Episode 8 - Turn In Events

As Sehun was walking back to his dorm room, he saw Baekhyun being chased by someone. His eyes widened as he knew exactly who it was. He ran after the two and pushed his brother to the ground, punching him in the face.

"Oh look who it is," His brother taunted, punching Sehun in the face back.

Sehun stumbled back, but regained his balance quickly. He spat the blood in his mouth on the ground, glaring up at his brother.

"Don't be chasing after my friends if you want me," Sehun growled.

Chanyeol and Kai ran over to get Baekhyun to saftey. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's hand and ran inside the dorms with Kai.

Sehun was pulled back by Chanyeol and his brother was being held back by Chen. Both boys were shocked by how he was doing it.

Chen smirked a little before knocking him out.

"Chill out," Chen assured, "Even if I'm quiet, reserved, and a coward, I can be pretty intimidating too."

Chen grinned towards Sehun, making him look away. Chanyeol laughed. Sehun didn't want Chen glaring at him like he had at the café last night.

Sehun helped Chanyeol carry the guy to the office. The 5 boys explained what had happened, and who the boy was.

"It seems like you 5 boys are getting into some trouble lately," Mrs. Park, the school office secretary implied, "Once this boy wakes up, I will send him away. If he comes back, we will make sure he doesn't come back."

The boys nodded, heading back to their dorm to get ready for their next classes. Chanyeol had walked back to the dorm with Sehun. As the two boys walked inside, Sehun sighed.

Chanyeol looked at him.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sehun replied, "Just a little annoyed."

The two boys grabbed their stuff, heading to their first class, History. Mrs. Jung was the worst teacher in the school. That's what most people thought anyway.

Sehun and Chanyeol ran inside, sitting in their seats.


Chanyeol went to the toy store to hand in his résumé and cover letter. He went out of the store to see Kai walk out of the photography shop.

Chanyeol smiled, walking down the street towards Kai's house.

"You got the job?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yes I did," Kai replied

"That's awesome!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"Thanks Channie," Kai thanked.

"I have an idea."


"What if we invite the other 3 to me and Sehun's dorm for a sleepover since we have a break soon."

"That'd be awesome! I'll tell them!"

Kai went back to his place to get ready for the sleepover. He grabbed his phone and texted the other 3 boys, creating a group chat, adding Chanyeol as well.

Kawaii_Puppy: Guys, wanna come over for a sleepover at Chanyeol and Sehun's dorm?

Baekkie: Why not our dorm? Our dorm is the best!

Realpcy: Enough with you sass Baekhyun!

Baekkie: Yah, I'm older!

Kawaii_Puppy: Shut up!

Sehunnie: Let's do it at our dorm

Baekkie: Fine

Realpcy: Yay!

Baekkie: I wanted to sleep with Chanyeol!


Baekkie: But he's adorable!


Kawaii_Puppy: So are we going to their dorm?

Realpcy: Yes

Baekkie: Fine

Sehunnie: Yep!

PuppyJongdae: Yes!

Kawaii_Puppy: Jongdae?

PuppyJongdae: Chen is just a nickname. Jongdae is my real name

Kawaii_Puppy: Ah ok! See you guys there!

The 5 boys got off the chat and got ready for the sleepover at Chanyeol and Sehun's dorm room.

Kai got his stuff on and grabbed his stuffed wolf his friend Taemin got him for his birthday. He grabbed his blanket and headed to their dorm room.

As he walked down the hall, he saw Baekhyun run into their room. He chuckled, waiting for Baekhyun to change and grab his stuff.

Baekhyun grabbed his blanket, pillow, changing into a comfortable sweater and jogging pants. He exits the room, shutting the door, walking beside Kai towards the others dorm.

Chen had ran in between the two boys, causing Baekhyun to yell obnoxiously.

"Yah!" Baekhyun shouted, "Why'd you do that!?!"

"I want to see your reaction," Chen teased.

'Great, I feel like I'm a third wheel for these 4 lovebirds. Ah well. I'll be 'Friend A' for each couple!' Kai thought.

The 3 boys walked into the dorm, shutting the door, starting to set up for the sleepover.

There are times I wish these days would last forever.