on my lips.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked, eyeing the boy who looked elated in lying on my bed. "Take your time."

"I want some ramen," he announced.

Oh dear.


It was cold. Freezing and I forgot that it was winter.

I had to go back into the loft to change into warmer clothes or the humans would stare at me like I was crazy. I got into the car and drove along the route that the navigation app was directing me to. As I reached the parking spot, I paid for the lot and got out – bringing my shoulder bag with me before I locked the car.

According to the navigation app, I had to walk past this street, head up a slope and walk some more till I get to the destination. There was no other way for a car to reach the destination. It was strange but I followed the app anyway. Keeping the mobile in my pocket, I made my way along the cobblestone street.

It was a historical street that had been preserved for its relevance and importance to history. The houses that were built along the streets existed ages ago, and I remembered the remnants of war that had struck this area. The houses were then rebuilt – in the same design and fashion – now sitting here for many years.

I passed by the last ancient traditional house – whose walls rose three meters high.

I paused as I sensed a being and turned to lock eyes with a familiar grim reaper. He has no name, but I recognised his face. I have been seeing him ever since he turned into a grim reaper, nine hundred years ago. He was doing his work, apparently and he was wearing that same hat with that awful looking suit.

"Oh, it's you," I stated.

"You're back."

"What a vulgar hat," I said, shook my head and continued on my way down the cobblestone street, taking a left turn before it changed into a slope upwards. The elevation wasn't that steep but it burned my calf as I climbed up and after the slope levelled out, the street expanded into a two-way street – allowing more stalls to open up alongside.

Jiminie was waiting for me in one of the shops.

I pushed open the door – a bell ringing in the background and the employees perking up when they heard me enter. They greeted my arrival and I greeted them back, surprised at their customer service while I wandered further inside – heading to where my little one was seated. He had taken residence by the side where the glass walls were – allowing the natural sunlight to illuminate him.

I will never get used to seeing him. Honestly, he was ethereal. A beauty. A masterpiece. The Almighty took his time when making him. Even after twenty odd years of watching him grow, I cannot stop the feeling of wonder and awe as I see the adorable and handsome man sitting there - illuminated by the soft sunlight.

"Hi Jiminie," I greeted as I ruffled his hair, earning a whine from him as I messed his hair style and slid onto the seat opposite him, pulling out my shoulder bag to put it on the seat next to me. "You look hella cute today."

His hair was looking extra fluffy - they were growing out and they curled messily around his face, making him look adorable. Like a teddy bear. If I could keep him in my pocket, I would have.

"Where … where did you learn that word from?" he asked in surprise.

"What word?" I asked.


I thought for a moment. "Jaemin told me that this word is currently in trend right now with the children," I explained.

He looked at me like I was growing three heads. "You're not that old, Alice," he said.

Ah. Right. Why do I keep forgetting about this? I ought to be a twenty-three year old adult here. I am not as ancient as I am supposed to be. I should stop forgetting my age. This might be disastrous if I slipped up in front of the little one and I have to keep on lying to him.

"Yes but I am not updated with these kinds of trends," I explained.

"But you do have Twitter," he pointed out.

Did he see the application while playing with my mobile phone the other day?

"That account is meant for business," I explained with a shrug. "It was Sebastian's idea to create an account. Shall I use it for personal usage as well?"

"You can add another account to it," he points out and offers help. "Come, let me have your phone. I'll do it for you."

Nodding, I took my phone out from my shoulder bag and handed it over to him without another word. As Jiminie unlocks the phone using his thumbprint, I glanced at the menu – trying to read them from where we were. Hearing a hum from him, I turned to look at him and noticed that he had opened the Twitter app, scrolling through it.

"What do you want to get, Jiminie?" I asked him. "I'll order."

"Ah, you can just get the usual, Alice."


I got up from the seat after I grabbed my wallet out of the bag and headed to the front counter - staring at the desert display that they had. Each item was displayed beautifully and each with a handwritten price. After I knew what I wanted, I slid into the queue.

As it was my turn, I gave her my order including the dessert that I wanted and paid. I returned to the seat after she told me that my orders would be sent out to our seat. When I came back, Jiminie was still busy setting up the account and I slid into my seat without another word.

We didn't have to wait long till our orders were sent to our seat.

Thanking them for their service, I rearranged the drinks and set the dessert close to me. I took a bite into it, marvelling at the taste and gave Jiminie a bite of it as well. He made a sound of wonder at the deliciousness and took a sip of his drink - before focusing back on the work. He had taken his phone out as well, and most probably finishing soon.

I was busy staring out of the window when he announced that he was done and squeezed himself next to me to show me the ropes on how to use Twitter. He gave me a rundown of the application, how it works, what it's purpose is and how to change between accounts so I don't accidentally tweet something onerous.

Jiminie showed me the account that I was following, and it was his account. He had a large following; mostly were made up of his friends from middle school onwards and he said that I could read his Tweets if I was bored. He showed me my profile; seeing the profile picture he had used as well as the header.

I noticed the bio section.

He had written a sentence that made me smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Jiminie asked.


"Eat your desert."

He sounds grumpy.

