Chapter 26 - A Typical Day, A Typical Life

I woke up to noise downstairs and I looked over at the clock, seeing the time. It was late. I was surprised he let me sleep in, knowing that it was the weekend. He had come over suddenly yesterday night, announcing loudly that he's staying over for the weekend as he climbed up the stairs and crawled into bed to drape himself over me.

Having a hot water bottle next to me was nice.

I sat up and stretched my aching body - groaning as my ancient bones clicked and cracked. Running a hand through my hair as I got off the bed, I climbed down the stairs to find the love of my life at the kitchen - busy whipping up breakfast while listening to some pop music over the radio.

He was wearing the apron, showing off his broad shoulders and tiny waist. It was a good look on him. He hasn't heard me coming down either. Smiling at that view, I took a seat at the counter, resting my arms on the marble top so I could watch him work freely.

The way the soft sunlight shone against him, making him glow like the angel that he was - highlighting the creases of his shirt and giving his back more depth to the power that he holds. I watched as the way the sunlight illuminated his every movement - gentle yet precise.

His veiny hands doing good work whipping up some eggs to make scrambled eggs - pouring onto a heated pain with a sizzle. He moved across the kitchen with ease - knowing where everything was kept and it made me realise just how long he had been staying here with me.

With the eggs done, the toaster dinged and brought up four slices of toasts where he took them out to start buttering them up. Next, he got the sausages into the pan and while they were sizzling, he got the cups out before bringing them to the most right where the coffee machine was.

I watched as he made coffee before turning around to place one cup in front of me, raising an eyebrow before turning back around to deal with the sausages. Laughing, I took a sip of coffee and it brought a smile to my face.

"Why didn't you say anything if you're here, baby?"

"I just want to look at you, bub."

"Just because?"

"Just because."

He glanced over his shoulder with an inquisitive look on his face. "Your hair has gotten longer," he said. "Are you going to keep it longer? Like till your butt?"


He placed two plates across the table, with equal share of eggs, sausages, beans and toasts before he took off the apron to sit down in front of me. He touched my hair, running his hand down the length as if deciding something.

"You look hot, baby."

My jaw dropped open at his sudden statement and he gave me a serene smile, showing off his dimples before he started digging into his breakfast.

"You can't just drop this suddenly," I blanched.

"Why not?" he argued. "I didn't get to do that before so I'll start doing it now. I'll do it so often that you'll get used to it."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

He smiled.


One peaceful evening, while I was watching a drama on television and sipping on a cup of blood, the keypad beeped and the door slammed open with a loud bang. I turned towards the noise, surprised at the sudden strength.

It was Jiminie and he was lugging a large luggage into the apartment with a thunderous expression on his face. I sipped more blood as I watched as he let out an angry sigh before he looked up at me; our eyes locking in place.

He noticed the cup in my hand and closed the distance between us, wanting to grab the cup for a drink but I pulled it back from his reach.

"Wha -"

"It's not wine," I said firmly.

"I'm gonna let that slide," he said as he doubled back to the kitchen to get himself a glass of wine. "What are you watching?"

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," he replied.

"Okay," I said. "Have you eaten?"

"No, can we order in?"

"Sure baby."

I was browsing through my phone while we were cuddling in bed, he was lying on top of me, his face next to my neck and the screen changed to a phone call, seeing his mother's name popping up on screen. That took her a few hours, I noted as I accepted the call.

"Where is he?" she demanded.

"Why hello there, it's nice to finally call me," I answered pleasantly. "You need to be more specific than that."

"I'm talking about my son!" she yelled.

"He's safe with me, if you're asking," I replied.

"You've kidnapped him!" she yelled. "I'm gonna report you to the police!"

"Taeyeon, he's safe," I saidin confusion. "He came here on his own."

"Like hell I care!" she yelled.

"Are you gonna report him missing after 6 hours?" I asked quizzically. "Taeyeon, is everything okay? What's happening to you?"

"No! I'm gonna tell them that you've kidnapped him!" she yelled. "You stole my baby from his home! You're a vile person! Why would he go to you?"

"No, I don't know why he went to me instead," I said softly, my other hand buried in his hair. "Do you hate me that much, Taeyeon? Why would you hate me? Did I do anything to upset you?"

She kept quiet for a few seconds.

"Give me my son back!"

"He's an adult, he's free to make his own decision," I replied. "I didn't force him to come here. You must've done something to make him leave home abruptly. He has never done this before. What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" she cried out.

My patience was running thin. "You must've done -"

Jiminie moved and grabbed the phone from my hand to put it on his ear. "Mother, I would appreciate it if you'd stop harassing my girlfriend," he spoke. "You gave me an ultimatum and I chose it. Live your life with your boyfriend. Good luck."

With that, he cut off the call and blocked her number on everything before returning the phone to me. Without another word, he dropped his head back down and fell asleep not a minute after.

What is happening?

His mother had changed so abruptly that it makes me wonder how. The person we'd been dealing with for the past twenty years just regressed and disappeared into someone full of hate.

This was worrying me.


I woke up dreamless to find that we had swapped places during the night and he was already awake, playing around with my mobile phone with a look of concentration on his face.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I snuggled closer to him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Checking your twitter," he said. "You don't really use it at all."


"I told you to use it! I made it pretty too," he complained. "You can type whatever you're thinking. Any inconvenience that has happened."

"I don't think I would want to broadcast that to the world, little one."

"I mean on your private account," he explained. "It's just me and Jaemin who follows you. Who posts for you on the official account?"

"Sometimes it's Sebastian, sometimes my PR team posts on my behalf," I replied. "I don't really know how social media works."

He chuckled. "You're ancient alright."


"No, it's a good thing," he replied.

"Why is it a good thing?"

"Less competition."

I looked up quickly at him, surprised at his answer but his facial expression did not reveal much. I was surprised at his words, I didn't peg him as the type to get jealous easily. I've begun to think that I don't know him well.

"There's no competition to worry about," I replied.

"No but you're the CEO of a lot of companies and I'm … a potato."

"Don't ever compare yourself to a potato, I'm hurt!" I pointed out. "You're my human! You don't know how I see you."

"You've been seeing me through rose coloured eyes ever since we knew each other, baby," he said as he patted my back. "Of course you'd find me attractive and kind and all of that."

"That's a given-"

"Baby, I'm just a human," he said. "You're one of the Seven Emperors. You're like the King."

"No, I'm the Queen and you're the King," I corrected him. "You're MY King. If anyone says otherwise I'm gonna bury them."

"Are you sure you're supposed to use your powers and authority like that?"

"It's not like I ever buried anyone alive," I said. "Most of my threats are harmless."

He chuckled. "You know when a threat comes from the most powerful and influential person, it has an effect on the person," he explained. "Even though your threats are harmless, it isn't for the person."

"It's to let them know when they fuck up," I said. "And only when they fucked up royally."

He made a humming sound and began playing around with my hair. Feeling his fingers running through my hair was calming and blissful, it was a good feeling. I let out a sigh, this was a moment that will stay with me for the longest time.

He stopped suddenly and I let out a confused sound, wanting him to continue but he didn't even after a few minutes of waiting so I sought out his hand blindly, earning a laugh from him as I dragged his hand back to my head.

"Ugh, continue!"

"Okay, baby."
