Chapter 19 - The Immortal is at 20% capacity.

Hour 1.5

"We're here, boss."

I opened my eyes. "Thanks Nathan," I replied. "Sorry for calling you abruptly."

"It's alright boss, I heard you were injured and needed the help," he replied.

I smirked. "Not really but Sebastian forbade me from driving," I added as I opened the passenger door and stepped out of the car with a sigh. "Have a good day, Nathan."

"Thanks boss."

I cracked my neck as I looked up at my office building, and made my way towards the conference hall. Since I wanted to address my clan members, I needed a large space and the space big enough to accommodate everyone at the last minute without being suspicious is at your own company's conference hall.

I arrived with time to spare, striding my way inside the hall and took a seat at the stage while I waited for the members to arrive. Made myself comfortable, crossed my legs and crossed my hands over my legs as I waited.

Sebastian entered the conference hall not long after, ensuring that the lights and air-conditioning were working before handing me a flask. I took it without a word, taking a sip thinking it was coffee but it was blood instead. I'm at 20% capacity, and I will need more power to win against an Emperor.

Ten minutes later, my clan members started entering the conference hall and one by one, they filled up the seats. Soon enough, the hall was full with my people until there weren't enough seats for them so some had to stand. I waited for a few more minutes, not seeing my clan leaders except for Michael who took his position by my side.

Sebastian handed me a second tumblr as Michael grabbed a microphone to address the hall. "Good afternoon everyone," he said. "Is everyone here yet?"

After a chorus of affirmative, Michael handed the microphone to me. I took the microphone and handed the tumblr back to Sebastian. I cracked my neck as I stood to address my members. I could see them all watching me intently, their eyes focused on me and I could sense their eagerness to heed my every word. This is what it means to be the Emperor. It is not meant for any mere simple immortal.

It is not easy.

"Good afternoon, I hope you are well," I spoke. "I don't know if the news has reached you yet but I am here to tell you some bad news. My future mate was kidnapped by the members of the Chang Taehyung Clan and in the process of securing his safety, they managed to injure me and Jaemin. They have trespassed into our territory, bringing in weaponry and unmarked vehicles."

Angry-filled and concerned voices were raised from the clan members until it drowned the whole hall. I gave them a few more seconds to express their anger and disbelief until I raised a hand to quiet them. They fell quiet immediately and I continued with the speech.

"Adam is currently searching for their location and once we know where they are, you will wait for my signal. Only then, we will attack. But for now, lay low and Michael will be the one to let you know when and where to attack. Stephanie is dealing with the police, the human children who were caught in the battle as well as their parents and the school. She is currently with her team there dealing with the issue."

"As for Cain, well that will be a surprise for you. A reward if we manage to accomplish this without a hiccup. I know you have waited for a long time for me to do something about this, and have suffered alongside me while I tried to clean up the mess. I do apologise for making you wait and I stand here now to let you know that the wait is finally over."

"Though I wished the plan would start without involving my precious one, I know that I don't have time to wait any longer," I spoke. "As you might wonder now, the plan will unfold itself very soon and you will be able to see the results soon. It took a long time, involving a tight group of our members, and I will forever be grateful to them. For now, let's wait for Adam to get back to us on their location."

I returned the microphone to Michael and sat back down on the stage, where Sebastian handed me my tumblr once again. As we waited here, several things would be moving concurrently and though we are racing against time, I knew that I would soon know where Jiminie was being held.

Taehyung would want me there.


Hour 2.5

I was resting on the stage, lying on Sebastian's thigh while staring up at the ceiling unseeingly when I felt my mobile phone ringing. I took it out from my pocket and glancing at the caller ID made me sit up. I caught Michael's eye and he signalled for the hall to be silent as I took the call.

I thought I would never see his name on my phone.


"Hello Alice! It's been a long time! Why didn't you call me or message me? I'm sad that you blocked me and changed numbers," Taehyung spoke through the phone in a jovial voice. "I couldn't find a way to contact you at all. How have you been these days, Alice? Did you miss me?"

"I don't," I replied.

He laughed. "You're so harsh! I love how you always do that to me," he said jovially. "But it doesn't deny the fact that I still love you, Alice. No matter how harsh you are, I will always love you. You can be as harsh as you want with me, I can take it. You made me that way after all."

