Chapter 7


He snapped at my face to catch my attention.


I rolled my eyes and went back to reading.

"You've been looking around for a while, who are you looking for?"


He raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Really? If I know, you're waiting for Heidi Kidman! Am I-"

I covered his mouth because someone might hear us in this library. There are more people here than the other days. Then I whispered,

"Shh! Can you lower your voice even for a while?"

He nodded and I let him go.

"That's why you're dragging me here in the library because you are waiting for her?"

I glared at him with my eyebrows pulled down together.

"Okay, okay, I get it"

He frowned with his arms raised in surrender.

"Look man, it's been a week ago, since we ate at the restaurant. She already explained to us about the necklace, then what do you still want from her?"

"I know but,"

"Hmmm... Do you have a crush on her?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my! You do? This is a big news to tell. The ex of the soon president has finally dating another gorgeous woman."

Shh! The girl from the other table shuts Donald. Yes, we were here everyday, having hopes that she might be here. I have so many questions to her. But she's not around. I haven't seen her around the school since then.

"You're right, I am waiting for her. But not to ask her out. I want to ask her things about dreams. She said that she has been reading a lot of books about dreams. So, I was thinking that she might help me to understand this weird dreams."

He nodded.

"And besides, she said that there is an emergency happened last time. I was wondering if she's okay."

He smiled like teasing.

"Hmm... You really don't like her? I mean, it's been a year since your last relationship. I guess Heidi would be perfect for you."

I throw the book in his face, but he was able to dodge it.


The bell rings. It's a warning call for our next subject.

"Cole, let's go now. We don't want to get punished again."

We moved fast, cause Mr. Richardson don't want his students to get late in his class or else, we'll do a 100 pushups as a punishment.

We ran as fast as we could. The gym is located at the second building far from the building of the library. I am running out of air and energy. My left ankle is hurting so bad. I looked to Donald and it seems that it's too easy for him. Aside from being the paparazzi in this university, Donald is also an athlete of track and field that's why no wonder he moves so fast. Sometimes, I call him the flash. He's ahead of me.

"Come one Colby! Run faster!"

The door is about to close, but Donald ran faster and stopped it. I managed to run behind him.

"Whew, that was close."

We just got here on time. Our classmates are all here. There are no other students in the gym except for Mr. Richardson's class. This gym is the main gymnasium at this university where most of the basketball and volleyball championships are held.

"Cole are you okay?"

Donald escorted me to the bench. I think I'm going to pass out. My ankle is hurting. I am catching my breath heavily and my sweats are dripping from my head down my whole body.

"Are you okay, Mr. De Ville?"

Asked by the tall and fit man.

I took a deep breath and calm myself a bit. I massaged my ankle.

"Ye-yes sir" and thumbs up.

Donald handed me his tumbler. I almost drank all of it. I am a bit light headed and my ankle hurts, but I'm still good. I relax my foot a bit.

We heard the whistle and everyone stopped from their doing. All eyes are on him.

"Okay, listen! As what I've said last meeting, you will be grouping four teams to play basketball. Four teams for boys and four for girls. But this morning, only two teams of boys are playing. The team A and C, the rest of the team B and D you'll play tomorrow. But now, please go up in the benches."

We are twenty four boys in this class and we are divided into four. So, we are six of us in a team.

"My Girls, don't you worry cause, you will also have your turn next week. But for now, please head to the bench and cheer for the boys. Is that okay girls?"

All the girls answered him in chorus.

"Yess, sssir!"

And then he winked at them. They are all blushing and smiling flirtatiously. All of them really likes him. They are lured with his looks. The girls went up to the bench.

"Boys, you know already your teams right? The team A's captain in Gulliver together with his team members, Zachary, Tristan, Bryce, Aaron and Sam."

They walked in the middle and have cheered by the girls. Gulliver is one of the great players here in the Northern East University. Also, his friends Zach, Tristan, Bryce, Aaron and Sam. They are all varsity players.

I heard Shin whispered, "This is not fair."

I can feel him. It was as if we were being fed by hungry crocodiles.

"And the team C, please come over."

We stand and walked in the middle.

"Team C's captain is James. Together with his team members, Donald, Shin, Jack, Chris and Colby."

We don't get the same cheer compared to them. But I can hear them cheering for James. He is the best point guard here in the university. I heard that he has so many offers to join the other university.

Basically, James is the only varsity of basketball in our team. Donald is a track and field athlete. I know Shin is a chess player. I don't know Chris and Jack plays and definitely I don't play basketball anymore since I got injured during play in high school. My left ankle got injured and since then I did not play again.

"Players! We'll start in 10 minutes!"

We gathered at the side bench. James takes the lead.

"Does all of you knows the play of basketball?"

We nodded.

"Great. I know it's not fair that Gulliver's team is all varsity players"

He comes closer

"They are great players, but when it comes to team work and strategy they actually sucks. Especially now that I am not there."

