When they reached home Amy said,yawning," OK guys! Good night. Meet you all tomorrow." Ed said,"Tomorrow. Bye!" And they all went on their ways. Entering the apartment Archie banged the door shut far too loud than necessary. Em sighed and said,"What is up with you Archie? You are not your usual self." Archie said gritting his teeth,"Nothing, I just don't trust that Paul guy." Everyone looked at each other and then smiled sadly at Archie. Em said,"Archie you also know that Paul is a great Guy. So stop with this whining already." Archie just huffed at that and Em got enraged a lot at that and snapped at Archie,"Don't you dare give me the cold shoulder treatment or God forbid, you know what I'll do and instead of criticizing and blaming others, man up and accept your feelings, you asshole."

Archie's eyes widened at that , he opened his mouth and then closed it again just like a fish. Em continued,"I'm really sleepy. The booze is taking its effect. So good night." Everybody retreated to their rooms and Archie sat down on the sofa, 'THINKING'. Archie was too puzzled and could not understand a thing. He couldn't understand himself. It was all too confusing for him.

The next day Amy woke up at 9 and got ready in her denim jeans , converses and a sleeveless white crop top. She went on her way to her friend's flat. She pressed the doorbell twice and was greeted by a very weary looking Archie. She gave him a confusing look. He ushered her inside and they both sat in the living room. Amy looked around and asked,"Where are the others?" Archie just shrugged and said,"Sleeping. We drank too much last night." Amy made an oh face and then suddenly looked at Archie and said,"How are you up then?" Archie sighed and said,"Couldn't sleep." Amy wanted to ask why but seeing Archie's mood thought the better of it and said,"Alright. I'll make some tea and breakfast for everyone" and she got up and made her way towards the kitchen. Archie followed her saying,"I'll help."

The kitchen was small but modern. Amy opened the fridge. There was milk, eggs and many other things. Amy asked Archie,"Do you people have teabags?" Archie though for a moment and then said,"I guess not." Amy sighed and said,"Then I'll go buy teabags and also you are out of bread. I'm thinking of making eggs. You wait here and I'll be right back"

Before Archie could protest Amy dashed through the kitchen and left the flat waving at him. Archie smiled a little and looked out of the kitchen window.

After a while when Amy reached the ground floor and was making her way towards the super market, a group of boys surrounded her. Archie who was panicking at the sight, at once dashed down for her help.

Amy looked at the boy in front of her and smiled sweetly saying,"Do you need any help?" All the boys laughed at that and the head of the boys said," Yeah! Maybe you could give us an insight that how a freak like you were able to become the manager of the Archie's band?" Amy smiled and said,"I know that no matter what I tell you, you wont believe it. So no point in discussing. By the way, if you'll excuse me, I have some shopping to do."

The same boy glared at her and came forward. Amy maintained her cool demeanor and closed her eyes.