Chapter 4

There are so many things that are going through my head. I still have a lot of questions that remain unanswered. I know that I have to do something.

"Colby honey, are you okay?"

Aunt zild held my arms to check on me. I am silent all the time I was driving.

"Yeah, so..sorry. I was just thinking."

"You'll be okay. Trust me." She smiled at me.

"I know that it's been tough, but everything will be fine." She really knows how to make me calm. I don't know if when this stops, but all thanks to aunt zild that she's always been here to support me."

I am driving to the mall cause earlier aunt zild invited me to have lunch at our favorite restaurant. It's almost lunch and after we'll go to the department store to buy some stuffs.

We are outside of the mall so I drop aunt zild at the entrance, cause there is no parking space so I let her to go first at the restaurant for reservations.

I drive through the entrance of the parking lot. There is a BMW that is about to leave. I'm just patiently waiting for this car to leave. The car leaves and someone from behind me takes over. A 2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT just over take and steal my spot.

"What the heck? It's my spot."

A tall and long-haired man went out of the car. He looked at my car and smirked. I felt angry and go out of the car, but I didn't cause I don't want to make a scene. He's already an old man. I watched him walk away. I looked around another car leaves. I immediately took that spot. My phone rings and I answer it.

"Colby? Where are you? I am already in the restaurant. I will wait for you here."

"Okay aunt zild."

She hangs up the phone and I go out of the car.

I am now inside the restaurant. I looked around and saw aunt zild sitting near the counter, waving at me.

"What took you so long?"

I sat in front of her and see what's on the menu

"Parking lot is full so I find a place where to park the car."

The guy in black and white uniform approached us.

"Good day ma'am sir, can I get your order please?"

Aunt zild wore her eyeglasses.

"Ahm. Give us... Colby what do you want?"

"You go first, I am still deciding."

"Ah, I'll order one chicken salad with ranch dressing, one tortellini and a less iced-pink lemonade. Colby, what's your order?"

I still can't decide. I've been eating a lot this past few days and I'm gaining weight, but who cares? I love to eat.

"One smoke baby back ribs with garlic rice, blueberry cheese cake and one Kinnu winter punch."

The guy restates our order and all set.

After fifteen minutes of waiting our orders has arrived. By merely looking at the steams coming out of the food makes mouth watering. The waiter laid the food on our table.

Yes, I'm a food body, even if I eat a lot I don't get big right away.

"All orders are in ma'am, anything you would like to add?"

"Nothing, thank you!"

I sliced the meat from the bones. It's so soft and tender. Wow!

"By the way, Doctor Gomez will set up an appointment next week. Are you okay with it?"

I nodded cause I don't want to ruin the mood. We don't talk too much while we're eating, cause she taught me not to talk when eating. Table manners 101.

After we finished our lunch, we went to the department store.

"Colby, I will just go to the ladies section. Do you want to come?"

"No, I will just look around. Text me when you're done."

I don't want to go to the ladies section, cause ladies take their time to shop and it took a hundred years before they decided to buy things. So I just look around to see if I can buy anything. I saw a bookstore and went inside.

There are only a few people here. I walked around to check some books. I am a fan of reading mystery and crime related books. I easily got hooked up with Sherlock Holmes. I went to the fiction section. I love how he solves a crime. It reminds me of my father. He was a detective back then, but he got killed in an operation and after that everything has changed.

"You really love to block someone's way huh? Junior."

I turned back, cause I heard that voice again and my eyes were shocked and opened wide. I see her hazel eyes again.

"You are staring again?"

Damn. Why do I always get stuck whenever we meet. I closed my eyes.

"I- I.. Am sorry." I stepped aside and give way to her. She looked at me. She really has a beautiful eye and the next thing happen, she move a little closer to me. I can feel the books in the shelf. She's really close to me like a few inches from face. My heart beats so fast, so I closed my eyes. I can smell her. She smells so good.

I feel that I am almost a minute standing here while my eyes are closed. I decided to open my eyes. I slowly open my one eye and the other. Where is she? I looked around to see where she is at. I checked the other sections, but she's gone. Is that really her or I was just imagining it? Maybe her father is the flash that's why she moved so fast or I was just standing there for a long time.

Whenever I think of it, I feel so embarrassed. I looked so weird. Another emabarassing moment will be added to my list. My phone vibrated. Aunt messaged me.

"Colby, I am finished buying stuffs. I'll be waiting outside."

I started walking but I feel something is hard on my shoes. I lift my foot and saw something shiny. I picked it up and its a bracelet. A necklace with a rectangular piece of silver pendant in it. I look at the back and see the engraved word "forever" that is written in cursive form. I looked around, but no one is there.

"Whose necklace is this?"

My phone vibrated again.

"Colby, where were you? Let's go home. NOW!"

I kept the bracelet in my pocket. I can see my aunt's face. She will get pissed if I won't go now. I will just find the owner, but not today.