He's a bit boastful, but he's way better than Gulliver.

"But it doesn't mean that we must not be complacent. You know that they are all varsity in which they have the experience."

He looked at us.

"But I know that we can do it. I will be the point guard, I will assist you and if given the chance to pass it to me. I'll be guarding Gulliver."

I looked at Gulliver. They are not discussing hence they are just laughing and sitting with confidence.

"Chris you'll be the shooting guard."

He reacted.

"What? I only shoot with guns."

We all looked at him in shock

"I know. You're into shooting sports, but I believe in your shooting skills, it's just that this time in basketball. You'll be guarding Tristan."

Then he looked at Donald.

"Donald you'll be the small forward. I know you can move fast. It's easier for you to steal and shoot the ball. Put your eye on Zach."

Donald smiled at me.

"Jack you'll be the power forward. I know you got this. You'll take care of Aaron."

Then he looked at me.

"Since you are the tallest here you'll be the center."

"But I can't play now, my ankle still hurts as we ran here earlier. Maybe Shin can be the center cause he's the second tallest member here."

Donald reacted, but James cut him off.

"Okay, Shin you'll be the center. Just block their center, Bryce or Sam, its either of them."

He points Jack.

"Both of you must work together. If ever you'll have the chance to block, then jump higher then rebound and get the ball."

Mr. Richardson blow his whistle.

"1 minute left"

"Guys, always look at the ball. Don't hesitate to steal and shoot the ball. I will not be expecting a lot from you, but please do your best and the most important is enjoying the game."

He's so nice to us. He's too different from Gulliver. He put his hands and all of our hands. He mouthed 1, 2 ,3

"Team C!"

"Okay we'll start now. Players position"

They went to the middle of the court. I stayed on the bench. I saw Sam on the other side. They all position themselves. Mr. Richardson stands between Shin and Bryce.

He blows his whistle and throw the ball up. Shin and Bryce jump, but Bryce managed and tapped it to Zach. Zach got the ball and dribbles it. He tries to run fast, but Donald is faster. Zach passed the ball to Tristan. Tristan got the ball and shoot it. They got the first point. Girls are cheering them. I saw Chris saying sorry to James.

It's their turn. Donald is holding the ball and passes to James. In a blink of an eye, he shoots the ball. Point for us. I can see Gulliver glared at James but James just smiled at him.

Gulliver holds the ball now. He seems angry while looking at James. He dribbles it and ran. James is good at guarding, but Gulliver faked a shoot, then pass the ball to Aaron and to Aaron he passes it to Bryce. Shin is blocking him, but Bryce was able to dunk it to the ring. Shin got hit on his jaw and fell down.

James shouted foul, "Foul sir!"

But sir, didn't see it and did not foul Bryce. James seems pissed. Donald went to him and pat his head. Shin stood up and he's still okay.

The game is still on and I am surprised that even though they are not a varsity of basketball, they manage to play with them. James is really a good team captain. He really knows the strategy to block and beat them. Donald plays great as well as Chris. James is right, Chris can shoot the ball even in three point line. But they are targeting Jack and Shin. Shin has been hit many times as well as Jack. It's hard to see them struggling, but I can't play.

They are now in the last quarter of the game. The point now is 45-39. Gulliver's team takes the lead with six points. James calls for time out.

"Come here guys"

I gave them water and towels. Everyone is tired.

"This is the last quarter, I know we can do this, but keep on pushing to do your best. Shin and Jack keep your guard up. Donald tries to steal if you can and Chris, I will pass the ball to you and go outside to shoot in the three point line okay? If you can't pass it down to me. Okay? 1, 2, 3,"

"Team C!"

"Good luck guys you can do it."

The ball is on us. Donald dribbling the ball and passed to James and then James passed the ball to Chris. Chris side step and shoot the ball for three. Suddenly the ball bounced outside of the ring. Shin and Bryce stand to rebound, but Bryce elbowed Shin before he jumped. He fell on the ground. He was beaten on his nose and it caused him to bleed.

Mr. Richardson calls for a foul. James and Donald went to check Shin. He seems that he got hit badly. Full of blood running through his nose and mouth down to his shirt. Jack then went to Bryce to punch him, but James stopped him. I saw him whispering to him. Aaron and Gulliver went to Bryce. Gulliver smiled at Bryce.

"Coach, Shin can't play. We'll have Coby to subtitute to him" Donald said.

"Boys! Escort Shin to the clinic"

The boys on the bench helped Shin and escorted him.

James went to me.

"Colby, we don't have any choice. You'll be the center."

Before Shin went out of the gym, he hold my hands and said,

"Do it and fight for me."

Then they brought Shin out. Bryce has fouled out of the game and Sam substitute to him.

I can't waste Shin's sacrifice. I stepped out on the court and takes over the position of Shin.