I sighed. "Enough stalling, where is he?" I asked.

"Who is that?" he asked, his voice going flat at my abrupt question. A muffled sound could be heard as he moved. "Oh, you mean the human? He hasn't stopped asking for you, I wonder what I should do to him."

"Taehyung -"

"I've told you before didn't I? Or did you forget the moment where I tore the limbs of your fiancé?" he interrupted flatly. His voice had gone dark with threat. "Why are you repeating the same mistake? And now you've chosen a … a flimsy thing. He's hideous."

I pressed my lips hard, trying to suppress my anger. I need to remain calm to ensure that my little one remains safe. I need to know where he is. That was my number one priority right now. I might have to play along with his whims, his games, and though I hated it, Jiminie is more important than my pride.

"I didn't forget what you did, Taehyung," I answered softly. I needed to buy time. I needed to stall him. "How could I? It's seared into my brain."

He laughed. His persona changed again. "That's good isn't it?" he questioned. "But you got brave after all. Choosing another person after what I did for you. How dare you? You belong to me!"

I shut my eyes and kneaded my nose bridge. "Can I hear his voice?" I asked.

I hear him sigh on the other end. I licked my dry lips and waited for him to reply, hoping that I could hear Jiminie's voice. I needed to know if he was not injured. I hear muffled voices, then the phone being moved. A pause as I waited for someone to speak.

"Alice? Are you there?"

His voice was shaky, but he sounded fine. I was relieved to know that he was okay.

"Jiminie, I promise I'll get you out of there."

"I know. I trust you."

My throat tightened when I heard him say it and the phone was taken away. I could hear Taehyung muttering under his breath as he moved away. Hearing his reassuring voice made me double my resolve, and I knew what I needed to do. Feeling a vibration in my pocket, I fished out another phone - a burner phone and threw it to Michael who caught it deftly.

It must be Adam.

"That horrid creature has gotten to his head," Tae was muttering. "Why do you always associate with this kind? You should've sucked him dry and gotten away with it. Or did you wait for him to grow until he tastes good? He smells good too. Like vanilla. I understand now why you like him."

I swallowed hard as I curled my hand into a tight fist, trying to keep my anger in control. I wanted to tear him a new one. I wanted to. It took all of my willpower to stay calm. I was doing this for Jiminie, I reminded myself. This is for him. Stand down.

"Taehyung, what are you going to do to him?" I asked.

"I don't know," he admitted. "Maybe drain him off his blood and throw his body away where nobody could find him. I have yet to taste a human who smells like vanilla. Have you tasted him yet, Alice?"

He let out a cackle of laughter after he heard me suck in a sharp breath. I knew him too well to know that he would do something like that. I could hear Jiminie let out a sound of fear in the background. It was so torturous, not being able to save him from danger.

"You should've just listened to me, Alice."

I shut my eyes. This is too much for me.

I felt a hand on my thigh and I opened my eyes to see Sebastian pointing to my left. Michael gave me thumbs up and handed the phone to me, a message with a map was on the screen. While Taehyung was chatting away about his desires, I stared down at the map and then Sebastian showed me a clearer map on his phone.

"Is this accurate?" I asked softly.

Michael nods.

I sighed in relief. I felt like crying. I shall do it later. "Wait for my call, it won't take long," I said softly before I turned back to the phone. Taehyung was still talking. Where does he get his craziness from? I should have dealt with this a long time ago. "Hey, Taehyung?"


I snapped my fingers, initiating a transportation spell and disappeared from the conference hall to appear right where they were in a matter of seconds. The looks on their faces were enough to make me smirk, and I pocketed the phone as I strode towards a bewildered Taehyung.

"Hello, you little bastard," I greeted slyly and punched him in the face with all that I had, feeling my fist break bone as I sent him flying away. I headed towards the group of immortal beings who had Jiminie surrounded. "If you just surrender him, I'm sure nothing will happen to you."

The four of them exchanged furtive glances with each other, but none moved. Jiminie looked fine though terrified, he was not injured. He looked relieved to see me there, and I was about snatch him away when Taehyung collided with me - throwing me off a few yards away.

We landed on the ground hard enough to create a dent - showering dirt, grass and soil everywhere. Taehyung looked vicious as he towered over me and he used his weight to press me down further, his hands clamped around my throat - a snarl leaving his lips, showing off his long canines.

