Chapter 23 - The Little One Graduates

One year later -

It is finally happening.

My little one is finally graduating.

The graduation was held on a weekday, and Taeyeon had taken leave to attend her son's graduation ceremony. I was currently on my way to pick her up from the apartment. Jiminie was already at school, getting ready for the ceremony and we will see him up on stage later.

Giddy with excitement, the last six months were gruelling and tough for all the final year students. Lack of sleep, unmotivated and exhausted. Yet they managed to overcome the hurdles and achieve their dreams. His group of friends were their own motivators, each with their own strengths and weaknesses; and they succeeded.

Proud was an understatement as he called me shouting and screaming that he could graduate, and all of his worries, anxieties of not being able to were finally set free.

Arriving at their parking lot, I didn't have to wait long till Taeyeon arrived - dolled up for the day. It was refreshing to see her in a dress and make-up; as she was always in scrubs and crocs. I knew where he got his beauty from. She beams at me, she was radiating beauty and happiness and entered the car, taking a seat on my left.

"Are you excited, Alice?" she asked.

I hid a grin as I pulled out from the parking lot. "Of course."

"My baby is finally graduating," she lets out a sigh. "I'm so proud of him."

I kept quiet as we drove, and Taeyeon started talking about her work life including her colleagues. I don't know any of them, but I listened to her ramble anyway. It was rare to have Taeyeon free from work, and I was glad that she could finally get leave for his graduation. She had never attended his graduations before.

Well, maybe except for high school.

We parked at my usual spot, and entered via the side gate - showing the tickets that Jiminie had given us earlier. We were then directed to their large and expansive hall which had been decorated elegantly for their graduating students. Masses of parents and siblings alike were heading their way towards the grand hall as well.

We took our seats around the middle of the hall - excitement in the air and we waited for the ceremony to start. We continued chatting about our favourite topic which was Jiminie, pouring over photos of him and giggling about how cute he was when he was a baby.

While we were reminiscing over the good old days, the emcees came onto the stage and announced that the graduation ceremony was about to start, seeking everyone to get to their seats. Within minutes, the ceremony began and they started off by explaining the schools that were graduating today.

After a raucous round of applause, the first group started getting up from their seats and headed to the stage. It was a long wait till it was Jiminie's batch, and we clapped and cheered for every single student that walked across the stage with shoulders as high as the ceiling.

I could feel myself growing excited as soon as I see him standing up from his seat and headed towards the stairs where the stage was. From where I sat, I could see his broad smile on his face and he was eagerly chatting with his friends as they waited for their turn to be called upon.

Hearing his name being announced by the emcee, we started clapping and I took out my mobile phone to record the moment. Watching him walk on stage with his gown and cap made my dead heart stir. He looked handsome and he was grinning from ear to ear as he accepted his degree. Taeyeon was busy whooping next to me, but I took the time to admire the view from where I sat.

He turned to face ahead, and smiled as his photo was taken - his ears turning a shade of red as his friends shouted his name too. It made me smile; seeing him like that and I could feel myself falling deeper in love with him. It was a simple moment, an underrated story but it meant a lot to me.

I had attended all of his graduation; except for high school and each time, the same amount of admiration if not more sits in my dead heart. I had chosen this boy - now man - and I am always taken aback by him. Truthfully, I had forgotten the reason behind choosing him but I guess the reason disappeared after the many years of loving and cherishing him.

I loved him without reason, and so my love will never change.

After the ceremony was completed, we left the hall and tried to find the boy in question. Taeyeon was still giddy from the excitement and when we finally saw him, she threw herself at him - her legs dangling in the air as he twirled her around in happiness.

I smiled and took some sneaky shots of them both, knowing that I'd print them out and put it on a frame. A beautiful moment; a milestone achieved should be captured at the heat of the moment and displayed proudly - to be remembered and cherished when older.

To be honest with you, Jiminie looked ethereal in that gown and cap, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. It made him look broader and taller; and that smile on his face just made him a hundred times hotter. He was glowing, and he was brimming with happiness.

He saw me standing nearby watching them, and broke into a bigger smile before enveloping me in a warm hug. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his torso; feeling safe in his arms. He held my shoulders as he let go, grinning widely before he kissed my temple.

"I did it."

"I'm proud of you, baby."

Sharing grins, we took more photos together and we agreed to wait for him so Jiminie could take more memorable photos with his friends and course mates. Since I was left alone with Taeyeon, she decided to bring up a topic regarding the two of us. I knew she was about to ask it, as the air had turned uncomfortable all of a sudden.


