My mind has always been one
to talk in symbols;
weird, abstract scenes.
Faces I'm not sure I've ever seen.
Stories I've never heard.
Ideas I've never been exposed to.
Somewhere, buried deep
into the darker corners of my mind
were countless shapes,
curves, shadows-
all trying to tell a story.
Everything always shifted around,
I don't quite know how to put it to words-
somehow like gears inside a clock tower.
I always saw patterns,
always thought ahead.
Then came anxiety.
The panic attacks.
The overthinking.
The fear of everything around you.
The emotional outbursts.
The depression...
The bright analytical mind
burns itself down,
falls at its own hand, slowly.
Often times, the price to pay
for sanity is greater than
what intelligence can afford
All these brilliant people,
eaten up inside
by their own thoughts.
Depressive episodes.
Sleep paralysis.
Fears, rational and irrational,
taking up what's left of your mind.
All the countless times you lay there in bed
with only giving up on your mind,
all the times all you wanted was to quit,
to avoid everything-
because you understood none of it.
because none of it made sense.
because this shouldn't be happening to you.
Voices in your head
all contradicting,
all screaming something,
but nothing makes sense.
one day,
everything changes.
in the middle of a breakdown,
it hits you:
"why am I doing this?"
you start to notice the pattern.
you never took control of your mind.
you never used the power of your mind.
all you did was let thoughts flow.
All the demons,
all the fears
slowly fade back
into the dark moor
they once came from-
you start to recognize
what you feel,
it all comes together.
the voices in your head
finally start making sense,
you can breathe again;
...but the anxiety is still there.
you start to question it,
looking for answers in everything around you.
All these visions,
all these dreams,
all these daggers in your soul
that you can't remove...
sometimes the answer
is best kept a secret,
to find who is really willing
to dedicate a lifetime to it.
walk down that path,
it's a test of faith.
trust it,
and you will slowly come to understand.
along the way you'll find
the ones that help
you make sense
of your life.
The ones that have the explanations
to all questions unanswered.
the world is in your hands.
long as you choose
love over hate,
peace over chaos
patience over fear,
and kindness over ego-
the world will continue
to unravel itself
in your palms,
and leave gifts
in your heart.
many eyes watch over you...
many hearts wish you well.
many hands will hold you,
in tears, in joy, in pain...
long as you trust.
the reaper stands
at your door,
your confusion growls.
"but i've been so good,
i've tried my best to live,
i've been kind to
all whom i've seen,
all this,
and why me?"
you fall to tears.
lost in shades
of thought
and emotion..
when all things seem
to come to an end,
learn that it's only fear
testing your faith.
Brace yourself.
Let the reaper howl.
Let the reaper
test your sow,
Let the reaper take
all that you have.
Let yourself be pushed.
Let yourself fall to the ground.
Get back up.
Fight again and again.
There's no end to your strength.
No end to your passion.
No end to your flame.
No end to your existence.
Not today.
Push the reaper back
to the darkness where
he belongs
Take your dreams
to the people
that speak their language,
take your heart
and put it into theirs.
Trust in the work
of their hands.
and you shall find a way
through tears,
through fear,
long as you trust.