"Last 5 minutes!"

James shouted at us "Guys, it's now or never!" Then we all positioned.

Donald is holding the ball. He was guarded by Zach. In a split of seconds, Zach steals the ball. We run down at their court. I positioned behind Sam. I am taller than Sam, but some is bigger than me. Zach passes the ball to Tristan and passed it to Gulliver. Gulliver attacked inside to shoot but I moved fast and blocked him. I blocked the ball and it bounces to James. I saw that Gulliver is shocked and fierce. James then ran to our ring and shoot the ball for three. The ball shoots in the ring. Three points left.

"Guys three minutes left!"

Gulliver dribbles the ball. He crossed over to James and he is about to shoot and he fakes it. He passed the ball to Bryce. I guard him as he dribbles the ball Donald steals it from him. He's shocked and Donald throws the ball at our ring where Chris is waiting. Chris gets the ball and laid up and the ball shoots in the ring.

Donald and James ran to him and hugged him.

"Nice one Chris!" Jack shouted. I turned around and see their angry faces. We are tied.

Mr. Richardson yelled, "Last 1 minute"

Gulliver calls for time out.


James called us.

"Guys, this is it. They are probably panicking right now. Since we are here now, why don't we give our best shot to this. So here's the plan, I will steal the ball from them. Donald you will guard Gulliver and I will pass it to Chris. Jack you will cover him up while I will try to guard Zach. Colby, just stay under the ring. Let's go! 1, 2, 3"

"Team C!"

We already positioned ourselves. Gulliver holds the ball. He points his fingers as a sign. When he's about to dribble, James steals the ball so fast. Donald then guards Gulliver. Then Chris positioned. James passed the ball to him. Tristan is blocking Chris. Chris took a sidestep and shoot the ball. We thought that the ball will shoot, but it bounces in the ring. Bryce is looking at me, so as I. We looked up and jumped. I rebounded the ball first and dunk it. I am hangging in the ring like a monkey. It feels so good up here again. Then we heard the whistle which ends the game.

I jumped down and my ankle hurts so bad. I sat on the floor and took off my shoes. Donald, James, Chris and Jack went with me.

"Cole!!! Nice one!!!"

They pat my head and carried me to the bench.

"Guys, nice game! I actually thought that we'll lose but surprisingly, we won against them. I'm sorry if I doubted you guys."

We looked at James.

"It's fine, We all doubted ourselves. I don't even know how to shoot a ball, but thanks to you James."

Chris hugged James.

"At least now, we know that we can make things possible if we just believe."

We all laugh.

"You're too dramatic Jack. But seriously, thank you guys. I might recommend you to our coach."

"We'll think about it."

Mr. Richardson came to us.

"Congratulations guys, you have managed to defeat our basketball varsity players and dor that expect a high grade from me. Congrats again"

He winked and left us.

"Okay class! Dismissed!"

Gulliver throws the ball and leave the gym together with his friends.

"Guys, I know Gulliver, he can't accept defeat so I advised that you take care of yourselves. They might get revenge"

I know Gulliver ever since. He's right, he really can't accept defeat.

"I am hungry guys, let's go out eat and celebrate!"

We all agreed with Donald.

"Ah Donald, I will check on Shin in the clinic first. You go ahead. I will go and have my ankle checked too."

"Are you sure Cole?"

I nodded.

"Okay, but give me a call if ever you need help."

"Okay, okay, go now."

We went outside of the gym and have parted our ways. I went to the old building near the gym to check on Shin. I am not okay cause my ankle still hurts. I walked slowly and carefully. The weather is not good today. Cold and windy. The sky is gray and looks like it's about to rain.

I entered the old building. There are a few students here. It's old and there's no classroom here except for clinic and other offices. It's so silent here. I went to the second floor where the clinic locates then I knocked on the door. I opened it and I see Miss Evans, the school nurse.

"Colby what are you doing here" ,she asked.

"Ah, I was just visiting Shin Lee. Is he here?"

"Oh, his parents went here and picked him up to send him on the hospital."


I walk and she noticed it.

"Are you hurt? Sit here"

I sat down and showed my ankle. My ankle is swollen and red. She immediately gets the ice pack and put it to my ankle.

"What happened to this?"


She raised her eyebrows

"That man!"

I can see her angry reaction. After she gave me the aid, I said goodbye and went outside. I felt relief because of the ice and pain killer that she has given to me.

It's already six in the afternoon and it's raining too. I went down and called Donald to pick me up.

"Look who's here?"

I turned my back and saw Gulliver and his friends.

The phone is ringing and I just leave it. I can see that they are holding a piece of wood.

"What do you want?"

They all laugh

"Nothing, I just want to give this to you."

He hit me in the face. I fell down to the ground. Everything is blurred and dark.

"Hey, what are you doing to him?"

That's the last thing I heard and I blacked out.