"Yes?" I asked, my eyes were focused on Jiminie as he socialised with other humans, and took many photos with them. He was laughing happily, and he was joking around with his friends. I loved seeing him happy, and I could feel a smile creeping up on my lips.

"When are you two getting together?" she asked.

"I'm following his pace," I said softly.

"You have a lot of patience, Alice," she added.

I turned to look at his mother, noting her laugh lines at the edge of her eyes and the corner of her lips. She had grown older the last time I had noticed. Age was catching up to her. Taeyeon was now looking at me with a sly look on her eyes, and a smirk on her lips.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"If it were me, I wouldn't wait as long as you did, Alice."

I licked my lips. "This is your son we're talking about."

"I know," she replied. "He's handsome, tall, muscular and intelligent. He dances, he's a first honour graduate and to top it all of, he's kind, gentle and emphatic. He's very popular amongst the girls, Alice. I suggest you catch him before anything happens, you know?"

"I can't believe those words are coming out of your mouth, Taeyeon."

"See there," she said as she nodded to my left, making me turn to look as well. Hearing Taeyeon giggle behind me, I knew what was going on. There was a girl wanting to confess to him, and had pulled him away from the group to somewhere quieter so she could confess.

Not wanting to intrude, I looked away and stared at Taeyeon. She looked smug, as if she was enjoying whatever that she felt was an enjoyment. I did not understand humans, I rationalised. What was the need to claim another person as their own? I do not understand this.

"Are you against the notion of us ever being together forever, Taeyeon?" I asked.

Her face fell. I assumed that she was surprised at my sudden question, and I wondered what she was thinking about. Wanting to confirm my suspicions, I asked her again. However this time, she turned uncomfortable and it made me wonder about the minds of mortals.

Was she uncomfortable that I spoke about living forever?

Or was she uncomfortable about her son living forever?

Or was she uncomfortable that I was too forward about seeking a life with her son forever?

I didn't get to reaffirm my thoughts when Jiminie appeared next to me beaming happily and telling us that we could leave the school. He sensed the awkwardness between us, caught on really quickly and I felt his hand reaching down to my wrist - gripping it tightly.

I gave his hand two reassuring squeezes, telling him silently that I was fine as we left the hall and headed to the carpark. I was quiet while I sent them home, as we had a dinner reservation in the evening and telling them that I'll see them later, I drove off and headed back to the office.

I felt unsettled by her reaction. I might have overstepped, I mulled.

As I took a step into my office, I let out a soft sigh and sat down on my seat. Sebastian ought to be on his way with a fresh batch of coffee for me, and I made myself busy, flipping open a folder. A second later, I heard a knock on the glass door and Hyun Syik entered the office with a board held by his side.

"Ma'am, do you have the time for a game of Go with little old me?"

"I would love to, Hyun Syik."

The aging man seemed happy upon my statement and headed towards the circular desk. I got up and took a seat opposite the mortal who was busy setting up the board on the wooden table. I observed the loyal human quietly, remembering the moments I had spent with him toiling the years away - attempting to build an empire together.

"Is there something troubling you, Ma'am?"

I looked up to see him already looking at me with a fond expression on his weather-beaten face. An image of his younger self appeared in my mind and I couldn't help the sense of nostalgia from crossing my chest. We always played Go together, whenever we had the time.

"I am forever indebted to you, Hyun Syik," I said.

He looked confused. "No, it is I who have that honour in serving you, Ma'am," he replied swiftly. "Please do not say that."

"But it is the truth."


I gave him a small smile. "And to all of your ancestors as well," I added. "I am forever indebted to your predecessors. Without them and your good self, we would not be sitting here."

"Ma'am, you're scaring me," he admitted. "You tend to say that whenever something troubles you. Did something happen? Is Jimin alright?"

"He is fine," I replied softly. "He graduated from University today."

His eyes widened in surprise. "Then I shall send him a small gift," he replied with a small chuckle. "Are you celebrating with him tonight, Ma'am?"


"Shall we start, Ma'am?"



8pm -

A knock on the office door made me look up and I saw Sebastian coming in. I glanced at the clock on the computer and knew it was time for me to leave the place. I saved the document I was typing on and began closing the applications that I had opened before shutting the computer down.

"Nathan is waiting for you by the front," he said. "The other driver, Bradley has them en-route to the restaurant."

"Noted, thank you," I replied as I got up from my seat and Sebastian went to grab my blazer, helping me pull it on - while I adjusted my hair. "Tell Nathan to get my car from the loft and bring it to the restaurant."