The little bastard was trying to cut off my oxygen supply and sever my head with brute strength. Cursing at his lackluster, I grabbed his wrists and pulled as hard as I could manage with my powers at 20%, wanting to break his wrist bones in the process.

"You should learn where you stand, Alice!"


I could feel the bone in my throat breaking, I could hear it cracking and blood flooded inside - making me choke. Desperate, I clawed his throat open which caused him to release me and I kicked him hard enough to get him off me. Struggling, I forced myself up and on my knees, my fingers digging into the soil as I choked on my own blood, and my body started to heal.


"Alice!" I could hear him yelling. "Look out!"

I looked up just in time to see a raging Taehyung coming for me, teeth bared and claws aimed to tear through flesh. Cursing, I forced myself to get up - blocked his primal attacks and we met blow for blow - almost like a dance in the middle of the field. As I had estimated, Taehyung was angry and he used it to fuel his movements but they were sloppy.

We broke apart, staggering a few feet backwards and Taehyung started lobbying his powers at me, attacking me with his fireballs and flames - igniting the grass around us until we were surrounded by streaks of orange flames that were slowly spreading and black smoke rose into the sky.

"Chang Taehyung!" I yelled as I swiped away his attack, extinguishing the fire around us so it won't spread. "What the hell are you doing? It's been four hundred years already! Give up!"


He was panting hard, his body was shaking with anger and he looked crazed with his elongated canines and red eyes. "Oh the hell I do!" he shouted accusingly as hands curled and uncurled, a habit of his. "You're only doing this because of the human! You wouldn't dare do this kind of thing!"

Then, he realised it. I could see the thoughts churning in his mind. A light bulb in his head. I know what he was about to do next. Cursing, I tried to grab onto him but he moved faster than I realised. It was a race against time and my legs couldn't keep up as he made his way towards the love of my life.

Jiminie's eyes widened when he noticed Taehyung coming towards him and tried to turn away, but Taehyung's men held him down instead. I was mere inches away from the raging vampire, so much so that I could grab the back of his shirt but then he decided to disappear at that moment.


I followed him after, disappearing from view and closing the distance between us and hoping that I would reach Jiminie earlier than Taehyung would but he got there first. With seconds to spare, Taehyung knocked Jiminie onto the ground and pounced on top of him, pinning his arms down as his face hovered dangerously over his neck.


A scream of fear as his canines nicked the skin on his neck and then a flash of white. Taehyung and his minions were sent flying away, burnt to a crisp. I closed the distance to the shivering human on the ground. I slid across the grass, gathered him in my arms and held him close to me, the boy was sobbing his eyes out.

"It's alright, I'm here," I said firmly, tightening my hold on him.

"W - what happened?" he asked shakily.

I touched his necklace. "This protected you," I said. "It contains a strong protection spell against vampires that's not me."

"The hummingbird necklace?"

"Yes, I'm glad you wore it today."

My dead heart was trembling as I wiped away the tears that were cascading down his cheeks and hugged him tight, his arms snaking his way around me as he sobbed his heart out. "You're safe now," I said firmly and pulled out my mobile and dialled a phone number on the speed dial.

"He's safe."


I kept my mobile phone. "We're safe," I said softly as I patted his head gently. "I'm sorry it took awhile."

He shook his head quickly. "I had faith that you'd come and find me," he said as he burst into relieved tears again and tightened his arms around me. "But Taehyung was so scary. I thought he was going to kill me."

"I'm sorry, Jiminie," I said. "I really am sorry."

"Is it really over?"

A manic laugh broke into our conversation and we turned to see Taehyung as well as his clan members making their way towards us. Jiminie let out a curse, the sadness and the fear apparently gone from his face to be replaced by anger and he turned around, shielded my body with his.

It was a simple act of bravery from a human, and it irked Taehyung so much that he sent one of his clan members to attack us. Knowing that I was out of power, I patted Jiminie on his shoulder and told him to stay as I got up.


"Do you trust me?"


"Then trust me."

I walked away from Jiminie, as I faced my adversary. The vampire was reaching soon, and I readied myself to defend. However, before the immortal could reach me, another being intercepted him and he was slammed into the ground so hard that it caused a mini explosion, the ground shook and there was a noticeable dent on the ground.