"Go home with that Maserati," he quipped. "You won't look glam if you go back with another car."

I made a face at his suggestion. "Fine."

"You got an image to uphold," he added. "There are our clan members watching your every move. Though they wish you well, they want to see you flourish. They hate to see you driving in that cheap car."

"I think you're the only one who hates seeing me drive a Honda, Sebastian."

"Yes! I hate it! I wish you would stop driving that Honda!"

"Don't sell it away," I warned. "I swear to God."

"I might."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't be naughty," I warned and grabbed my bag before leaving the office. I cracked my neck as I headed down the quiet hallway, my managers had already left for the day and I took the elevators down to the ground floor where Nathan ought to be waiting with the car.

Seeing the familiar Maserati parked by the front, my heels clicked against the tile flooring and I opened the passenger door - sliding into my seat with a greeting. Nathan glanced at me through the rear view mirror, greeting me in return, told me to buckle up before he drove off.

I shut my eyes and laid back against the seat, enjoying the drive to the restaurant. Nathan put on calming music and I followed along with the rhythm, allowing myself to relax for a few minutes.

Exhaustion was an understatement.

"We're here, boss," Nathan spoke as he opened my door for me. "I have given the key to the valet."

"Thanks Nathan," I said as I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Have a great dinner, boss," he replied.

"Take the cab home," I said. "Use the company card."

He nods and bowed in greeting as I walked past him, climbing up the few steps before heading my way inside the lavish hotel. My heels clacked on the tiles as I walked across the expansive lobby, heading towards their five star restaurant. The other two would already be waiting inside including Jaemin.

I approached the entrance of the restaurant and nodded in greeting at the staff manning the front area, who bowed in greeting as she recognised me before leading the way towards the private room. The corridor was narrow, dim and only lit by their traditional lighting to give a sense of privacy to the guests.

The restaurant is made up of private rooms, where each room holds a round table for ten guests and the restaurant has a waiting list for months on end. The food is five star Michelin rated, and the chefs were highly trained thus why this restaurant was hard to get into.

But being me, has its perks.


"Hi love," I replied as I went up to give him a hug and I felt a kiss on my temple before I took my seat. "How is everyone feeling today? Good? The food is about to make you feel ten times better."

"Alice, how were you able to book a room?" Taeyeon asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I tried to book this place," she explained. "Well, he did but it was so hard to get a booking. The reservations stretched till months ahead! So I took the liberty. There's someone you should know. I want to introduce you to him."

Jiminie looked confused.

Jaemin stared at Taeyeon with little to no expression.

"I'm sorry, what are you saying?" I asked in confusion.

The door rattled open suddenly without warning, making us turn towards the noise. I looked up in surprise, wondering who would dare enter without knocking. My mood turned sour when I finally put two and two together, and I recognised the fellow human.

Taeyeon had invited a plus one without me knowing.

"Hello there!" the man announced cheerily, entered the private room unceremoniously and swooped in to Taeyeon for a hug, before he straightened himself. A broad grin on his face. "Good evening everyone, I am Takeuchi Kuryu. Pleased to meet you."

"He's a businessman!" Taeyeon added. "I'm dating him right now!"

What was the point of this? I do not understand human rationale. This is Jiminie's night, why would she bring her date here? Is there no other time to introduce him to her son? I glanced over at the little one. His face did not reveal much but I feel bad for Jiminie. She has no sense of subtlety at all.

I turned to watch him, everyone shook hands with him amicably, exchanging pleasantries with him and when he finally noticed me staring flatly at him, his face turned pale. Takeuchi - five foot seven of him took a step back in shock and he rearranged his facial expression quickly.

"Boss!" he cried out. "What … what are you doing here? I didn't know you'd be here tonight."

"How do you know her?" Taeyeon asked in surprise.

"He works for me," I stated as I took a sip of wine thoughtfully, spun the glass as I watched the liquid slosh around before setting the glass down onto the table. I steepled my manicured fingers together as I eyed the human. "Well technically, I own his company."

An awkward silence spread across the room. Takeuchi didn't dare look me in the eyes and Taeyeon looked embarrassed. Jaemin eyed me and looked at the other three humans who looked uncertain at the situation. I let out a soft sigh, and waved at Takeuchi, giving him a signal that he could stay.

He brightened visibly and took a seat next to Taeyeon, eager for some reason. I felt a hand on my wrist and I glanced over at the little one, seeing his light brown eyes on me. Even though I understood what he wanted to say, it doesn't mean I liked it one bit.