He stepped out from the hole in the ground, his face a mask of anger and he broke into a smile when he caught my look. "Sorry we're late boss," he said. "Let us handle it, boss. Take a rest."


I turned around to see half of my clan appearing behind us. Michael, Cain and Stephanie were in the midst as well. Hiding a smile, I returned to where Jiminie was, giving him a small smile as I sat down next to him, relieved that I was not alone anymore.

The clan soon surrounded us and the clan leaders formed a protective line in front of me as they faced our adversary - the Chang Taehyung Clan. I could see Taehyung's rage from here as they watched us outnumber them. Sebastian appeared next to us, handing a blood bag to me quietly.

"You took your time," I said as I gulped down the liquid and finished it quickly, throwing it away as Sebastian handed another one silently. "I was out of power already."

"We told you to feed, boss!" Cain scolded.

"I am feeding."

"Alright ladies and gentlemen," Adam addressed everyone. "Let's show their clan who we are when they mess with our boss."

A round of cheers and whooping.

"We will not allow them to breach this line!"

Another round of yells.

"Let's go!"

A war cry and then the two clans collided in the middle of the field. We were still in our own world and I was slowly regaining my powers the more I drank. Sebastian kept quiet as he waited for me to finish drinking. I could feel my powers returning slowly and the energy surging back.

I was still on 15% power.


I turned to Jiminie. He looked confused, uncertain and he must be scared at the sudden influx of people arriving and fighting in the middle of a field. "I have a plan, little one," I said quietly as I tucked his hair behind his ear and caressed his cheek gently. "You trust me, don't you?"


I smiled at his answer as I finished the second blood bag and Sebastian handed me a third; as the fight between the Taehyung's clan and mine ensued around us.

My clan did not allow the other clan to reach us; the line that the clan leaders had set up was not to be crossed over and they did as ordered. We are a peaceful clan but if another decides to attack us, we do not hold back and my members were very protective of me.

With the third bag empty, he handed me a fourth one. My powers were slowly rising, and I could feel it reaching 30% capacity. Due to my outright stubbornness, I have been keeping my powers at 5% capacity as I didn't want to accidentally hurt Jiminie and thanks to that, I was never able to protect him properly today.

I should be careful.

"Aren't you going to join them, Alice?" Jiminie asked.

"I'm waiting for a call, little one," I answered softly.

"What call?"

"To see if my plan has started or not," I replied.

"What plan?"

"It's a secret," I said. "Give him something to eat, Sebastian."

"I don't have human food on me, boss."

I stared at him. "Then you should start having them on you, Sebastian."

Jiminie grabbed my wrist to stop me. "It's fine," he said quickly. "I'm not hungry."

I looked at the little one, noticed his pleading face and decided to drop the issue. There were pressing matters at hand and feeding him was not at the highest in the to-do list right now so I looked away without another word. The duo was quiet.

I could sense the awkwardness.

"Put up your mind blocker before I do it for you, Sebastian," I stated flatly.

"Sorry boss," he apologised quickly and handed me a fifth bag.

I could feel Jiminie's eyes on me. Since I was at 40% capacity and increasing, my abilities were returning to their normal rates and I had been consciously restraining myself for the past twenty years. For today and today only, I had stopped limiting myself and I was regaining most of my abilities to their full potential.

I looked at Jiminie. He was still staring at me, so I guessed he wanted an explanation of what I had said.

"I have a range of abilities," I explained. "Reading minds is one of them. Since I am feeding right now, I am regaining them. The more I feed, the more powerful I get and since this is my fifth bag, I would probably be at half capacity and I will be more powerful than my clan combined."

Jiminie has turned from confusion to surprise. "But you can read minds?" he asked. "I didn't know vampires can read minds!"

"Well, I am a pure blood vampire and one of the Emperors," I explained as I swapped my fifth bag for my sixth. "Not many have that ability, little one."

"Is this why you don't always feed, Alice?" he asked in concern.

"Yes," I replied. "Being at full capacity is tiring -"

A ring interrupted me and Sebastian handed a burner phone to me, a name flashing on the caller ID. Flipping it open, I pressed the green button and accepted the call. Two words were spoken and the call ended. The answer made me smile and I returned the phone to my assistant.

"Stay with Sebastian, he'll keep you safe or I'll rip his head off."

"What -"

Not waiting for him to reply, I disappeared from view and appeared at the front line. I hear my clan shouting at me to stand back as I appeared in front of my clan leaders. I sucked in a deep breath - a smile growing on my lips as I felt my powers surging and after locating Taehyung in a fearsome battle with my own members, I stepped in.

Yanking the clan members away, I swooped in and attacked Taehyung - my fist connecting to his cheek bone. Bone against bone, I watched as he flew away and landed an inch into the ground. I cracked my neck, giddy with power and disappeared from there.

I stepped towards the hole in the ground, my boots crunching underneath soil as I made my way towards Taehyung who was pulling himself out of the soil. He looked fine, his cheek was already healed and he gave me an uninterested look as he brushed soil off his clothes.

"I see you got your powers back," he added flatly. "You and your inane habit of keeping your powers at 5% needs to stop, Alice. You're an Emperor."

I smirked. "Why? Are you scared of me, Tae?" I asked.

He clicked his tongue and looked angry before we collided again. We were at par with each other when it comes to skills and strength, we moved faster than human eyes could follow. Tae's hand-to-hand combat has improved and I was grinning away as we met blow for blow.

Taehyung separated us, sending me away with a vicious kick and lobbied a flame attack at me. The size of the flame grew as it neared me, the heat and immense power shook the ground beneath my feet. I was impressed at the size and I returned it to him, watching as it soared into the air like I was scoring for a home run.

"Is that the best you can fucking do, Alice?" he demanded. "Where are your swords?"

I tilted my head. "We're not at war, Tae," I reminded him. "My swords are not meant for this petty fight. I can bring you down without them."

"Are you kidding me?" he demanded. "Are you looking down at me?"

"I have never looked down on you, Tae," I replied softly. "Your underhanded methods need to stop. This is the 21st Century already."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

He had cast a powerful spell, I noticed it coming from the sky and I looked up to see a shower filled with gigantic balls of flame raining down from the sky. Where did he get this spell from? Clicking my tongue, I raised a hand to the sky and initiated a protection spell - large enough to cover everyone from his attacks.

"Stop this Tae," I said, as the balls landed on the dome with loud thumps before rolling down onto the ground, fire spreading across the grass field. "This is a losing battle."

Taehyung was mad and continued on with his rampage; he was after all skilled in fire spells but there was always a limit in magic. He has been using spells ever since I was here, and he had consumed a large amount of his power after that meteor spell. I knew he was getting exhausted.

I blocked his attack and jumped away, putting distance between us. I glanced at my Rolex, noting the time. I cracked my neck, watching as his clan members started to regroup behind him. His feathers were ruffled; he had the familiar crazed look on his eyes and though it used to unnerve me, I had to put a foot down.

I had allowed it to go on for far too long and it cost the clan a lot.

"I think you should make a call, Taehyung," I said.

"What are you talking about?"

I glanced at my Rolex again. "Five seconds."

"Don't joke around, Alice!"

True to what I said, five seconds later, a phone started ringing and it was his phone. Frowning, he pulled out his mobile phone from his pocket and accepted the call. I watched as he turned red, started yelling, and he threw his phone onto the ground in frustration - panting hard as he glared at me.

"What did you do?" he yelled.

I smirked. Finally, seeing him unhinged thanks to my doing is very satisfying. I loved watching him unravel right in front of me. His many layers were being exposed right now - in front of his clan and mine. After all these years of rage, sacrifice, careful planning and waiting, finally I can put this dirt behind me and move on.

"What I should have done centuries ago," I announced. "Adam, if you'd do the honours."

Adam stepped forward next to me, and started playing a voice recording from his phone. A grave voice. A familiar voice. "This is Council Member Ju Tae. Chang Taehyung, you are hereby abdicated from your throne. The Council finds your behaviour simply appalling. I can't believe we made you Emperor. We are awaiting your return. Thank you."

"ALICE!" he screamed and took a step closer. "HOW DARE YOU?"