Bringing a plus one without informing me was a low blow.

"Boss, since there is an additional member in your group, the bill has been changed," the waitress explained softly to me. "Though your assistant has paid earlier, the additional head has yet to be paid for."

The group fell silent as soon as they heard what the waitress said. I nodded and took out my black card from my wallet, handing it over to the waitress quietly while Takeuchi looked visibly worried. As she handled the transaction wirelessly, she printed the receipt and had me sign it before handing the card back to me.

Thanking her, I kept my card back inside my wallet and kept the wallet inside my bag, and looked at the group with a smile. The humans plus one immortal did not return my smile. "Let's head home, shall we?" I asked in a light tone and got up. Both Jiminie and Jaemin got up as well.

Bidding them goodbye, I placed the receipt in front of Takeuchi as I passed by, and left the room without waiting for an answer. Thanking the staff who was stationed outside the room, I made my way out of the restaurant with Jiminie catching up to me quickly.

"Thanks for the dinner, baby," he said with a smile as he held my hand. "I loved the food. It's fancy though."

"It's fitting for a graduation celebration," I said.

"It's been awhile since we ate at such a good setting," added Jaemin.

"Do you have a ride back home, Jae?"


The three of us turned upon hearing Taeyeon's voice calling out for me. She was dragging Takeuchi along with her, who looked like he'd rather not be there. Her facial expression was set. I looked at Jaemin and Jiminie, knowing what was about to happen and though I was worried about what she would say, I pretended that I didn't.

"Yes, Taeyeon?"

"Are you expecting him to pay his share?" she asked in a staged whisper. "He's my plus one!"

I tilted my head. I didn't think she'd change this much. "I'm sorry?"

"Taeyeon, please," pleaded Takeuchi, as he tugged at her wrist. "Don't do this. Please! She's my boss. Please don't do this."

"I don't care who she is!" Taeyeon cried out. Her voice was shrill in the middle of the lobby. "She can't make you pay for it!"


"Jimin, stay out of this!" she demanded. "This is amongst adults! You wouldn't understand. You can't make him pay for his share, Alice!"

Takeuchi immediately side-stepped her, blocking her view from me. "Please don't listen to her, boss," he added quickly. "I'll handle this. This won't happen again. Please don't let this ruin your night."

"What! What are you doing? Don't embarrass me, Takeuchi!"

"Boss, is there an issue?"

A new voice loudly interrupted the conversation and I turned to see the Hotel Manager appearing on my right. Some of the staff security were already approaching us, circling around our little group, ready to dispel the rowdiness and send us on our way.

"It's alright," I said. "Please escort them to their car."

Upon hearing my order, the Hotel Manager and the security team swooped in towards both Takeuchi and Taeyeon. Though she argued the entire time, they were escorted out of the lobby with little to no trouble. I watched them leave, curious at her sudden change of attitude.

"Well, what was that about?"

"Wealth and fame does not bode well to those who are unable to separate them," I said and glanced at Jiminie. "I am sorry about this, love. I didn't expect this would happen on your night."

"It's okay," he said. "She has started showing such odd behaviour after she found out how rich you are, Alice. It got to her head. She thinks you owe her because I am her son."

"You're not a trophy, bub."

He sighed. "Can I sleep over tonight?"

"Sure," I replied and looked over at the immortal. "You need a ride, Jae?"

"Nope, I got mine."

"Alright, goodnight, Jae," I said. "We'll head off first."

Together, we held hands as we headed outside and the valet got the car out from the basement carpark. Seeing his eyes bug out when he saw the brand new Maserati approaching and stopping in front of us, I didn't look him in the eyes as I got into the driver's seat.

"Before you say a word about the new car, it's Sebastian's doing," I explained as I buckled in. "He hates it when I drive out of fashion cars. He says I got an image to uphold, whatever it is."

"You're the CEO of a few companies, of course you have an image to keep up," he added as he buckled in as well, making himself comfortable in the seat as he played around with the radio.

"That's just a position I am taking right now. I'll probably disappear in two year's time and appoint a new CEO before I leave," I said as I checked the mirrors and signalled before I drove out of the hotel's driveway.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I made it a rule that CEOs are on a two-year contract basis," I explained. "To avoid suspicions."

"Oh, I see."

"And Sebastian threatened to sell away the Honda if I don't drive this car tonight," I added.

Jiminie chuckled. "But I like the Honda!"

"I know! He's such an ass."