"How dare you address one of the Seven Emporeros so callously?" Adam interjected flatly. "You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Tae faltered, his pride and ego was crushed. He looked like he was robbed off first place in a competition he had worked so hard for. I let out a sigh, the burden on my shoulders had finally lifted and I felt like I was floating on air. Backed with my loyal clan members, I stared at the crumbling individual before me.

"This is goodbye," I said and announced. "Let's head home."

I turned around, my clan members parting the way so I could return to where Jiminie was waiting impatiently. His worry frown disappeared when he saw me coming to him and he quickly got up to pull me into an embrace. I could feel his heart pumping against me, and I pressed my face into his chest - taking in his warmth.

"Is it over?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied and turned to Sebastian. "I'll see you later."

"Take care, boss."

Smirking at him, I took a step back to look at Jiminie. I pushed aside his hair and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Let's head home."


"With this," I said and showed him my right hand, poised to snap. His eyes followed my movement, confusion in his eyes and I held his hand. "Hold on tight, baby."

With a snap of my fingers, my transportation spell was initiated and we disappeared from the field to appear in his apartment - surrounded by Jaemin and his mother, Taeyeon. They got up from their seats in shock at our sudden arrival. Taeyeon, who's eyes were red from crying, threw herself at her son as she burst into tears.

Jaemin approached me. "Has everything settled, Alice?" he asked.

I looked at the crying humans and looked at my bestfriend. "Yes," I replied softly. "He won't hurt us anymore."

"What did you do, Alice?"

"You got my son in danger, Alice!" Taeyeon interrupted suddenly, as she pushed Jiminie behind her immediately - blocking him with her body. Her eyes flashed with anger as she glared at me accusingly. "Do you think I can forgive you so easily? Who the hell are you? How did you appear inside my house?"

I exchanged glances with Jaemin. He shrugged.

She didn't wait for our replies as she continued on with her rampage. "I won't let Jimin get close to you anymore! He got into danger because of you! Get out of my apartment!" she yelled with a hint of fear in her voice. "Get out right now! I don't want to see your faces!"

"Mum, what are you doing?"

"Don't fight with me -"

Jaemin grabbed a hold of my wrist suddenly, so I knew that my eyes were changing in colour. I licked my lips, looked at Jaemin and looked at Jiminie who had turned pale. Then I looked at his mother. Taeyeon was fearful. I understood her anger. I don't blame her for lashing out. Her cub was in danger, she was merely protecting her cub.

"Alright," I said softly. "You know where to find me if you want to talk, Taeyeon."

"Just get out!"

"It'll be alright, little one," I said, giving him a small smile. "You're safe."

"GET OUT!!!"


It took the humans two weeks to come to terms with everything. Jiminie must've tried his best to get his mother to understand what we were and to reassure her that I meant no harm to him. I had no contact with him for two weeks, his mother must've taken his mobile away.

I was so deprived of the boy that I had to throw myself into work, and I barely slept or ate the entire two weeks that it caused concern with the clan leaders.

I received a call from Taeyeon one morning. If my dead heart could lurch, it would have. I accepted the call, and she told me in a clipped tone that she would be visiting my loft in the evening with Jiminie. She wanted to have a discussion with us, and to straighten things out.

This conversation reminded me of when I was in high school.

I hated it.

"What time will you be coming over?" I asked.


"Sure. See you later."

She ended the call without a goodbye and though it irritated me, I sent a message to Jaemin - updating him of the situation. He might want to know of it but I wasn't expecting him to come as I knew he was busy with his work. Setting my mobile aside, I continued with work.

"Is everything okay, boss?"

"His mother wants an audience tonight," I said.

"Tonight? But you have an important client deal tonight," Sebastian replied. "Your flight is tonight."

"I know."

I may have sound too dejected that he quipped immediately, "Hyun Syik and Seo Jun will be able to handle it without you, boss."

I sighed. "This is too hard," I mumbled.

"We have your back, boss."

I let out a groan as I leaned against my chair, resting my head against the headrest and stared up at the ceiling. What the hell am I doing? "I want to sleep till the next century," I announced.

"Don't you dare disappear on me, boss," he warned softly. "Two decades is enough."

"I won't," I replied softly.

"Do you want coffee?"

"Yes please, thank you."


8pm -

"Yes, yes I know but I have an important business to attend to. Unfortunately this is more important than the contract," I was explaining to Seo Jun on the phone when I heard my passcode being punched in and the front door swung open after a double beep. "Yes, I am sure you can handle it for me, Seo Jun. I know I've put in my apologies to the client. Yes, I'll make it up to you. No, not that. Anything but that."


I turned to the voice. Jiminie and his mother were making their way inside the apartment after taking off their shoes. "One moment please, make yourself at home," I told him and turned to the phone. "I need to go, Seo Jun. Yes, I know you're capable of securing that contract. I have faith in you."

I cut the call without waiting for his reply and turned around to see the two humans awkwardly standing in my living room. Jiminie was looking at me, and he looked like he wanted to to hug me but he was stopping himself from doing so. I smiled softly, and turned to look at his mother.

"Who were you talking to just now?" she asked awkwardly.

"My Vice President," I said. "Do you want some drinks? I have coffee."

"I'll get them," piped Jiminie as he retreated to the kitchen without being prompted.

"So you really are who you say you are," she said as she sat down on the sofa, facing the television. Her eyes were wandering around the loft; it was hard to read her facial expressions.

I tilted my head. "What did Jiminie tell you?" I asked.

"All that I needed to know."

Does that mean she knows that I am an immortal being?

As answer, Jiminie handed me a glass of blood and handed his mother a cup of coffee before he sat down next to me. I stared down at the cup, saw the glistening red liquid waiting to be drunk and looked up to lock eyes with Taeyeon. Her expression held a lot of words that she wanted to say.

"I know now how much you mean to Jimin," she said. "He was very angry at me for kicking you out with no explanation and I could see that he suffered when he couldn't see you or talk to you for two weeks. It was similar to a time when you two were separated during his high school years."

Suddenly, I felt his hand on mine. His warmth made me feel better. I looked at the younger one, and he nods so I took a shaky sip, relieved and a little apprehensive to be drinking in front of Taeyeon. She looked at our intertwined hands, and she broke into an expression I knew very well.

"I thought he'd grew out of it, I thought it was just because you two were close. You two were inseparable," she continued. "But I was wrong. And I would like to apologise to you. Though I was mad that he got into danger, I was relieved that you would go above and beyond for him."

"How did you take it?"


"She didn't take it well," Jiminie piped up next to me. "She thought I was joking and I had to prepare like a PowerPoint presentation to explain to her everything. She thought you went for facials or botox to keep yourself from aging."

I remained quiet, licked my lips and continued sipping my drink.

"Well, it wasn't easy to believe," she shrugged. "I assumed you got good genes."

I laughed weakly.

"But you still haven't told us how you solved it," he added quickly. "The problem with Chang Taehyung's Clan."

I scratched my neck. "Do you want to know? It's a long story."


I took a bigger sip.

"It's a twenty year plan," I explained. "I planted my clan members in specific places, their main duty was to get in, get acquainted and rise to the ranks till they were able to gain control. My clan leaders were tasked to collect dirt against him, slowly and meticulously. I was waiting for him to move before I acted. I didn't want to react without cause."

"Since he was one of the Seven Emperors, it is not easy to abdicate him off the throne unless he loses his income, his clan members turning against him and if there's evidence of his supposed mistreatment. It took careful planning with minimal communication. We can't be found out. If we did, my members would be the first one to perish."

Jiminie shuddered and I wrapped an arm around his shoulders, keeping him close to me. I licked my dry lips and took another sip. With him in my embrace, I was feeling better and I could feel my energy returning.

"So when Jimin was kidnapped, you decided to get your plan running."

"Yes, though it took a few hours to contact them," I replied. "I had to get him to safety before my plan could move. I was more worried about him."

"But how did you know where I was held?"

"Being me, has its perks, little one."

"Tell me!"

"I planted my members carefully around his clan as well," I explained. "I had one working right next to him. I had him planted early, and it was a deliberate attempt on my part. He is very loyal, I will introduce you to him the next time. I just gave him a long, deserved leave. He might come back in a few years time, who knows?"

"You're very cunning, Alice."

"I had to," I replied. "I wasn't about to let him do the same thing twice and -"

"Wait, do you mean you got your plan in motion right after you met me?" Jiminie demanded, cutting into my statement in surprise. "When my four year old self gave you that banana milk?"

I looked at him. "Yes."

"That's insane!"
